We Need a Better World!

We Need a Better World!

“We are a world in turmoil,” stated António Guterres, secretary-general of the United Nations. Would you not agree?

The news is full of distressing reports

  • Disease and pandemics

  • Natural disasters

  • Poverty and hunger

  • Pollution and global warming

  • Crime, violence, and corruption

  • Wars

Clearly, we need a better world. A world where there is

  • Perfect health

  • Safety and security for everyone

  • Abundant food

  • A healthy environment

  • Justice for all

  • Global peace

What, though, do we mean when we speak of a better world?

What will happen to the world we live in now?

What can we do to live in a better world?

This issue of The Watchtower will explain the Bible’s comforting answers to these and related questions.