2 Corinthians 3:1-18

3  ᾿Αρχόμεθα Are we startingπάλιν againἑαυτοὺς selvesσυνιστάνειν; to be giving standing with?Orμὴ notχρῄζομεν are we having needὥς asτινες some onesσυστατικῶν of recommendatoryἐπιστολῶν lettersπρὸς towardὑμᾶς YOUorἐξ out ofὑμῶν; YOU? 2  Theἐπιστολὴ letterἡμῶν of usὑμεῖς YOUἐστέ, are,ἐνγεγραμμένη (one) having been inscribedἐν inταῖς theκαρδίαις heartsἡμῶν, of us,γινωσκομένη (one) being knownκαὶ andἀναγινωσκομένη (one) being readὑπὸ byπάντων allἀνθρώπων· men; 3  φανερούμενοι (ones) being manifestedὅτι becauseἐστὲ YOU areἐπιστολὴ letterΧριστοῦ of Christδιακονηθεῖσα (one) having been servedὑφ’ byἡμῶν, us,ἐνγεγραμμένη (one) having been inscribedοὐ notμέλανι to black [ink]ἀλλὰ butπνεύματι to spiritθεοῦ of Godζῶντος, living,οὐκ notἐν inπλαξὶν tabletsλιθίναις stonyἀλλ’ butἐν inπλαξὶν tabletsκαρδίαις to heartsσαρκίναις. fleshly. 4  Πεποίθησιν Confidenceδὲ butτοιαύτην suchἔχομεν we are havingδιὰ throughτοῦ theχριστοῦ Christπρὸς towardτὸν theθεόν. God. 5  οὐχ Notὅτι thatἀφ’ fromἑαυτῶν selvesἱκανοί sufficientἐσμεν we areλογίσασθαί to reckonτι anythingὡς asἐξ out ofαὑτῶν, selves,ἀλλ’ buttheἱκανότης sufficiencyἡμῶν of usἐκ out ofτοῦ theθεοῦ, God, 6  ὃς whoκαὶ alsoἱκάνωσεν made sufficientἡμᾶς usδιακόνους servantsκαινῆς of newδιαθήκης, covenant,οὐ notγράμματος of written characterἀλλὰ butπνεύματος, of spirit,τὸ theγὰρ forγράμμα written characterἀποκτείνει, is killing,τὸ theδὲ butπνεῦμα spiritζωοποιεῖ. is making alive. 7  Εἰ Ifδὲ buttheδιακονία serviceτοῦ of theθανάτου deathἐν inγράμμασιν written charactersἐντετυπωμένη having been impressedλίθοις to stonesἐγενήθη occurredἐν inδόξῃ, glory,ὥστε as-andμὴ notδύνασθαι to be being ableἀτενίσαι to gazeτοὺς theυἱοὺς sonsἸσραὴλ of Israelεἰς intoτὸ theπρόσωπον faceΜωυσέως of Mosesδιὰ throughτὴν theδόξαν gloryτοῦ of theπροσώπου faceαὐτοῦ of himτὴν the (one)καταργουμένην, being made ineffective, 8  πῶς howοὐχὶ notμᾶλλον rathertheδιακονία serviceτοῦ of theπνεύματος spiritἔσται will beἐν inδόξῃ; glory? 9  εἰ Ifγὰρ fortheδιακονία serviceτῆς of theκατακρίσεως condemnationδόξα, glory,πολλῷ to muchμᾶλλον ratherπερισσεύει is aboundingtheδιακονία serviceτῆς of theδικαιοσύνης righteousnessδόξῃ. to glory. 10  καὶ Andγὰρ forοὐ notδεδόξασται has been glorifiedτὸ the (thing)δεδοξασμένον having been glorifiedἐν inτούτῳ thisτῷ theμέρει partεἵνεκεν on accountτῆς of theὑπερβαλλούσης surpassingδόξης· glory; 11  εἰ ifγὰρ forτὸ the (thing)καταργούμενον being made ineffectiveδιὰ throughδόξης, glory,πολλῷ to muchμᾶλλον ratherτὸ the (thing)μένον remainingἐν inδόξῃ. glory. 12  Ἔχοντες Havingοὖν thereforeτοιαύτην suchἐλπίδα hopeπολλῇ to muchπαρρησίᾳ outspokennessχρώμεθα, we are using, 13  καὶ andοὐ notκαθάπερ according to which (things) evenΜωυσῆς Mosesἐτίθει was puttingκάλυμμα coveringἐπὶ uponτὸ theπρόσωπον faceαὐτοῦ, of him,πρὸς towardτὸ theμὴ notἀτενίσαι to gaze intentlyτοὺς theυἱοὺς sonsἸσραὴλ of Israelεἰς intoτὸ theτέλος endτοῦ of the (thing)καταργουμένου. being made ineffective. 14  ἀλλὰ Butἐπωρώθη was dulledτὰ theνοήματα mental powersαὐτῶν. of them.ἄχρι Untilγὰρ forτῆς theσήμερον todayἡμέρας dayτὸ theαὐτὸ veryκάλυμμα coveringἐπὶ uponτῇ theἀναγνώσει readingτῆς of theπαλαιᾶς oldδιαθήκης covenantμένει is remainingμὴ notἀνακαλυπτόμενον, being uncovered,ὅτι becauseἐν inΧριστῷ Christκαταργεῖται, is being made ineffective, 15  ἀλλ’ butἕως untilσήμερον todayἡνίκα whenἂν likelyἀναγινώσκηται may be readΜωυσῆς Mosesκάλυμμα coveringἐπὶ uponτὴν theκαρδίαν heartαὐτῶν of themκεῖται· is lying; 16  ἡνίκα whenδὲ butἐὰν if everἐπιστρέψῃ it should turn uponπρὸς towardΚύριον, Lord,περιαιρεῖται is being lifted up aroundτὸ theκάλυμμα. covering. 17  Theδὲ butκύριος Lordτὸ theπνεῦμά spiritἐστιν· is;οὗ whereδὲ butτὸ theπνεῦμα spiritΚυρίου, of Lord,ἐλευθερία. freedom. 18  ἡμεῖς Weδὲ butπάντες allἀνακεκαλυμμένῳ to (one) having been uncoveredπροσώπῳ faceτὴν theδόξαν gloryΚυρίου of Lordκατοπτριζόμενοι reflecting as in mirrorτὴν theαὐτὴν veryεἰκόνα imageμεταμορφούμεθα we are being transformedἀπὸ fromδόξης gloryεἰς intoδόξαν, glory,καθάπερ according to which (things) evenἀπὸ fromκυρίου of Lordπνεύματος. of spirit.
