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Global Campaign Promotes JW.ORG

Global Campaign Promotes JW.ORG

During August 2014, Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide distributed a tract to promote interest in As a result, the number of visits to the website increased by more than 20 percent during the month, reaching nearly 65 million. Globally, almost 10,000 people requested free home Bible studies through the site​—67 percent more than the previous month! The campaign provided help for people everywhere.

Help for those looking for answers to life’s big questions

A Witness in Canada greeted Madeline in an elevator and showed her the campaign tract, Where Can We Find Answers to Life’s Big Questions? Madeline said that she had been on her balcony the night before earnestly praying that God would help her find answers to such questions. She had previously called several churches to ask for a Bible study, but no one ever called back. Soon she began to study the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Help for those unacquainted with the Bible

In the Philippines, Rowena spoke with a Chinese man standing in front of a fast-food restaurant. She handed him the tract and explained that Jehovah’s Witnesses want to help people benefit from free Bible education.

The man said that he had never even seen a Bible. The conversation that followed motivated him to attend an assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Afterward he said that he wanted to find out more about the Bible and that he planned to download it from our website.

Help for the deaf

Guillermo, a deaf Witness in Spain, met Jorge, a former schoolmate who is also deaf. Jorge said that his mother had recently died and that he had many doubts and questions. Guillermo gave him the campaign tract and explained how on he could find information in sign language that would answer many of his questions. Guillermo also invited Jorge to come to the meeting at the Kingdom Hall. He came, and since then, Jorge has not missed a meeting, despite living 60 kilometers (37 mi) away from the hall.

Help for those in remote places

At considerable financial expense, two Witness couples in Greenland traveled six hours in a small boat to reach a settlement that has 280 inhabitants. There they preached, distributed tracts, and showed a video in Greenlandic. They also started a Bible study with a couple they met. They now conduct the study twice a week by telephone.

Such efforts were not limited to the Far North. Witnesses in Nicaragua arranged to distribute the tract to the Mayangna-speaking people in the Caribbean jungle. After traveling nonstop for 20 hours in a dilapidated bus along a road full of potholes, they walked for 11 hours, at times through deep mud, to reach the settlements. There, they distributed tracts and showed videos in the Mayangna language, much to the astonishment and delight of those in the area.

Estela offered the tract to a man who was passing through a small town in the Amazon rain forest in Brazil. The man accepted the tract, but he put it in his pocket, showing little interest in it. On his way home, the engine on his boat broke down and he was stranded on the river. While waiting for help to arrive, the man read the tract. Using his cell phone, he accessed, where he read several articles and downloaded some videos. A few days later, the man met Estela’s husband and asked him to thank her for the tract. “The articles I read while stranded on the river calmed me down until a boat came to my rescue,” he said. “My children love the Caleb videos. I will continue to visit”