Psalms 132:1-18

  • David and Zion chosen

    • “Do not reject your anointed one” (10)

    • Zion’s priests clothed with salvation (16)

A Song of the Ascents. 132  O Jehovah, remember DavidAnd all his suffering;+  2  How he swore to Jehovah,How he vowed to the Powerful One of Jacob:+  3  “I will not go into my tent, my home.+ I will not lie upon my couch, my bed;  4  I will not allow my eyes to sleep,Nor my eyelids to slumber  5  Until I find a place for Jehovah,A fine residence* for the Powerful One of Jacob.”+  6  Look! We heard about it in Ephʹra·thah;+We found it in the fields of the forest.+  7  Let us come into his residence;*+Let us bow down at his footstool.+  8  Rise up, O Jehovah, to come to your resting-place,+You and the Ark of your strength.+  9  May your priests be clothed with righteousness,And may your loyal ones shout joyfully. 10  For the sake of David your servant,Do not reject* your anointed one.+ 11  Jehovah has sworn to David;He will surely not go back on his word: “One of your offspring,*I will place on your throne.+ 12  If your sons keep my covenantAnd my reminders that I teach them,+Their sons tooWill sit on your throne forever.”+ 13  For Jehovah has chosen Zion;+He has desired it for his dwelling place:+ 14  “This is my resting-place forever;Here I will dwell,+ for this is my desire. 15  I will richly bless it with provisions;I will satisfy its poor with bread.+ 16  Its priests I will clothe with salvation,+And its loyal ones will shout joyfully.+ 17  There I will make the strength* of David grow. I have prepared a lamp for my anointed one.+ 18  I will clothe his enemies with shame,But the crown* on his head will flourish.”+


Or “A grand tabernacle.”
Or “his grand tabernacle.”
Lit., “turn back the face of.”
Lit., “of the fruit of your womb.”
Lit., “horn.”
Or “diadem.”