SONG 68 Sowing Kingdom Seed

How to Have More Joy in the Ministry

How to Have More Joy in the Ministry

“Serve Jehovah with rejoicing.”​—PS. 100:2.


This article considers steps we can take to increase our joy in the ministry.

1. How do some feel about approaching others in the ministry? (See also picture.)

 AS JEHOVAH’S people, we preach to others because we love our heavenly Father and we want to help our neighbors come to know him. Many publishers really enjoy the preaching work. But others struggle to find pleasure in it. Why? Some may be very shy and lack confidence. Some feel uncomfortable going to people’s homes uninvited. Some may fear being rejected. Some have been taught to avoid conflict with others. Despite loving Jehovah very much, these brothers and sisters find it hard to approach strangers with the good news. Yet, they realize how important this work is, and they regularly have a share in it. How pleased Jehovah must be!

Do you enjoy the preaching work? (See paragraph 1)

2. If you struggle to find joy in the ministry, why should you not be discouraged?

2 Do you sometimes struggle to find joy in the ministry because of such feelings? If so, do not be discouraged. Your lack of confidence may indicate that you humbly want to avoid drawing attention to yourself and do not want to be in the middle of controversy. And no one wants to be rejected, especially when he is trying to do good for others. Your heavenly Father is well-aware of the challenges you face and wants to give you the help you need. (Isa. 41:13) In this article, we will consider five suggestions on how to deal with such feelings and how to cultivate joy in the ministry.


3. What helped the prophet Jeremiah to preach to others?

3 Throughout the ages, the message from God has strengthened his servants when they had a difficult task to complete. Take, for example, the prophet Jeremiah. He was hesitant when Jehovah gave him the assignment to preach. Jeremiah said: “I do not know how to speak, for I am just a boy.” (Jer. 1:6) How did he overcome his lack of confidence? He drew strength from God’s word. He said: “It became like a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was tired of holding it in.” (Jer. 20:8, 9) Although Jeremiah had a difficult territory, the message he was assigned to proclaim gave him the strength he needed to do the work.

4. What happens when we read God’s Word and meditate on it? (Colossians 1:9, 10)

4 Christians draw strength from the message in God’s Word. When writing to the congregation in Colossae, the apostle Paul said that taking in accurate knowledge would motivate his brothers “to walk worthily of Jehovah” as they continued “bearing fruit in every good work.” (Read Colossians 1:9, 10.) That good work includes the preaching of the good news. So when we read God’s Word and meditate on it, our faith in Jehovah is strengthened and the importance of sharing the Kingdom message becomes clear.

5. How can we get the most out of our Bible reading and study?

5 To get the most out of God’s Word, we should avoid rushing through our reading, study, and meditation. Take your time. If you come across a scripture that you have trouble understanding, do not skip over it. Instead, use the Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY™ or the Research Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses to find an explanation about the verse. If you take your time when studying, you will strengthen your confidence in the truthfulness of God’s Word. (1 Thess. 5:21) The more convinced you are, the more you will enjoy sharing what you have learned with others.


6. Why should we prepare well for the ministry?

6 If you prepare well for the ministry, you are likely to feel more comfortable when speaking with others. Jesus helped his disciples to prepare before he sent them out into the ministry. (Luke 10:1-11) Because they put into practice what Jesus had taught them, the disciples felt a deep sense of joy in what they were able to accomplish.​—Luke 10:17.

7. How might we prepare for the ministry? (See also picture.)

7 How might we prepare for the ministry? We need to give thought to how we can express the truth effectively in our own words. It is also helpful to anticipate two or three common reactions from those in the territory and have in mind how we will respond in each case. Then when we approach people, we can try to relax, smile, and be friendly.

Prepare well for the ministry (See paragraph 7)

8. In what way are Christians like the earthen vessels mentioned in the apostle Paul’s illustration?

8 The apostle Paul illustrated our role in the preaching work when he said: “We have this treasure in earthen vessels.” (2 Cor. 4:7) What is this treasure? It is the lifesaving work of preaching the Kingdom message. (2 Cor. 4:1) What are the earthen vessels? They represent God’s servants, who take the good news to others. In Paul’s day, merchants used clay jars to transport valuable goods, such as food, wine, and money. Similarly, Jehovah entrusts us with the valuable message of the good news. With Jehovah’s backing, we can have the strength needed to deliver our message faithfully.


9. How can we overcome fear of man or fear of rejection? (See also picture.)

9 At times, we may experience fear of man or fear of rejection. How can we overcome that challenge? Consider the prayer of the apostles when they were ordered not to preach. Rather than give in to fear, they asked Jehovah to help them “to keep speaking [his] word with all boldness.” Jehovah immediately answered their prayer. (Acts 4:18, 29, 31) If fear of man affects us sometimes, we too should pray for Jehovah’s help. Ask Jehovah to help you conquer your fear of man with your love for people.

Pray for courage (See paragraph 9)

10. How does Jehovah help us fulfill our role as his Witnesses? (Isaiah 43:10-12)

10 Jehovah has appointed us to be his Witnesses, and he promises to help us be courageous. (Read Isaiah 43:10-12.) Consider just four of the ways he does that. First, Jesus is with us whenever we preach the good news. (Matt. 28:18-20) Second, Jehovah has appointed angels to help us. (Rev. 14:6) Third, Jehovah has given us his holy spirit as a helper to bring back to our minds the things we have learned. (John 14:25, 26) Fourth, Jehovah has provided brothers and sisters to accompany us. With Jehovah’s backing and the support of our loving brotherhood, we have everything we need to be successful.


11. When in the ministry, how might you find more people? (See also picture.)

11 Do you feel discouraged when you find few people at home? Why not ask yourself: ‘Where are the people from my territory right now?’ (Acts 16:13) ‘Are they at work or out shopping?’ If that is the case, could you find more people by doing street witnessing? A brother named Joshua says, “I have found opportunities to preach while walking through shopping plazas and public parking lots.” He and his wife, Bridget, have also found more people at home when calling in the early evenings as well as on Sunday afternoons.​—Eph. 5:15, 16.

Adjust your routine (See paragraph 11)

12. How can we find out what people believe in or are concerned about?

12 If people show little interest in the message, try to determine what they believe in or are concerned about. Joshua and Bridget use the question found on the front of a tract in their introduction. For example, using the tract How Do You View the Bible? they say: “Some people view the Bible as a book from God, others not so much. What is your opinion?” This often leads to a conversation.

13. Why can we view the ministry as a success even when people do not respond? (Proverbs 27:11)

13 Our success in the ministry does not depend on the results we obtain. Why? Because we have done what Jehovah and his Son want us to do​—we have given a witness. (Acts 10:42) Even when we do not find anyone to speak with or when our message is rejected, we can have joy because we know that we are pleasing our heavenly Father.​—Read Proverbs 27:11.

14. Why can we rejoice when another publisher finds an interested person in the territory?

14 We can also rejoice when another publisher finds an interested person in the territory. The Watchtower has likened our work to searching for a lost child. Many are involved in looking for him, covering one area after another. When the child is found, everyone​—not just the individual who found him—​has reason to rejoice. Similarly, the disciple-making work is a team effort. All are needed to cover the territory, and all rejoice when a new one starts attending meetings.


15. How can applying Matthew 22:37-39 help us increase our enthusiasm for the ministry? (See also picture.)

15 We can increase our enthusiasm for the preaching work by focusing on our love for Jehovah and for our neighbor. (Read Matthew 22:37-39.) Just imagine how happy Jehovah is when he sees us do the work and how happy people will be when they start studying the Bible! Think, too, about the salvation that awaits those who respond to our message.​—John 6:40; 1 Tim. 4:16.

Focusing on our love for Jehovah and for neighbor will increase our joy in the ministry (See paragraph 15)

16. How can we find joy in our ministry when we are confined to our home? Give examples.

16 Are you confined to your home for some reason? If so, focus on what you can do to show love for Jehovah and for your neighbor. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Samuel and Dania were confined to their home. Throughout that difficult time, they regularly did telephone witnessing, wrote letters, and conducted Bible studies over Zoom. Samuel witnessed to those he met at the clinic where he was receiving treatments for cancer. He states: “Hardships wear us down mentally, physically, and spiritually. We need to find joy in our service to Jehovah.” In the midst of this, Dania fell and was confined to bed for three months. Then she needed a wheelchair for six months. She says: “I tried to do all that my circumstances allowed. I was able to preach to a nurse who visited, and I spoke to those who delivered things to the house. I also had good conversations on the telephone with a representative of a medical firm.” Samuel and Dania’s circumstances limited their activity, but they did what they could and found joy in doing so.

17. How can you get the most benefit from the suggestions in this article?

17 The suggestions provided in this article work best when they are used together. Each suggestion is like an ingredient used in a recipe. When all the ingredients in the recipe are combined, you will have tasty results. By applying all the suggestions, we will be better equipped to deal with negative feelings and find more joy in the ministry.


  • Taking time to prepare well

  • Praying for courage

  • Focusing on your love for Jehovah and for your neighbor

SONG 76 How Does It Make You Feel?