Psalm 41:1-13

  • A prayer from the sickbed

    • God sustains the sick (3)

    • Betrayed by a close associate (9)

To the director. A melody of David. 41  Happy is anyone who shows consideration to the lowly one;+Jehovah will rescue him in the day of calamity.  2  Jehovah will guard him and keep him alive. He will be pronounced happy in the earth;+You will never turn him over to the will* of his enemies.+  3  Jehovah will sustain him on his sickbed;+During his sickness you will completely change his bed.  4  For I said: “O Jehovah, show me favor.+ Heal me,*+ for I have sinned against you.”+  5  But my enemies speak evil about me: “When will he die and his name perish?”  6  If one of them comes to see me, his heart speaks falsely. He gathers something harmful to say;Then he goes out and spreads it abroad.  7  All those who hate me whisper to one another;They are scheming something bad against me:  8  “A dreadful thing has overtaken him;Now that he is down, he will not rise again.”+  9  Even the man at peace with me, one whom I trusted,+Who was eating my bread, has lifted his heel against me.*+ 10  But you, O Jehovah, show me favor and raise me up,So that I may repay them. 11  By this I will know that you are pleased with me: When my enemy cannot shout in triumph over me.+ 12  As for me, you uphold me because of my integrity;+You will keep me in your presence forever.+ 13  May Jehovah, the God of Israel, be praisedThroughout all eternity.*+ Amen and Amen.


Or “desire; soul.” See Glossary.
Or “my soul.”
Or “turned against me.”
Or “From eternity to eternity.”