DECEMBER 16, 2019

School Shooting in California, United States

School Shooting in California, United States

On November 14, 2019, a student opened fire on fellow classmates at a high school in Santa Clarita, California. The gunman killed two students and wounded three, before shooting himself.

Sadly, Dominic Blackwell, the son of one of our sisters, was one of the students killed. He was 14 years old and regularly attended meetings with his mother, Sister Nancy Blackwell. Dominic is survived by his parents and three younger siblings. The elders are providing Scriptural comfort and support to the family and the local congregation.

We are deeply saddened to hear about this tragedy. We long for the time when God will “wipe out every tear . . . , and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.”—Revelation 21:4.