MARCH 11, 2022

UPDATE #2 | Brotherly Love Prevails Amid Ongoing Crisis in Ukraine

UPDATE #2 | Brotherly Love Prevails Amid Ongoing Crisis in Ukraine

In areas affected by heavy fighting, such as Mariupol, there is no electricity or heating, and telephone and Internet communication has been interrupted. The windows in many homes have been destroyed. Supplies of food and water are running short. More than 2,500 brothers and sisters remain trapped in Mariupol. In a few cities, such as Bucha, Chernihiv, Hostomel, Irpin, Kyiv, and Sumy, “corridors” were opened, allowing some people to evacuate. This has enabled dozens of our brothers and sisters to flee to safer places.

A 36-year-old elder and pioneer, who lived in Hostomel, fled with his wife and parents. He relates what he experienced as the city descended into warfare:

“Helicopters flew over our house. Army vehicles were everywhere on the roads all the time. Soldiers broke into our house while we were in the basement. One of them fired several shots into the basement. The bullets hit my mother’s go bag but didn’t hurt us. For about three or four hours, we didn’t even move or make any sound while there was a lot of bombing and shooting over our heads. . . . The next morning while we were driving away, a battle broke out near us. Tanks were on the roads . . . It was very dangerous, but staying there was even more dangerous.

“All these events have greatly changed our lives. We have learned how to apply many Bible principles. For example, how to not worry about tomorrow, be satisfied with basic necessities, and trust Jehovah in the most critical of situations.”

We know that our God, Jehovah, is completely aware of all the extreme challenges facing our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. He will never fail to support them.—2 Peter 2:9.

A family taking shelter in their basement. They were later able to flee to a safer area

As of March 10, 2022, the following totals have been reported from Ukraine:

Effect on Our Brothers and Sisters

  • 2 publishers have died

  • 8 publishers have been injured

  • 25,407 publishers have fled their homes to safer areas within the country

  • 25 homes were destroyed

  • 59 homes sustained major damage

  • 222 homes sustained light damage

  • 7 Kingdom Halls were damaged

Relief Efforts

  • 27 Disaster Relief Committees (DRCs) are in operation in Ukraine

  • 10,566 publishers were assisted directly by the DRCs to find safer accommodations

  • 9,635 publishers have fled to other countries and are being assisted by fellow worshippers