2 Corinthians 4:1-18

4  Διὰ Throughτοῦτο, this,ἔχοντες havingτὴν theδιακονίαν serviceταύτην thisκαθὼς according asἠλεήθημεν, we were shown mercy,οὐκ notἐγκακοῦμεν, we are behaving badly, 2  ἀλλὰ butἀπειπάμεθα we said away from selvesτὰ theκρυπτὰ hidden (things)τῆς of theαἰσχύνης, shame,μὴ notπεριπατοῦντες (ones) walking aboutἐν inπανουργίᾳ all-workingμηδὲ neitherδολοῦντες (ones) handling deceitfullyτὸν theλόγον wordτοῦ of theθεοῦ, God,ἀλλὰ butτῇ to theφανερώσει manifestationτῆς of theἀληθείας truthσυνιστάνοντες making stand togetherἑαυτοὺς selvesπρὸς towardπᾶσαν everyσυνείδησιν conscienceἀνθρώπων of menἐνώπιον in sightτοῦ of theθεοῦ. God. 3  εἰ Ifδὲ butκαὶ alsoἔστιν isκεκαλυμμένον having been coveredτὸ theεὐαγγέλιον good newsἡμῶν, of us,ἐν inτοῖς the (ones)ἀπολλυμένοις destroying themselvesἐστὶν isκεκαλυμμένον, having been covered, 4  ἐν inοἷς which onestheθεὸς godτοῦ of theαἰῶνος ageτούτου thisἐτύφλωσεν blindedτὰ theνοήματα mental powersτῶν of theἀπίστων unbelieversεἰς intoτὸ theμὴ notαὐγάσαι to beam forthτὸν theφωτισμὸν lightingτοῦ of theεὐαγγελίου good newsτῆς of theδόξης gloryτοῦ of theχριστοῦ, Christ,ὅς whoἐστιν isεἰκὼν imageτοῦ of theθεοῦ. God. 5  οὐ Notγὰρ forἑαυτοὺς selvesκηρύσσομεν we are preachingἀλλὰ butΧριστὸν ChristἸησοῦν Jesusκύριον, Lord,ἑαυτοὺς selvesδὲ butδούλους slavesὑμῶν of YOUδιὰ throughἸησοῦν. Jesus. 6  ὅτι Becausetheθεὸς Godthe (one)εἰπών having said᾿Εκ Out ofσκότους darknessφῶς lightλάμψει, will gleam,ὃς whoἔλαμψεν gleamedἐν inταῖς theκαρδίαις heartsἡμῶν of usπρὸς towardφωτισμὸν lightingτῆς of theγνώσεως knowledgeτῆς of theδόξης gloryτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godἐν inπροσώπῳ faceΧριστοῦ. of Christ. 7  Ἔχομεν We haveδὲ butτὸν theθησαυρὸν treasureτοῦτον thisἐν inὀστρακίνοις baked clayσκεύεσιν, vessels,ἵνα in order thattheὑπερβολὴ over-castτῆς of theδυνάμεως powermay beτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godκαὶ andμὴ notἐξ out ofἡμῶν· us; 8  ἐν inπαντὶ every [way]θλιβόμενοι being pressedἀλλ’ butοὐ notστενοχωρούμενοι, being put in narrow place,ἀπορούμενοι knowing no way outἀλλ’ butοὐκ notἐξαπορούμενοι, being utterly wayless, 9  διωκόμενοι being persecutedἀλλ’ butοὐκ notἐγκαταλειπόμενοι, being left down in,καταβαλλόμενοι being thrown downἀλλ’ butοὐκ notἀπολλύμενοι, being destroyed, 10  πάντοτε alwaysτὴν theνέκρωσιν deadeningτοῦ of theἸησοῦ Jesusἐν inτῷ theσώματι bodyπεριφέροντες, bearing about,ἵνα in order thatκαὶ alsotheζωὴ lifeτοῦ of theἸησοῦ Jesusἐν inτῷ theσώματι bodyἡμῶν of usφανερωθῇ· might be manifested; 11  ἀεὶ everγὰρ forἡμεῖς weοἱ the (ones)ζῶντες livingεἰς intoθάνατον deathπαραδιδόμεθα we are being given besideδιὰ throughἸησοῦν, Jesus,ἵνα in order thatκαὶ alsotheζωὴ lifeτοῦ of theἸησοῦ Jesusφανερωθῇ might be manifestedἐν inτῇ theθνητῇ mortalσαρκὶ fleshἡμῶν. of us. 12  ὥστε As-andtheθάνατος deathἐν inἡμῖν usἐνεργεῖται, is working within,theδὲ butζωὴ lifeἐν inὑμῖν. YOU. 13  ἔχοντες Havingδὲ butτὸ theαὐτὸ veryπνεῦμα spiritτῆς of theπίστεως, faith,κατὰ according toτὸ the (thing)γεγραμμένον having been written᾿Επίστευσα, I believed,διὸ through whichἐλάλησα, I spoke,καὶ alsoἡμεῖς weπιστεύομεν, are believing,διὸ through whichκαὶ alsoλαλοῦμεν, we are speaking, 14  εἰδότες having knownὅτι thatthe (one)ἐγείρας having raised upτὸν theκύριον LordἸησοῦν Jesusκαὶ alsoἡμᾶς usσὺν together withἸησοῦ Jesusἐγερεῖ will raise upκαὶ andπαραστήσει will stand alongsideσὺν together withὑμῖν. YOU. 15  τὰ Theγὰρ forπάντα all (things)δι’ throughὑμᾶς, YOU,ἵνα in order thattheχάρις undeserved kindnessπλεονάσασα having become moreδιὰ throughτῶν theπλειόνων more (ones)τὴν theεὐχαριστίαν thanksgivingπερισσεύσῃ might aboundεἰς intoτὴν theδόξαν gloryτοῦ of theθεοῦ. God. 16  Διὸ Through whichοὐκ notἐγκακοῦμεν, we are behaving badly,ἀλλ’ butεἰ ifκαὶ alsotheἔξω outsideἡμῶν of usἄνθρωπος manδιαφθείρεται, is wasting away,ἀλλ’ butthe (one)ἔσω insideἡμῶν of usἀνακαινοῦται is being renewedἡμέρᾳ to dayκαὶ andἡμέρᾳ. to day. 17  τὸ Theγὰρ forπαραυτίκα momentaryἐλαφρὸν light (ness)τῆς of theθλίψεως tribulationκαθ’ according toὑπερβολὴν over-castεἰς intoὑπερβολὴν over-castαἰώνιον everlastingβάρος weightδόξης of gloryκατεργάζεται is working downἡμῖν, to us, 18  μὴ notσκοπούντων looking atἡμῶν of usτὰ the (things)βλεπόμενα being seenἀλλὰ butτὰ the (things)μὴ notβλεπόμενα, being seen,τὰ the (things)γὰρ forβλεπόμενα being seenπρόσκαιρα, temporary,τὰ the (things)δὲ butμὴ notβλεπόμενα being seenαἰώνια. everlasting.
