Gabriel Visits Mary

Gabriel Visits Mary

Elizabeth had a young relative named Mary, who lived in the city of Nazareth in Galilee. Mary was engaged to Joseph, a carpenter. When Elizabeth was six months pregnant, the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary. He said: ‘Good day, Mary. Jehovah has greatly favored you.’ She did not understand what Gabriel meant. He then told her: ‘You will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and you must name him Jesus. He will rule as King. His Kingdom will last forever.’

Mary said: ‘But I am a virgin. How could I have a child?’ Gabriel said: ‘Nothing is impossible for Jehovah. Holy spirit will come upon you, and you will have a son. Your relative Elizabeth has also become pregnant.’ Then Mary said: ‘I am Jehovah’s slave girl. May it happen to me just as you have said.’

Mary went to a city in the hills to visit Elizabeth. When Mary greeted her, Elizabeth felt the baby inside of her jump. Filled with holy spirit, she said: ‘Mary, Jehovah has blessed you. It is an honor to have the mother of my Lord in my home.’ Mary said: ‘I praise Jehovah with all my heart.’ Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months, and then she went home to Nazareth.

When Joseph learned that Mary was pregnant, he wanted to end the engagement. But an angel appeared to him in a dream and said: ‘Don’t be afraid to marry her. She hasn’t done anything wrong.’ So Joseph took Mary as his wife and brought her to his home.

“Jehovah does everything he pleases to do in heaven and on earth.”​—Psalm 135:6