


Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of cell saver usage in the repair of thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections. (打开新窗口)

Amanvermez Senarslan D, Yildirim F, Kurdal AT, Damar A, Ozturk T, Tetik O

来源‎: Perfusion. 2022;37(7):722-28. Epub 2021 Jun 30.

检索‎: PubMed 34192996

DOI码‎: 10.1177/02676591211028178

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Costs of excessive postoperative hemorrhage in cardiac surgery. (打开新窗口)

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检索‎: PubMed 19698857

DOI码‎: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2009.02.021

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Risk-adjusted clinical outcomes in patients enrolled in a bloodless program. (打开新窗口)

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DOI码‎: 10.1111/trf.12752

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Experience of a network of transfusion coordinators for blood conservation (Ontario Transfusion Coordinators [ONTraC]). (打开新窗口)

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Restrictive blood transfusion practices are associated with improved patient outcomes. (打开新窗口)

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来源‎: Transfusion 2014;54(10 Pt 2):2753-9.

检索‎: PubMed 24995770

DOI码‎: 10.1111/trf.12723

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Patient blood management in cardiac surgery results in fewer transfusions and better outcome. (打开新窗口)

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检索‎: PubMed 25565302

DOI码‎: 10.1111/trf.12946

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Costs and outcomes after cardiac surgery in patients refusing transfusion compared with those who do not: a case-matched study. (打开新窗口)

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检索‎: PubMed 26183817

DOI码‎: 10.1111/trf.13246

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Comprehensive multimodality blood conservation: 100 consecutive CABG operations without transfusion. (打开新窗口)

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检索‎: PubMed 9456106

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Impact of a patient blood management monitoring and feedback programme on allogeneic blood transfusions and related costs. (打开新窗口)

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检索‎: PubMed 31448406

DOI码‎: 10.1111/anae.14816

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Blood product conservation is associated with improved outcomes and reduced costs after cardiac surgery. (打开新窗口)

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检索‎: PubMed 23414992

DOI码‎: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2012.12.041

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Increased mortality, postoperative morbidity, and cost after red blood cell transfusion in patients having cardiac surgery. (打开新窗口)

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DOI码‎: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.107.698977

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Safety, efficacy, and cost of intraoperative cell salvage and autotransfusion after off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: A randomized trial. (打开新窗口)

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检索‎: PubMed 15999036

DOI码‎: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2004.12.006

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A cost-minimization analysis of the angio-seal vascular closure device following percutaneous coronary intervention. (打开新窗口)

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检索‎: PubMed 17350361

DOI码‎: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2006.10.032

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Cost-effectiveness of transcatheter aortic valve replacement compared with surgical aortic valve replacement in high-risk patients with severe aortic stenosis: results of the PARTNER (Placement of Aortic Transcatheter Valves) trial (Cohort A). (打开新窗口)

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来源‎: J Am Coll Cardiol 2012;60(25):2683-92.

检索‎: PubMed 23122802

DOI码‎: 10.1016/j.jacc.2012.09.018

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Activity-based costs of blood transfusions in surgical patients at four hospitals. (打开新窗口)

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来源‎: Transfusion 2010;50(4):753-65.

检索‎: PubMed 20003061

DOI码‎: 10.1111/j.1537-2995.2009.02518.x

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Impact of bleeding-related complications and/or blood product transfusions on hospital costs in inpatient surgical patients. (打开新窗口)

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检索‎: PubMed 21627788

DOI码‎: 10.1186/1472-6963-11-135

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A structured blood conservation programme reduces transfusions and costs in cardiac surgery. (打开新窗口)

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来源‎: Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2014;19(5):788-94.

检索‎: PubMed 25125140

DOI码‎: 10.1093/icvts/ivu266

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A single dose of erythropoietin reduces perioperative transfusions in cardiac surgery: results of a prospective single-blind randomized controlled trial. (打开新窗口)

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来源‎: Transfusion 2015;55(7):1644-54.

检索‎: PubMed 25702777

DOI码‎: 10.1111/trf.13027

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25702777 (打开新窗口)