MAY 18, 2022

A Special Visit to Volunteers and Ukrainian Refugees in Poland

A Special Visit to Volunteers and Ukrainian Refugees in Poland

Beginning on Sunday, May 1, 2022, Brother Mark Sanderson of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, accompanied by three Branch Committee members, visited brothers and sisters who have fled from Ukraine to Poland. Throughout the trip, Brother Sanderson and the brothers accompanying him were able to listen to the refugees’ stories and assure them of the love and support of the Governing Body.

Left to right: Tomasz Wolczko of the Poland Branch Committee, Mark Sanderson, Vesa Väänänen of the Poland Branch Committee, and Tommi Kauko of the Finland Branch Committee

Discussing relief efforts at a border crossing

Over the course of six days, the group traveled more than 2,500 kilometers (1,550 mi), visiting refugees sheltering in several locations. These included four Assembly Halls and several Kingdom Halls. They also met with volunteers at border crossings between Poland and Ukraine.

A Ukrainian brother stated, “The visit was a source of great encouragement and refreshment to us, like a cool drink of water.”

“This visit was a great surprise!” exclaimed a Ukrainian sister. “We can see how Jehovah cares for us.”

Another Ukrainian sister expressed, “When we arrived in Poland, we had nothing, but thanks to Jehovah, we now have everything we need.”

A group of drivers and other volunteers outside the Assembly Hall in Stęszew, Poland

The group also met with volunteers who were assisting the refugees. Brother Sanderson conveyed the Governing Body’s feelings for them by paraphrasing Hebrews 6:10 and explaining that Jehovah will ‘not forget their work.’ He added, “Neither will we.” The volunteers remarked that they are grateful to be able to help their fellow believers.

Visiting with elderly sisters from Ukraine outside a Kingdom Hall in Radymno, Poland

Brother Vesa Väänänen, a member of the Poland Branch Committee, said: “It was most faith-strengthening to see firsthand how Jehovah has everything under control. Jehovah has provided exactly what is needed through the timely guidance from the Governing Body and the willing spirit of brothers and sisters who have given of themselves to others.”

Volunteers in the Assembly Hall in Stęszew, Poland, where humanitarian aid packages are prepared

As our brothers and sisters continue to care for the needs of one another, regardless of the circumstances, they experience the happiness of giving that Jesus promised.—Acts 20:35.