1 Thessalonians 4:1-18

4  Λοιπόν, Leftover (thing),ἀδελφοί, brothers,ἐρωτῶμεν we are requestingὑμᾶς YOUκαὶ andπαρακαλοῦμεν we are encouragingἐν inκυρίῳ LordἸησοῦ, Jesus,ἵνα in order thatκαθὼς according asπαρελάβετε YOU received alongsideπαρ’ besideἡμῶν of usτὸ theπῶς howδεῖ it is bindingὑμᾶς YOUπεριπατεῖν to be walking aboutκαὶ andἀρέσκειν to be pleasingθεῷ, to God,καθὼς according asκαὶ alsoπεριπατεῖτε,— YOU are walking about,—ἵνα in order thatπερισσεύητε YOU may aboundμᾶλλον. rather. 2  οἴδατε YOU have knownγὰρ forτίνας whatπαραγγελίας chargesἐδώκαμεν we gaveὑμῖν to YOUδιὰ throughτοῦ theκυρίου LordἸησοῦ. Jesus. 3  Τοῦτο Thisγάρ forἐστιν isθέλημα willτοῦ of theθεοῦ, God,theἁγιασμὸς sanctificationὑμῶν, of YOU,ἀπέχεσθαι to be holding selves fromὑμᾶς YOUἀπὸ fromτῆς theπορνείας, fornication, 4  εἰδέναι to have knownἕκαστον each (one)ὑμῶν of YOUτὸ theἑαυτοῦ of himselfσκεῦος vesselκτᾶσθαι to possessἐν inἁγιασμῷ sanctificationκαὶ andτιμῇ, honor, 5  μὴ notἐν inπάθει passionἐπιθυμίας of desireκαθάπερ according to which (things) evenκαὶ alsoτὰ theἔθνη nationsτὰ the (ones)μὴ notεἰδότα having knownτὸν theθεόν, God, 6  τὸ theμὴ notὑπερβαίνειν to be stepping overκαὶ andπλεονεκτεῖν to be taking more ofἐν inτῷ theπράγματι matterτὸν theἀδελφὸν brotherαὐτοῦ, of him,διότι through whichἔκδικος avengerΚύριος Lordπερὶ aboutπάντων allτούτων, these (things),καθὼς according asκαὶ alsoπροείπαμεν we beforehand saidὑμῖν to YOUκαὶ andδιεμαρτυράμεθα. we thoroughly bore witness. 7  οὐ Notγὰρ forἐκάλεσεν calledἡμᾶς ustheθεὸς Godἐπὶ uponἀκαθαρσίᾳ uncleannessἀλλ’ butἐν inἁγιασμῷ. sanctification. 8  τοιγαροῦν To you-for-thereforethe (one)ἀθετῶν putting asideοὐκ notἄνθρωπον manἀθετεῖ he is putting asideἀλλὰ butτὸν theθεὸν Godτὸν the (one)διδόντα givingτὸ theπνεῦμα spiritαὐτοῦ of himτὸ theἅγιον holyεἰς intoὑμᾶς. YOU. 9  Περὶ Aboutδὲ butτῆς theφιλαδελφίας brotherly affectionοὐ notχρείαν needἔχετε YOU are havingγράφειν to be writingὑμῖν, to YOU,αὐτοὶ very (ones)γὰρ forὑμεῖς YOUθεοδίδακτοί taught by Godἐστε YOU areεἰς intoτὸ theἀγαπᾷν to be lovingἀλλήλους· one another; 10  καὶ andγὰρ forποιεῖτε YOU are doingαὐτὸ itεἰς intoπάντας allτοὺς theἀδελφοὺς brothersτοὺς the (ones)ἐν inὅλῃ wholeτῇ theΜακεδονίᾳ. Macedonia.Παρακαλοῦμεν we are encouragingδὲ butὑμᾶς, YOU,ἀδελφοί, brothers,περισσεύειν to be aboundingμᾶλλον, rather, 11  καὶ andφιλοτιμεῖσθαι to be fond of honorἡσυχάζειν to be quietκαὶ andπράσσειν to be performingτὰ the (things)ἴδια ownκαὶ andἐργάζεσθαι to be workingταῖς to theχερσὶν handsὑμῶν, of YOU,καθὼς according asὑμῖν to YOUπαρηγγείλαμεν, we laid charge, 12  ἵνα in order thatπεριπατῆτε YOU may be walking aboutεὐσχημόνως decentlyπρὸς towardτοὺς the (ones)ἔξω outsideκαὶ andμηδενὸς of nothingχρείαν needἔχητε. YOU may be having. 13  Οὐ Notθέλομεν we are willingδὲ butὑμᾶς YOUἀγνοεῖν, to be ignorant,ἀδελφοί, brothers,περὶ aboutτῶν the (ones)κοιμωμένων, sleeping,ἵνα in order thatμὴ notλυπῆσθε YOU may be sadκαθὼς according asκαὶ alsoοἱ theλοιποὶ leftover (ones)οἱ the (ones)μὴ notἔχοντες havingἐλπίδα. hope. 14  εἰ Ifγὰρ forπιστεύομεν we are believingὅτι thatἸησοῦς Jesusἀπέθανεν diedκαὶ andἀνέστη, he stood up,οὕτως thusκαὶ alsotheθεὸς Godτοὺς the (ones)κοιμηθέντας having sleptδιὰ throughτοῦ theἸησοῦ Jesusἄξει he will leadσὺν together withαὐτῷ. him. 15  Τοῦτο Thisγὰρ forὑμῖν to YOUλέγομεν we are sayingἐν inλόγῳ wordκυρίου, of Lord,ὅτι thatἡμεῖς weοἱ theζῶντες livingοἱ the (ones)περιλειπόμενοι being left aroundεἰς intoτὴν theπαρουσίαν presenceτοῦ of theκυρίου Lordοὐ notμὴ notφθάσωμεν we should come ahead ofτοὺς the (ones)κοιμηθέντας· having slept; 16  ὅτι becauseαὐτὸς very (one)theκύριος Lordἐν inκελεύσματι, command,ἐν inφωνῇ voiceἀρχαγγέλου of archangelκαὶ andἐν inσάλπιγγι trumpetθεοῦ, of God,καταβήσεται he will come downἀπ’ fromοὐρανοῦ, heaven,καὶ andοἱ theνεκροὶ dead (ones)ἐν inΧριστῷ Christἀναστήσονται will stand upπρῶτον, first, 17  ἔπειτα thereuponἡμεῖς weοἱ theζῶντες livingοἱ the (ones)περιλειπόμενοι being left aroundἅμα at the same timeσὺν together withαὐτοῖς themἁρπαγησόμεθα we will be snatchedἐν inνεφέλαις cloudsεἰς intoἀπάντησιν meetingτοῦ of theκυρίου Lordεἰς intoἀέρα· air;καὶ andοὕτως thusπάντοτε alwaysσὺν together withκυρίῳ Lordἐσόμεθα. we shall be. 18  Ὥστε As-andπαρακαλεῖτε be YOU comfortingἀλλήλους one anotherἐν inτοῖς theλόγοις wordsτούτοις. these.
