Hosea 14:1-9

  • An appeal to return to Jehovah (1-3)

    • Offering praise of lips (2)

  • Healing of Israel’s unfaithfulness (4-9)

14  “Come back, O Israel, to Jehovah your God,+For you have stumbled because of your error.  2  Come back to Jehovah with these words,Say to him, ‘May you pardon our error+ and accept what is good,And we will offer the praise of our lips+ as we would young bulls.*  3  As·syrʹi·a will not save us.+ We will not ride on horses,+And we will no longer say, “O our God!” to the work of our hands,For it is by you that the fatherless child is shown mercy.’+  4  I will heal their unfaithfulness.+ I will love them of my own free will,+Because my anger has turned away from him.+  5  I will become like the dew to Israel;He will blossom like the lilyAnd will send down his roots like the trees of Lebʹa·non.  6  His twigs will spread,His splendor will be like that of the olive tree,And his fragrance like that of Lebʹa·non.  7  They will again dwell in his shadow. They will grow grain and will bud like the vine.+ His fame* will be like the wine of Lebʹa·non.  8  Eʹphra·im will say, ‘What more do I have to do with idols?’+ I will answer and watch over him.+ I will be like a thriving juniper tree. From me your fruit will be found.”  9  Who is wise? Let him understand these things. Who is discreet? Let him know them. For the ways of Jehovah are upright,+And the righteous will walk in them;But the transgressors will stumble in them.


Lit., “offer in return the young bulls of our lips.”
Lit., “memorial.”