Mu ɖé dɛ̀ ɓě m̀ ɓɛ́ìn ɖɛ̀ kò-kò ɓěɛ̀ dyéɛ kɛ

Mu ɖé dɛ̀ ɓě m̀ ɓɛ́ìn ɖɛ̀ kò-kò ɓěɛ̀ dyéɛ kɛ

CƐ̃́Ɛ́-ÐƐ̀ 25

WƐ́ÐƐ́ 7 Jɛhova Mɔ̀ À Kpé-Nyí-Nyɔ̀

Ɔ Mɛ Nì M̀ Hwìɖìi Kà Jɛhova Mɔ̀ “Nì-Nì Geɖepɔɔ” kɛ

Ɔ Mɛ Nì M̀ Hwìɖìi Kà Jɛhova Mɔ̀ “Nì-Nì Geɖepɔɔ” kɛ

“[Jɛhova] mɔ̀ nì-nì Geɖepɔɔ”—WƐ́. 18:46.


We can really benefit when we remember that we “worshiping the living God.”

1. Ðɛ́ kpá Jɛhovaa nyɔ ɓèɔ̀ gbo ɓɛ́ wa ké ɔ ɓiè tee kɛɓì wa mɛ dyé fũ̀à-fũ̀á-ɖɛ̀ ɓè dyíɛ́?

 THE Bible call the time we living in, “Critical times hard to deal with”. (2 Tim. 3:1) Jehovah people can face the same problem that everybody facing in Satan world. But we can also face persecution because we serving Jehovah. Wetin can help us to continue worshiping Jehovah even though we facing this problem them? One main thing that can help us that because we know that we worshiping “the living God.”—Jer. 10:10; 2 Tim. 1:12.

2. Hwìèɔ̀ nyɛ́ kɔ̃̀ mú Jɛhova mɔ̀ nì-nì Geɖepɔɔ kɛ́?

2 Jehovah that real Person who can see everything we go though and he can always look for ways to help us. (2 Chron. 16:9; Ps. 23:4) When we remember that Jehovah that the living God, it can help us to go through any problem we face. Let see how this one happen in King David case.

3. Ðɛ́ Dèɓé kpàìn ma hwòɖò ké ɔ dyi níín ‘Jɛhova mɔ̀ nì-nì Geɖepɔɔ’ kɛ́?

3 David knew Jehovah and he use to rely on Him. When King Saul and other people try to kill David, he pray to Jehovah for help. (Ps. 18:6) When God answer his prayer and save him, David say: “Jehovah is alive!” (Ps. 18:46) Wetin David mean? One book say that David was showing how he was convince that Jehovah “that the living God who can always take action to help his people.” Yes, David knew from his own experience that Jehovah that the living God, and because of that it encourage him to continue serving Jehovah.—Ps. 18:​28, 29, 49.

4. Xwɛ̀ à nyu kpáná dyéɛ ɔ jù ké à dyi Jɛhova dyà gmɔ̀ kà ɔ mɔ̀ nì-nì Geɖepɔɔ kɛɛ níɛ́?

4 When we convince that Jehovah that the living God, it can help us to serve him with zeal. We will get the strength to bear any problem and we will continue to work hard for Jehovah. Also, we will fight hard to remain close to Jehovah.


5. Ðɛ́ ɓɛ́ìn à kpé nyíɛ ɔ jù ké à dyi mú-dɔ̃̀-dɔ̃̀ ɓè dyí dyé níɛ́? (Fèɖópĩ̀ɔ̀ 4:​13)

5 We will be able to bear any problem, whether big or small, if we remember that Jehovah that the living God and that he able to always help us. He can help us with any problem because no problem too big for our God. He the Almighty, and he can give us the strength to bear any problem we going through. (Read Philippians 4:13.) So, this one give us good reason to not be scary when we facing problems. And when we see how Jehovah help us when we face small problem, it can convince us that he will also help us when we face big problem.

6. Xwɛ̀ ɖɛ ɓè ɓɛ́ Dèɓé dyé ma dyí ti ɔ mɔ̀ ma nyɔ gmɔ̀ kɛɛ nyu ɔ hwòɖò-kɔ̃-dè-dè ɖé Jɛhova múɛɛ kɔ̃ poɛ kɛ́?

6 Let look at two things that happen to David that help him to get more trust in Jehovah. When David was young taking care of his pa sheep, one bear carry one of the sheep. And another time, one lion carry one of the sheep. The two time it happen, David was brave to run behind the animals and save the sheep. But he was not thinking that he do it on his own. He knew that Jehovah gave him the power to do it. (1 Sam. 17:​34-37) David never forget about this thing them that happen. Thinking about this experience them help him to get more trust that the living God will give him strength in the future.

7. Xwɛ̀ ɖɛ-dya-gmɔ̀-gmɔ̀ dyí-sɛ́ɖɛ́ìn-kà ɓéɖé-ɓéɖé nyu ma Dèɓé gbo kpáa ɓɛ́ ɔ ké ma Gòɖádyà gbo vɔ̃ kɛ́?

7 Later on, when David was still in his teen years, he went to visit the Israelites army camp. He notice that the soldier them was scary bad way because one Philistine giant name Goliath came to “taunt the battle line of Israel.” (1 Sam. 17:​10, 11) The soldier them was scary bad way because they were focusing on how Goliath was big and the thing them he was saying. (1 Sam. 17:​24, 25) But David was focusing on something else. David knew that Goliath was not only challenging Israel army, but he was also challenging “the battle line of the living God.” (1 Sam. 17:26) David was thinking about Jehovah. David trust that the God who help him when he was shepherd will help him again in this situation. Because David was sure that God was supporting him, he fight Goliath and he win!—1 Sam. 17:​45-51.

8. Xwɛ̀ à ɓɛ́ìn Jɛhova jè hwìɖìi pòɛ̀ìn ɔ jù ké à dyi mú-dɔ̃̀-dɔ̃̀ ɓè dyí dyéɛ̀n níì nyɛ́? (Dyé dyi-dyé-ɖɛ̀ɔ̀ ɖekè.)

8 We too can bear any problem if we remember that the living God always ready to help us. (Ps. 118:6) We can make our trust strong that Jehovah will help us by thinking about what he na do in the past. Read Bible stories that will remind you about how Jehovah na save his people. (Isa. 37:​17, 33-37) Also, read or watch experiences on about how Jehovah na help his people in our time. And also think about the time them Jehovah help you. Maybe you feel that Jehovah not do big thing for you yet, like saving you from bear or lion. But to talk the true, Jehovah na do plenty things for you in your life! He na invite you to be his friend. (John 6:44) And even now, that only because Jehovah helping you that why you still serving him. So ask Jehovah to help you remember the time them he answer your prayers and gave you the exact thing you needed at the right time, when you were going through serious problems. Thinking on experience them like this will make you more sure that Jehovah will continue to help you.

The way we will act when we going through problem, can affect the way Jehovah can feel (See paragraphs 8-9)

9. Xwɛ̀ à ɓɛ́ìn à mú-dɔ̃̀-dɔ̃̀ ɓèɔ̀ dyà gmɔ̀ɔ kɛ́? (Nɔ́ɔ́ 27:11)

9 When we take Jehovah to be real Person it will help us to look at our problems the right way. How? When we going through problem, we must focus on the most important thing. The Devil say when we going through problem, we will leave Jehovah. (Job 1:​10, 11; read Proverbs 27:11.) But when we bear our problem, we can show our love for Jehovah and we can prove that Satan that liar. You in area where the government against Jehovah people, money business hard on you, people can’t listen to the good news in your area or you facing other problems? If so, remember that your situation giving you the opportunity to make Jehovah happy. Also Remember that Jehovah will never allow you to go through any problem that you not able to bear. (1 Cor. 10:13) He will give you the strength to endure.


10. Ðɛ́ nì-nì Geɖepɔɔ mu nyɔ ɓè ɓɛ́ wa ɓiè ɔ kɛɛ bìì nyuùn wɛ̃́?

10 Jehovah can always bless those who worshiping him. (Heb. 11:6) He can give us peace and satisfaction now-now and in the future, he will give us everlasting life. We can put our whole trust in Jehovah, that he want bless us and he get the power to do it. For that reason, we must continue to give our best to Jehovah just like his faithful servant them way back. And that just what Timothy do way back.—Heb. 6:​10-12.

11. Ðɛ́ nyuɛ ké Tímété dyi ma kũ̀à nyu kóɖó-kóɖó ɖé dyí-poìn-kpòòɔ̀ múɛ́? (1  Tímété 4:​10)

11 Read 1 Timothy 4:10. Timothy was having strong faith in the living God. So, he was having good reason to work hard for Jehovah and other people. How he do it? The apostle Paul encourage him to continue making progress to be good teacher in the ministry and in the congregation. Paul also tell Timothy to set good example for his brothers and sisters, whether they young or old. And he was having some hard assignments to do. Part of it was giving strong but loving counsel to those who needed it. (1 Tim. 4:​11-16; 2 Tim. 4:​1-5) Sometime, other people not use to see the work Timothy was doing or they were not even grateful for it. But he was sure that Jehovah was coming bless him.—Rom. 2:​6, 7.

12. Ðɛ́ pò Ɛ́ɖɔ̀ ɓè kpéí ɓɛ́ wa ké ɖùùn ku ɓó waa kũ̀à ɓèɔ̀ nyu jè kɛ́? (Dyé dyi-ɖɛ̀ɔ̀ ɖekè.)

12 Today too, elders can be sure that Jehovah can see and value their fine work. Beside shepherding, teaching, and preaching, plenty elders can support construction projects and help when disaster happen. Some other elders can work with the Patient Visitation Groups or Hospital Liaison Committees. Elder them who can do this work know that the congregation for Jehovah and it not for human being. Because of that, they can do their assignment with their whole heart and put their whole trust in God that he will bless them for what they can do.—Col. 3:​23, 24.

When you continue working hard for the congregation, the living God will bless you (See paragraphs 12-13)

13. Xwɛ̀ Jɛhova hwòɖò nyu nìɛ̀ ɓá kpé ɓè ɓɛ́ à ɖò-ɖò séín po ɖé ɓó ɔ kũ̀à nyu jè kɛ́?

13 Not everybody can be elder. But all of us can still give something to Jehovah. Our God can be happy when we do our best to serve him. He can see any contribution we make, even if it small. He can be happy when we work hard to be brave and put our hand up to comment in meetings. And he can also be happy when we forgive other people who make us feel bad. Even if you feel that you not able to do plenty for Jehovah, trust that he value anything you able do for him. He love you for it, and he will bless you.—Luke 21:​1-4.


14. Ɔ jù ké à dyi Jɛhova bũ̀in xwɛ̃̀ìn nì, xwɛ̀ ɔ mu à gbo kpáùn ɓɛ́ à ké ɔ hwìɖìi-taɓa-taɓa mú ɓéɖé tee kɛ́? (Dyé dyi-dyé-ɖɛ̀ɔ̀ ɖekè.)

14 If Jehovah real to us, it will be more easy for us to remain faithful to him. That what happen to Joseph. He refuse to put his hand in girlfriend and boyfriend business. God was real to him and he never wanted to make Him feel bad. (Gen. 39:9) For Jehovah to be real to us, we must find time to pray and study the Bible. Then our friendship with him will get more strong. Like Joseph, if we get close friendship with Jehovah, we will not want do anything that will make Him feel bad.—Jas. 4:8.

When you continue drawing close to the living God, it will help you to remain faithful (See paragraphs 14-15)

15. Ðɛ́ mɔ̀ cɛ̃́ɛ̀-ɖɛ̀ ɖò à ɓɛ́ìn cɛ̃ɛ sɔ̀ìn ɖɛ kpá ma kà Éézùɖùɛ̀-nyɔ̀ ɓèɔ gbo ɖé gbàùn-fúɖúà kɔ̃ɛɛ múɛ́? (Híìɓúɖúù 3:​12)

15 It can be easy for people to not remain faithful to Jehovah when they forget that he the living God. Think about what happen to the Israelites when they were in the wilderness. They knew that Jehovah was living, but they started thinking whether he able to provide for them. They even ask: “Is Jehovah in our midst or not?” (Ex. 17:​2, 7) Because of that, they disobey God. So that warning for us, we must never follow their bad example.—Read Hebrews 3:12.

16. Ðɛ́ ɓɛ́ìn à hwìɖìi-taɓa-taɓaɔ̀ mú dɔ̃̀ɔ̀ kɛ́?

16 The world can make it hard for us to remain close to Jehovah. Plenty people not agree that God real. Most of the time, it can be looking like people who not serving God enjoying life. When we see that one happening, it can test our faith. Even though we believe that God real, but maybe, we can start thinking whether he able to help us. The person who write Psalm 73, was also thinking like this for some time. He use to see people around him who was not having time for God laws and still enjoying their life. Because of that, he start thinking whether it was important to serve God.—Ps. 73:​11-13.

17. Ðɛ́ mu à gbo kpáùn ɓɛ́ à ké Jɛhova ɓũ̀in xwɛ̃̀ìn tee kɛ́?

17 Wetin help the psalmist to change the way he was thinking? He think good-good on what will happen to people who stop trusting Jehovah. (Ps. 73:​18, 19, 27) He also think about the benefits we can get when we serve God. (Ps. 73:24) We too can think on the blessings that Jehovah na give us. And also think about how your life was coming be if you were not serving Jehovah. If you do it, it will help you to remain faithful to Jehovah and like the psalmist you will say: “As for me, drawing near to God is good for me.”—Ps. 73:28.

18. Xwíníínɔ̀ nyɛ́ kɔ̃̀ jè à ɓɛ́ìn ɖɛ ɓè mu kpáùn ɖé dyuà kɛɛ jè hwìì gmɔ̀ɔ hwòɖò-kɔ̃-dè-kà kɛ́?

18 During this last day, we able to face any problem that come our way because we “slave for a living and true God.” (1 Thess. 1:9) Our God that real Person who can always help those who worshipping him. He help his servant them in the past, and today too, he helping us. We will soon face the greatest tribulation on earth. But Jehovah will be with us. (Isa. 41:10) So let all of us “be of good courage and say: ‘Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid.’”—Heb. 13:​5, 6.

WƐ́ÐƐ́ 3 Our Strength, Our Hope, Our Confidence