Job 36:1-33

  • Elihu extols God’s unsearchable greatness (1-33)

    • Obedient prosper; godless rejected (11-13)

    • ‘What instructor is like God?’ (22)

    • Job should magnify God (24)

    • “God is greater than we can know” (26)

    • God controls rain and lightning (27-33)

36  E·liʹhu continued:  2  “Be patient with me a little longer while I explain,For I still have words to speak on God’s behalf.  3  I will speak comprehensively about what I know,And I will ascribe righteousness to my Maker.+  4  Truly my words are not false;The One perfect in knowledge+ is here before you.  5  Indeed, God is mighty+ and rejects no one;He is great in his power of understanding.*  6  He will not preserve the lives of the wicked,+But he gives justice to the afflicted.+  7  He does not take his eyes off the righteous;+He enthrones them with kings,*+ and they are exalted forever.  8  But if they are bound in shacklesAnd caught in ropes of affliction,  9  He reveals to them what they have done,Their transgressions caused by their pride. 10  He opens their ears to correctionAnd tells them to turn away from wrongdoing.+ 11  If they obey and serve him,They will live out their days in prosperity,And their years will be pleasant.+ 12  But if they do not obey, they will perish by the sword*+And die without knowledge. 13  The godless* at heart will harbor resentment. They do not cry for help even when he binds them. 14  They die* while still young,+Spending* their life among male temple prostitutes.+ 15  But God* rescues the afflicted during their affliction;He opens their ear when they are oppressed. 16  He draws you away from the brink of distress+To a broad space, free of restriction,+With rich food on your table as consolation.+ 17  Then you will be satisfied with the judgment on the wicked,+When judgment is rendered and justice is upheld. 18  But take care that rage does not lead you into spitefulness,*+And do not let a large bribe lead you astray. 19  Would your cry for helpOr any of your strenuous efforts keep you from distress?+ 20  Do not long for the night,When people vanish from their place. 21  Beware that you do not turn to wrongdoing,Choosing this instead of affliction.+ 22  Look! God is exalted in his power;What instructor is like him? 23  Who has directed* his way+Or said to him, ‘What you have done is wrong’?+ 24  Remember to magnify his activity,+Of which men have sung.+ 25  All mankind has seen it,Mortal man looks on from a distance. 26  Yes, God is greater than we can know;+The number of his years is beyond comprehension.*+ 27  He draws up the drops of water;+They condense into rain from his mist; 28  Then the clouds pour it down;+They shower down upon mankind. 29  Can anyone understand the layers of clouds,The thundering from his tent?*+ 30  See how he spreads his lightning*+ over itAnd covers the depths* of the sea. 31  By these he sustains* the peoples;He gives them food in abundance.+ 32  With his hands he covers the lightning,And he directs it against its target.+ 33  His thunder tells about him,Even the livestock tell who* is coming.


Lit., “heart.”
Or possibly, “He enthrones kings.”
Or “by a weapon (missile).”
Or “apostate.”
Or “Their soul dies.”
Or possibly, “Ending.”
Lit., “He.”
Or “spiteful handclapping.”
Or possibly, “criticized; called him to account for.”
Or “is unsearchable.”
Lit., “booth.”
Lit., “light.”
Lit., “roots.”
Or possibly, “pleads the cause of.”
Or possibly, “what.”