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Life Skills

Learn about important skills and qualities that you need to develop to become a responsible adult.

Controlling Emotions

How Can I Control My Emotions?

Emotional ups and downs are common among young people but can also be confusing. The good news, though, is that you can understand your emotions and learn to control them.

Gaining Control Over Your Negative Emotions

This worksheet is designed to help you cope with swings in emotion.

From Sad to Glad

What can you do if you are overwhelmed with sadness?

Time and Money

What Young People Say About Procrastination

Hear what young people have to say about the pitfalls of procrastinating and the benefits of using your time wisely.

Managing Your Money

Use this worksheet to weigh needs against wants and figure out how both fit into your budget.

How to Manage Your Money

Take care of your money now so that it will be there later to take care of you!

Personal Development

Working Through Your Mistakes

This worksheet can help you to deal with your mistakes.

How Honest Are You?

Check yourself with this three-part self-test.

Tips for Learning a Language

Learning a new language requires practice, time, and effort. This worksheet will help you make a plan to learn a new language successfully.

Social Life

Action Plan for Helping Others

People you could help are nearby. This worksheet outlines three simple steps to get you started.

What if My Friend Hurts Me?

You should know that no human relationship is problem free. But what can you do if your friend says or does something hurtful?

How Can I Cope With Bullying?

You might not change the bully, but you can change your reaction.

Beat a Bully Without Using Your Fists

Learn why bullying happens and how you can deal with it successfully.