Psalm 85:1-13

  • A prayer for restoration

    • God will speak peace to loyal ones (8)

    • Loyal love and faithfulness to meet (10)

For the director. Of the sons of Korʹah.+ A melody. 85  You have shown favor, O Jehovah, to your land;+You brought back those of Jacob who were taken captive.+  2  You have pardoned the error of your people;You forgave* all their sin.+ (Selah)  3  You held back all your fury;You turned away from your hot anger.+  4  Restore us,* O God of our salvation,And set aside your displeasure with us.+  5  Will you be furious with us forever?+ Will you prolong your anger to generation after generation?  6  Will you not revive us againSo that your people may rejoice in you?+  7  Show your loyal love to us, O Jehovah,+And grant us your salvation.  8  I will listen to what the true God Jehovah says,For he will speak peace to his people,+ to his loyal ones,But let them not return to overconfidence.+  9  Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him,+So that his glory may reside in our land. 10  Loyal love and faithfulness will meet together;Righteousness and peace will kiss each other.+ 11  Faithfulness will sprout from the earth,And righteousness will look down from the heavens.+ 12  Yes, Jehovah will give what is good,*+And our land will yield its harvest.+ 13  Righteousness will walk before him+And make a path for his footsteps.


Lit., “covered.”
Or “Gather us back.”
Or “prosperity.”