Psalms 127:1-5

  • Without God, everything in vain

    • “Unless Jehovah builds the house” (1)

    • Children, a reward from God (3)

A Song of the Ascents. Of Solomon. 127  Unless Jehovah builds the house,It is in vain that its builders work hard on it.+ Unless Jehovah guards the city,+It is in vain that the guard stays awake.   It is in vain that you rise up early,That you stay up late,That you toil for your food,Since he provides for his loved ones while giving them sleep.+   Look! Sons* are an inheritance from Jehovah;+The fruit of the womb is a reward.+   Like arrows in the hand of a mighty man,So are the sons of one’s youth.+   Happy is the man who fills his quiver with them.+ They will not be put to shame,For they will speak with enemies in the city gate.


Or “Children.”