Psalms 27:1-14

  • Jehovah, the stronghold of my life

    • Appreciation for God’s temple (4)

    • Jehovah cares even if parents do not (10)

    • “Hope in Jehovah” (14)

Of David. 27  Jehovah is my light+ and my salvation. Whom should I fear?+ Jehovah is the stronghold of my life.+ Whom should I dread?  2  When evil men attacked me to devour my flesh,+My adversaries and my enemies were the ones who stumbled and fell.  3  Though an army should set up camp against me,My heart will not fear.+ Though war should break out against me,Even then I will remain confident.  4  One thing I have asked from Jehovah​—⁠It is what I will look for​—⁠That I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life,+To gaze upon the pleasantness of JehovahAnd to look with appreciation* upon his temple.*+  5  For he will hide me in his shelter on the day of calamity;+He will conceal me in the secret place of his tent;+High on a rock he will place me.+  6  Now my head is high above my enemies who surround me;I will offer sacrifices at his tent with joyful shouting;I will sing praises* to Jehovah.  7  Hear me, O Jehovah, when I cry out;+Show me favor and answer me.+  8  Speaking for you, my heart has said: “Seek to find my face.” Your face, O Jehovah, I will seek to find.+  9  Do not hide your face from me.+ Do not turn your servant away in your anger. You are my helper;+Do not forsake me or leave me, my God of salvation. 10  Even if my own father and mother abandon me,+Jehovah himself will take me in.+ 11  Instruct me in your way, O Jehovah,+Lead me in the path of uprightness because of my foes. 12  Do not hand me over to my adversaries,*+For false witnesses have risen up against me,+And they threaten me with violence. 13  Where would I be if I did not have faithThat I would see Jehovah’s goodness in the land of the living?*+ 14  Hope in Jehovah;+Be courageous and strong of heart.+ Yes, hope in Jehovah.


Or “to look contemplatively.”
Or “sanctuary.”
Or “make music.”
Or “to the soul of my adversaries.”
Or possibly, “Surely I do have faith that I will see Jehovah’s goodness in the land of the living.”