Disaster Relief in 2023—“We See Firsthand Jehovah’s Love”

Disaster Relief in 2023—“We See Firsthand Jehovah’s Love”

JANUARY 26, 2024

 The Bible foretold that “nation [would] rise against nation” and there would be disasters during “the conclusion of the system of things.” (Matthew 24:3, 7) We have seen these prophetic words being fulfilled during the 2023 service year. a But amid armed conflicts and natural disasters in nearly 100 lands, Jehovah’s Witnesses have reflected Jehovah’s love. How?

 During the 2023 service year, our brothers were affected by more than 200 natural or man-made disasters. In total, legal entities used by Jehovah’s Witnesses spent over ten million dollars b from funds donated to the worldwide work to provide disaster relief. This is in addition to the personal funds that many brothers and sisters have used in their local volunteer efforts. Consider how your donated funds were used to help victims of just two of the many disasters that affected our brothers.

“True Love Really Exists”

 Some regions of Nigeria typically experience seasonal flooding. However, the October 2022 floods were the worst the country had experienced in ten years. More than 676,000 hectares (1,670,432 acres) of farmland were destroyed, and over two million people were displaced. The Nigeria branch quickly appointed Disaster Relief Committees to organize relief efforts and provide spiritual assistance.

Brothers in Nigeria crossed washed-out roads and high rivers to deliver relief supplies

Effect on Our Brothers and Sisters

  •   7,505 publishers were displaced

  •   860 homes were damaged or destroyed

  •   90 Kingdom Halls and one Assembly Hall were flooded

Use of Donated Funds

 Over $250,000 was spent on disaster relief, which included:

  •   Food items such as rice, beans, and noodles

  •   Home supplies such as mattresses and mosquito nets

  •   Repair or reconstruction of damaged homes

 How did our brothers ensure that donated funds were used wisely? One way was by carefully evaluating each building to ascertain whether it could be repaired. If a building had to be completely replaced, it was built using a simple design that is customary in the local area.

 Our brothers and sisters who received help are very grateful. One sister said: “The flood disorganized our lives because all of our farms were destroyed and we became homeless. We were relieved when the brothers and sisters came that very day to help us and to provide safe accommodation. Great relief came when we received food items sent from the branch office. We were speechless as we saw firsthand the fulfillment of John 13:34, 35 in our lives. . . . True love really exists. I and my entire family, from the bottom of our hearts, say a big thank you to [the] brothers for coming to our aid just in time.”

 Others in the community noticed our relief work. A community chief in Sabagreia, Bayelsa State, commented: “There are many organizations or churches in the world, but it is only Jehovah’s Witnesses that have done something like this. . . . [Your] organization is one of the best in the world.”

“We See Firsthand Jehovah’s Love”

 During February 2023, over 400 fires caused major destruction in Chile. More than 430,000 hectares (1,062,553 acres) of land, along with critical parts of Chile’s infrastructure, were destroyed. Approximately 8,000 people were evacuated. Soon after the disaster struck, the branch office started to organize relief efforts.

In Chile, relief workers replaced a family’s home that could not be repaired

Effect on Our Brothers and Sisters

  •   222 publishers had to be evacuated

  •   20 homes were destroyed

Use of Donated Funds

 Over $200,000 was spent on disaster relief, which included:

  •   Food and water

  •   Fuel, cleaning supplies, and medicines

  •   Reconstruction of damaged homes

 One family was shocked to find that everything they had was destroyed, including their home and business. This left the family without employment. During the first few days, it was traumatic for the family to see the empty lot where their house had previously stood. But as the reconstruction progressed, they were slowly able to overcome their fear. Seeing the outpouring of love and affection from the volunteers helped them to cope. The family was so moved by this experience that they joined the volunteers and helped rebuild another brother’s home.

 Many of our brothers and sisters were touched by the relief work. One brother said: “Jehovah’s arrangement of Disaster Relief Committees is truly marvelous. The day after the tragedy, they were already on-site providing basic items. It is moving to read about disaster relief in other parts of the world. But when it happens to you, it is very different. You appreciate the organization more; how the brothers imitate Jehovah’s qualities; and how concerned they are that we have what we need materially, spiritually, and emotionally. We see firsthand Jehovah’s love in action.”

 As this system concludes, we will continue to see an increase in disasters. (Luke 21:10, 11) Nevertheless, by means of the Christian congregation, we also see that our loving King, Christ Jesus, is with us “all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” (Matthew 28:20) Your generous donations to the worldwide work, via and other means, along with your contributions of time and energy, show your support of the Kingdom and its loving King. Thank you for your continued generosity.

a The 2023 service year began on September 1, 2022, and ended on August 31, 2023.

b All dollar amounts in this article refer to U.S. dollars.