Leviticus 2:1-16

  • The grain offering (1-16)

2  “ ‘Now if someone* presents a grain offering+ to Jehovah, his offering must be fine flour, and he should pour oil on it and put frankincense on it.+ 2  Then he will bring it to the sons of Aaron, the priests, and the priest will take a handful of the fine flour and oil and all its frankincense, and he will make it smoke as a token offering*+ on the altar, an offering made by fire of a pleasing* aroma to Jehovah. 3  Whatever is left of the grain offering belongs to Aaron and his sons+ as something most holy+ from Jehovah’s offerings made by fire. 4  “ ‘If you present a grain offering that has been baked in the oven, it should be of fine flour, unleavened ring-shaped loaves mixed with oil or unleavened wafers spread with oil.+ 5  “ ‘If your offering is a grain offering from the griddle,+ it should be of fine, unleavened flour mixed with oil. 6  It should be broken into pieces, and you are to pour oil on it.+ It is a grain offering. 7  “ ‘If your offering is a grain offering prepared in a pan, it should be made of fine flour with oil. 8  You should bring the grain offering that was made of these to Jehovah, and it will be presented to the priest, who will bring it near to the altar. 9  And the priest will lift off some of the grain offering as a token offering*+ and make it smoke on the altar as an offering made by fire of a pleasing* aroma to Jehovah.+ 10  What is left of the grain offering belongs to Aaron and his sons as something most holy of Jehovah’s offerings by fire.+ 11  “ ‘No grain offering that you present to Jehovah should be leavened,+ for you must not make any sourdough or honey smoke as an offering made by fire to Jehovah. 12  “ ‘You may present them to Jehovah as an offering of the firstfruits,+ but they must not be brought to the altar as a pleasing* aroma. 13  “ ‘Every grain offering you make is to be seasoned with salt; and you must not allow the salt of the covenant of your God to be missing from your grain offering. Along with every offering of yours, you will present salt.+ 14  “ ‘If you present the grain offering of the first ripe fruits to Jehovah, you should present new grain* roasted with fire, coarsely crushed new kernels, as the grain offering of your first ripe fruits.+ 15  You are to put oil on it and place frankincense on it. It is a grain offering. 16  The priest will make it smoke as a token offering,*+ that is, some of the coarse grain and oil along with all its frankincense, as an offering made by fire to Jehovah.


Or “a soul.”
Or “as a memorial (representative) portion of it.”
Or “appeasing; soothing.” Lit., “restful.”
Or “appeasing; soothing.” Lit., “restful.”
Or “as a memorial (representative) portion of it.”
Or “appeasing; soothing.” Lit., “restful.”
Or “present green ears.”
Or “as a memorial (representative) portion of it.”