2 Timothy 3:1-17

3  Τοῦτο Thisδὲ butγίνωσκε be you knowingὅτι thatἐν inἐσχάταις lastἡμέραις daysἐνστήσονται will be standing inκαιροὶ appointed timesχαλεποί· fierce; 2  ἔσονται will beγὰρ forοἱ theἄνθρωποι menφίλαυτοι, fond of selves,φιλάργυροι, fond of silver,ἀλαζόνες, self-assuming,ὑπερήφανοι, superior-appearing,βλάσφημοι, blasphemers,γονεῦσιν to parentsἀπειθεῖς, disobedient,ἀχάριστοι, unthankful,ἀνόσιοι, disloyal, 3  ἄστοργοι, without natural affection,ἄσπονδοι, truceless,διάβολοι, devils,ἀκρατεῖς, without (self-)control,ἀνήμεροι, untamed,ἀφιλάγαθοι, not fond of goodness, 4  προδόται, betrayers,προπετεῖς, forward-falling,τετυφωμένοι, having been made to smoke up,φιλήδονοι fond of pleasuresμᾶλλον ratherthanφιλόθεοι, fond of God, 5  ἔχοντες havingμόρφωσιν formεὐσεβείας of revering wellτὴν theδὲ butδύναμιν powerαὐτῆς of itἠρνημένοι· having denied;καὶ andτούτους theseἀποτρέπου. be turning yourself away from. 6  ἐκ Out ofτούτων theseγάρ forεἰσιν areοἱ the (ones)ἐνδύνοντες slippingεἰς intoτὰς theοἰκίας housesκαὶ andαἰχμαλωτίζοντες leading captiveγυναικάρια little womenσεσωρευμένα having been heaped up withἁμαρτίαις, to sins,ἀγόμενα being ledἐπιθυμίαις to desiresποικίλαις, various, 7  πάντοτε alwaysμανθάνοντα learningκαὶ andμηδέποτε neverεἰς intoἐπίγνωσιν accurate knowledgeἀληθείας of truthἐλθεῖν to comeδυνάμενα. being able. 8  ὃν Whatτρόπον mannerδὲ butἸαννῆς Jannesκαὶ andἸαμβρῆς Jambresἀντέστησαν stood againstΜωυσεῖ, to Moses,οὕτως thusκαὶ alsoοὗτοι theseἀνθίστανται are standing againstτῇ to theἀληθείᾳ, truth,ἄνθρωποι menκατεφθαρμένοι having been corrupted downτὸν theνοῦν, mind,ἀδόκιμοι disapprovedπερὶ aboutτὴν theπίστιν. faith. 9  ἀλλ’ Butοὐ notπροκόψουσιν will they strike forwardἐπὶ uponπλεῖον, more,theγὰρ forἄνοια mindlessnessαὐτῶν of themἔκδηλος outwardly evidentἔσται will beπᾶσιν, to all (ones),ὡς asκαὶ alsotheἐκείνων of thoseἐγένετο. became. 10  Σὺ Youδὲ butπαρηκολούθησάς you followed alongsideμου of meτῇ to theδιδασκαλίᾳ, teaching,τῇ to theἀγωγῇ, leading,τῇ to theπροθέσει, purpose,τῇ to theπίστει, faith,τῇ to theμακροθυμίᾳ, longness of spirit,τῇ to theἀγάπῃ, love,τῇ to theὑπομονῇ, endurance, 11  τοῖς to theδιωγμοῖς, persecutions,τοῖς to theπαθήμασιν, sufferings,οἷά of what sortμοι to meἐγένετο it occurredἐν in᾿Αντιοχείᾳ, Antioch,ἐν inἸκονίῳ, Iconium,ἐν inΛύστροις, Lystra,οἵους what sort ofδιωγμοὺς persecutionsὑπήνεγκα· I bore under;καὶ andἐκ out ofπάντων all (ones)με meἐρύσατο drew for selftheκύριος. Lord. 12  καὶ Andπάντες allδὲ butοἱ the (ones)θέλοντες willingζῇν to be livingεὐσεβῶς reverentially wellἐν inΧριστῷ ChristἸησοῦ Jesusδιωχθήσονται· they will be persecuted; 13  πονηροὶ wickedδὲ butἄνθρωποι menκαὶ andγόητες bewailersπροκόψουσιν will strike forwardἐπὶ uponτὸ theχεῖρον, worse,πλανῶντες making errκαὶ andπλανώμενοι. being made to err. 14  σὺ Youδὲ butμένε be remainingἐν inοἷς what (things)ἔμαθες you learnedκαὶ andἐπιστώθης, you were persuaded to believe,εἰδὼς having knownπαρὰ besideτίνων of whomἔμαθες, you learned, 15  καὶ andὅτι thatἀπὸ fromβρέφους infantἱερὰ sacredγράμματα writingsοἶδας, you have known,τὰ the (ones)δυνάμενά being ableσε youσοφίσαι to make wiseεἰς intoσωτηρίαν salvationδιὰ throughπίστεως faithτῆς theἐν inΧριστῷ ChristἸησοῦ· Jesus; 16  πᾶσα allγραφὴ Scriptureθεόπνευστος God-breathedκαὶ andὠφέλιμος beneficialπρὸς towardδιδασκαλίαν, teaching,πρὸς towardἐλεγμόν, reproving,πρὸς towardἐπανόρθωσιν, straightening up upon,πρὸς towardπαιδείαν disciplineτὴν theἐν inδικαιοσύνῃ, righteousness, 17  ἵνα in order thatἄρτιος fitmay betheτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godἄνθρωπος, man,πρὸς towardπᾶν everyἔργον workἀγαθὸν goodἐξηρτισμένος. having been fitted out.
