THE WATCHTOWER 2024-07 | Right and Wrong—​A Guide You Can Trust

How do you decide what is right and what is wrong? Many people rely on their conscience and the values that they have learned. Some make decisions based on what other people think. What guides your decisions about right and wrong? Can you be sure that the decisions you make will result in the best future for you and your family?


Right and Wrong: A Question We All Face

When faced with moral issues, what will be your guide?

Right and Wrong: What Guides Many

We could guide our decisions about right and wrong using our feelings or those of others. But is there a more reliable guide?

Right and Wrong: The Bible—​A Reliable Guide

How can you be sure that the Bible contains reliable moral guidance?

Right and Wrong: Guidance That Works

Consider four areas of life in which millions have learned that the Bible’s guidance works and can be trusted.

Right and Wrong: A Choice You Must Make

Whose guidance will you choose?

Where Can You Find Reliable Guidance Today?

The Bible can help you make choices that you will never regret.