Psalm 149:1-9

  • A song in praise of God’s victory

    • God takes pleasure in his people (4)

    • Honor belongs to God’s loyal ones (9)

149  Praise Jah!* Sing to Jehovah a new song;+Praise him in the congregation of the loyal ones.+  2  Let Israel rejoice in its Grand Maker;+Let the sons of Zion be joyful in their King.  3  Let them praise his name with dancing+And sing praises* to him, accompanied by the tambourine and the harp.+  4  For Jehovah takes pleasure in his people.+ He adorns the meek with salvation.+  5  Let the loyal ones exult in glory;Let them shout for joy upon their beds.+  6  Let the songs praising God be in their throat,And a two-edged sword be in their hand,  7  To execute vengeance on the nationsAnd punishment on the peoples,  8  To bind their kings with shacklesAnd their nobles with iron fetters,  9  To execute the judgment written against them.+ This honor belongs to all his loyal ones. Praise Jah!*


Or “Hallelujah!” “Jah” is a shortened form of the name Jehovah.
Or “make music.”
Or “Hallelujah!” “Jah” is a shortened form of the name Jehovah.