1 Timothy 1:1-20

1  Παῦλος Paulἀπόστολος apostleΧριστοῦ of ChristἸησοῦ Jesusκατ’ according toἐπιταγὴν enjoinderθεοῦ of Godσωτῆρος Saviorἡμῶν of usκαὶ andΧριστοῦ of ChristἸησοῦ Jesusτῆς of theἐλπίδος hopeἡμῶν of us 2  Τιμοθέῳ to Timothyγνησίῳ genuineτέκνῳ childἐν inπίστει· faith; χάρις, undeserved kindness,ἔλεος, mercy,εἰρήνη peaceἀπὸ fromθεοῦ Godπατρὸς Fatherκαὶ andΧριστοῦ of ChristἸησοῦ Jesusτοῦ of theκυρίου Lordἡμῶν. of us. 3  Καθὼς According asπαρεκάλεσά I encouragedσε youπροσμεῖναι to remain towardἐν in᾿Εφέσῳ, Ephesus,πορευόμενος [I] going on wayεἰς intoΜακεδονίαν, Macedonia,ἵνα in order thatπαραγγείλῃς you might chargeτισὶν to some (ones)μὴ notἑτεροδιδασκαλεῖν to be teaching differently 4  μηδὲ not-butπροσέχειν to be having [mind] towardμύθοις to mythsκαὶ andγενεαλογίαις to genealogiesἀπεράντοις, unbounded,αἵτινες whichἐκζητήσεις seekings outπαρέχουσι are having alongsideμᾶλλον ratherthanοἰκονομίαν house-administrationθεοῦ of Godτὴν the (one)ἐν inπίστει,— faith,— 5  τὸ theδὲ butτέλος endτῆς of theπαραγγελίας chargingἐστὶν isἀγάπη loveἐκ out ofκαθαρᾶς cleanκαρδίας heartκαὶ andσυνειδήσεως of conscienceἀγαθῆς goodκαὶ andπίστεως of faithἀνυποκρίτου, unhypocritical, 6  ὧν of which (things)τινὲς some (ones)ἀστοχήσαντες having deviatedἐξετράπησαν they were turned outεἰς intoματαιολογίαν, vain talk, 7  θέλοντες willingεἶναι to beνομοδιδάσκαλοι, law teachers,μὴ notνοοῦντες mentally seeingμήτε neitherwhat (things)λέγουσιν they are sayingμήτε norπερὶ aboutτίνων what (things)διαβεβαιοῦνται. they are thoroughly stabilizing. 8  Οἴδαμεν We have knownδὲ butὅτι thatκαλὸς finetheνόμος Lawἐάν if everτις anyoneαὐτῷ to itνομίμως lawfullyχρῆται, is using, 9  εἰδὼς having knownτοῦτο thisὅτι thatδικαίῳ to righteous (one)νόμος lawοὐ notκεῖται, is lying down,ἀνόμοις to lawless (ones)δὲ butκαὶ andἀνυποτάκτοις, non-self-subjecting (ones),ἀσεβέσι to irreverential (ones)καὶ andἁμαρτωλοῖς, to sinners,ἀνοσίοις to unloyal (ones)καὶ andβεβήλοις, to profane (ones),πατρολῴαις to smiters of fathersκαὶ andμητρολῴαις, to smiters of mothers,ἀνδροφόνοις, to murderers of male persons, 10  πόρνοις, to fornicators,ἀρσενοκοίταις, to men lying with males,ἀνδραποδισταῖς, to catchers of male persons by the foot,ψεύσταις, to liars,ἐπιόρκοις, to oath breakers,καὶ andεἴ ifτι anythingἕτερον differentτῇ to theὑγιαινούσῃ being healthfulδιδασκαλίᾳ teachingἀντίκειται, is lying against, 11  κατὰ according toτὸ theεὐαγγέλιον good newsτῆς of theδόξης gloryτοῦ of theμακαρίου happyθεοῦ, God,whichἐπιστεύθην was entrusted withἐγώ. I. 12  Χάριν Thanksἔχω I am havingτῷ to the (one)ἐνδυναμώσαντί having empoweredμε meΧριστῷ to ChristἸησοῦ Jesusτῷ theκυρίῳ Lordἡμῶν, of us,ὅτι becauseπιστόν faithfulμε meἡγήσατο he consideredθέμενος having putεἰς intoδιακονίαν, service, 13  τὸ theπρότερον former [time]ὄντα (one) beingβλάσφημον blasphemerκαὶ andδιώκτην persecutorκαὶ andὑβριστήν· insolent (man);ἀλλὰ butἠλεήθην, I was shown mercy,ὅτι becauseἀγνοῶν being ignorantἐποίησα I didἐν inἀπιστίᾳ, unbelief, 14  ὑπερεπλεόνασεν became beyond moreδὲ buttheχάρις undeserved kindnessτοῦ of theκυρίου Lordἡμῶν of usμετὰ withπίστεως faithκαὶ andἀγάπης loveτῆς the (one)ἐν inΧριστῷ ChristἸησοῦ. Jesus. 15  πιστὸς Faithfultheλόγος wordκαὶ andπάσης of allἀποδοχῆς reception backἄξιος, worthy,ὅτι thatΧριστὸς ChristἸησοῦς Jesusἦλθεν cameεἰς intoτὸν theκόσμον worldἁμαρτωλοὺς sinnersσῶσαι· to save;ὧν of whomπρῶτός firstεἰμι amἐγώ, I, 16  ἀλλὰ butδιὰ throughτοῦτο thisἠλεήθην, I was shown mercy,ἵνα in order thatἐν inἐμοὶ meπρώτῳ firstἐνδείξηται might show inΧριστὸς ChristἸησοῦς Jesusτὴν theἅπασαν allμακροθυμίαν, longness of spirit,πρὸς towardὑποτύπωσιν subtypeτῶν of the (ones)μελλόντων being aboutπιστεύειν to be believingἐπ’ uponαὐτῷ himεἰς intoζωὴν lifeαἰώνιον. everlasting. 17  Τῷ To theδὲ butβασιλεῖ kingτῶν of theαἰώνων, ages,ἀφθάρτῳ, to incorruptible,ἀοράτῳ, invisible,μόνῳ onlyθεῷ, God,τιμὴ honorκαὶ andδόξα gloryεἰς intoτοὺς theαἰῶνας agesτῶν of theαἰώνων· ages;ἀμήν. amen. 18  Ταύτην Thisτὴν theπαραγγελίαν chargingπαρατίθεμαί I am putting alongsideσοι, to you,τέκνον childΤιμόθεε, Timothy,κατὰ according toτὰς theπροαγούσας going beforeἐπὶ uponσὲ youπροφητείας, prophecies,ἵνα in order thatστρατεύῃ you may do military serviceἐν inαὐταῖς themτὴν theκαλὴν fineστρατείαν, military service, 19  ἔχων havingπίστιν faithκαὶ andἀγαθὴν goodσυνείδησιν, conscience,ἥν whichτινες some (ones)ἀπωσάμενοι having pushed asideπερὶ aboutτὴν theπίστιν faithἐναυάγησαν· experienced shipwreck; 20  ὧν of whomἐστὶν isὙμέναιος Hymenaeusκαὶ and᾿Αλέξανδρος, Alexander,οὓς whomπαρέδωκα I gave overτῷ to theΣατανᾷ Satanἵνα in order thatπαιδευθῶσι they might be disciplinedμὴ notβλασφημεῖν. to be blaspheming.
