The Good News According to Jesus—⁠Behind the Camera

The Good News According to Jesus—⁠Behind the Camera

OCTOBER 1, 2024

 One of the most anticipated events for Jehovah’s Witnesses this year has been the release of Episode 1 of The Good News According to Jesus. Millions have already seen it. And it is only the first of 18 episodes! What is happening behind the scenes to make this video series possible, and how have you supported those efforts?

Caring for Cast and Crew

 At the Australasia branch, where most of the Good News series is being filmed, about 50 to 80 people are on set while each scene is shot. a Lunch, supper, and snacks are served to all cast and crew. Meals are planned well in advance. “We purchase food items from multiple suppliers so that we can obtain good quality ingredients at the best price,” explains Esther, who works in the Food Service Department. “And we constantly adjust our recipes to make sure we reduce waste.” Each day, we spend about four dollars (U.S.) per person on food.

 Our cast and crew need not only food but also protection. Protection from what? Sunny Australia enjoys many warm and clear days, but it also has high levels of ultraviolet radiation. To minimize the risk of exposure and to fight heat exhaustion, hardworking production assistants set up tents and cooling stations, and they make sure that sunscreen, umbrellas, and water are readily available. Kevin, who works with Audio/Video Services, explains: “Most of these production assistants are commuter Bethelites. They perform this and many other tasks humbly and joyfully. We could not accomplish this project without them.”

Filming on Location

 Some scenes cannot be effectively shot at the branch office, either on the back lot or in the studio. In such cases, the filming moves on location. In order to film ancient Biblical scenes where there are no power lines, paved roads, and modern housing, cast and crew often have to travel to remote areas. Their costumes, props, and equipment must be packed up, transported, and then securely stored at the filming site. Before filming begins, assistant production coordinators ensure that generators, clean drinking water, and restroom facilities are available. Cast and crew are accommodated at the homes of hospitable local Witnesses, in trailers, or in hotels or cabins.

Filming on location presents unique challenges

 Filming on location can be expensive, time-consuming, and exhausting for all involved. So, in 2023, the Governing Body approved the purchase of a 2.5-million-dollar (U.S.) video wall for virtual production. This technology uses high-resolution video screens and synchronized lighting to simulate the outdoors. As a result, we can often avoid costly on-location shooting. Darren, a member of the Australasia Branch Committee, explains: “Filming with a video wall reduces the fatigue of cast members and allows the crew to repeat certain shots. For example, if we were filming outdoors, we would have only a few minutes to capture a sunset before it disappears. But with a video wall, we can re-create a sunset as many times as we need to until we get the correct shot.”

Calibrating and testing the newly installed video wall before filming

“It Didn’t Feel Like a Sacrifice”

 Hundreds of cast members and many more crew are needed for each episode of the Good News series. How do they feel about all the efforts to care for them?

 Amber, who traveled over 700 kilometers (435 mi) from her home in Melbourne to participate in the project, wrote: “Right from my arrival at the airport, the brothers at Bethel took such good care of me. Many Bethelites invited me over for a meal or for tea. On set, everyone made me feel comfortable and loved. My trip was full of blessings. It didn’t feel like a sacrifice at all!”

 Derek works with the production team. He says: “So many departments have supported us right from the beginning. I feel grateful to have around me brothers and sisters who have sacrificed their time, resources, and energy for this project. They are supportive, willing, and kind. Jehovah has certainly blessed them and us. I am convinced that he cares not only about the result of our work but also how our work is accomplished.”

 Thank you for the support you have given to this video series by means of your donations, including those made via

a The Australasia branch office oversees our work in many countries, including Australia and several other lands of the South Pacific. The branch is located on the outskirts of Sydney, Australia.