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Why So Much Suffering?

Is God to Blame for Our Suffering?

Suffering can afflict anyone—even those who are favored by God. Why?

Is the Devil the Cause of All Suffering?

The Bible reveals the source of human suffering.

What Does the Bible Say About Natural Disasters?

Are they punishment from God? Does God help victims of natural disasters?

Why Did God Allow the Holocaust to Happen?

Many have asked why a loving God would permit so much suffering. The Bible provides satisfying answers!

Coping With Suffering

Can the Bible Help Me if I’m Depressed?

There are three things God gives generously to help with feelings of depression.

How Can the Bible Help Those With Suicidal Thoughts?

What practical advice does the Bible give to someone who wants to die?

Living With Chronic Illness—Can the Bible Help?

Yes! Learn three steps that can help you to cope with chronic illness.

An End to Suffering

What Will God’s Kingdom Accomplish?

Learn what you can expect when God’s government rules over the earth.