Song 40

Keep On Seeking First the Kingdom

Keep On Seeking First the Kingdom

(Matthew 6:33)

1. Something precious to Jehovah,

Bringing him such keen delight,

Is his Kingdom by Christ Jesus,

Which will set all matters right.


Keep on seeking first the Kingdom

And Jehovah’s righteousness.

Sing his praise among the nations,

Serving him in faithfulness.

2. Why be anxious for tomorrow

Lest we hunger, lest we thirst?

For our God will make provision

If we seek his Kingdom first.


Keep on seeking first the Kingdom

And Jehovah’s righteousness.

Sing his praise among the nations,

Serving him in faithfulness.

3. So proclaim the Kingdom good news;

Help deserving ones to see

That their hope is in Jehovah

And in his Theocracy.


Keep on seeking first the Kingdom

And Jehovah’s righteousness.

Sing his praise among the nations,

Serving him in faithfulness.