Itre Hna Amekötin
Itre Hna Amekötin
Atrekë Ewekën
© 2024 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Inc. Tha tro kö a cinyihane hnei ketre.
Hna kuca me nyi aliene la sit ëternet celë hnene la Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. (“sosiete Watchtower”). Ngo maine hetre itre ithuemacanyi hna xom qa hnine la itre xa itus, ke tro kö a thuemacanyi epun.
Itre Marques
Ame la Adobe, me dösë ne Adobe, me Acrobat, me dösë ne Acrobat tre hna amë kö hnene la sosiete hna ati ëjen ka hape Adobe Systems Incorporated. Nge ame iTunes me iPod, tre itre hna amë lai hnene lo sosiete Apple Inc. Ceitune hi memine la itre xa marques; hna amë kö hnene la itretrekë ewekë.
Aqane Troa Huliwan
Nyine tro hi a thuemacanyi epuni la aqane troa huliwane la sit ëternet celë. Qa ne la itre ka tro kowe la sit celë troa trongën asë la itre hna amekötine celë, fene la tan hna hape, Aqane Troa Huliwan. Maine tha ajane kö ketre troa trongëne la itre hna amekötin celë, the tro kö kowe la sit.
Hna nue epun troa goeën, me télécharger, me fejane la itre iatr ne la sosiete hun, nge hetre nyine tro fe a xome koi ikaho maine ordinatör, ka tune la itre nyima, me foto, me itre itus, me itre video. Ngo tha tro kö a thele maniëne lai, maine kuci ketre ewekë pena hna wathebon. Wathebo troa:
Xom la itre ewekë qa hnine la sit celë kowe la ketre sit ëternet pena (ka tune lo hna hape, réseau social qene Wiwi, hna kuca göi troa ce thawa me itre xa atr la itre foto me video);
Fe la ketre logiciel maine ketre application me ati ëjen, nyine qatrenge la itre xa ithuemacany ne la sit celë, nge amë ju hë ngöne ëternet;
Xome me fejan atrun la itre xa aliene la sit, göi troa thele maniën, memine lo itre applications hna huliwane hnene la sit celë;
Tro kowe la sit me ami code source me iqajakeune hë lai code, maine ami ketre ewekë kö ka troa aijijë itre atr troa xome nyimenyimëne la itre ithuemacany qa hnine la sit;
Lö me huliwane menune la sit celë memine la itre jia ne huliwa hna amë e cili hnin, matre ajolë itre xa atr troa huliwane me tro kowe la sit;
Kuca la ketre ewekë ka troa angazone la sit, me ajolëne la itre atr ka ajane troa wang; maine huliwane la sit göi troa qenatrekënö;
Thele maniëne la sit celë.
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Medical Section
The content of the medical section of this website (“Medical Section”) is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice, nor is it intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The Medical Section does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned in the Medical Section.
Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health-care provider with any question you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.
This website has endeavored to include accurate and up-to-date information in the Medical Section. However, the information you access through the Medical Section is provided “AS IS” without warranty, express or implied. This website disclaims all express or implied warranties related to the Medical Section including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. This website makes no warranty as to the reliability, accuracy, timeliness, usefulness, or completeness of any information accessed through the Medical Section. This website assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of the Medical Section. Reliance on any information provided in the Medical Section is solely at your own risk. In no event shall this website be liable for any claims or damages (including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, personal injury/wrongful death, lost profits, or damages resulting from lost data or business interruption) resulting from the use of or inability to use the Medical Section, whether such claims or damages are based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, and whether or not this website is advised of the possibility of such claims or damages.
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This website and all information, content, materials, and other services made available to you through the website are provided by Watchtower on an “as is” basis. Watchtower makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied.
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E Jë Ena La Itre Hna Amekötin
Maine tha metrötrëne kö ketre la itre hna amekötine celë, hane hi la hna troa kuca hnene la sosiete Watchtower. Ma troa pane sewe angeic troa tro kowe la sit; maine pena troa wathebone koi angeic me itre atr ka hane xom la address IP i angeic troa hane tro kowe la sit; troa qaja kowe la sosiete ka thue ëternete i angeic troa thingi jë angeic matre tha tro hmaca kö a mama la sit ngöne la ordinatöre i angeic; maine pena, troa iuti sai koi gaa tru.
E Traqa Jë Saze La Itre Hna Amekötin
Ame itre xa ijin, kola saze hnene la sosiete Watchtower la itre hna amekötin. Haawe, troa canga amë lai Aqane Troa Huliwan la sit ka hnyipixe, matre ijij koi itre ka wang lai sit troa canga trongën. Celë matre kola sipone laka, troa lapaa e la itre hna amekötin.
Wathebo i Mus
Ame la ka amekötine la Aqane Troa Huliwan la sit, tre musi ne New York, e Etazini. E iuti sai hë, tro kö a wai emekötine la itre atr ka eni wathebo hnene la itre hna kootr ne New York, e Etazini.
Tro Kö a Trongën La Itre Xan
E traqa jë öhne hnene la ketre hna kootr la ketre hna amekötin tha ijije kö troa trongën, maine ka tha ihmeku kö memine la hna qaja hnene la itre wathebo i mus, tre tro kö a trongën la itre xa hna qaja hnine la Aqane Troa Huliwan la sit.
Aliene La Itre Hna Amekötin
Ame asë lai Aqane Troa Huliwan la sit ëternet, tre eje hi lai hna sipone koi epun hnene la sosiete Watchtower troa trongën. Itre ka hnyipixe hi la, ke asesë hë nyi hnan lo itre hna amekötine ka hekö.