2 Timothy 4:1-22

4  Διαμαρτύρομαι I am bearing thorough witnessἐνώπιον in sightτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godκαὶ andΧριστοῦ of ChristἸησοῦ, Jesus,τοῦ of the (one)μέλλοντος being aboutκρίνειν to be judgingζῶντας living (ones)καὶ andνεκρούς, dead (ones),καὶ andτὴν theἐπιφάνειαν manifestationαὐτοῦ of himκαὶ andτὴν theβασιλείαν kingdomαὐτοῦ· of him; 2  κήρυξον preach youτὸν theλόγον, word,ἐπίστηθι be you standing uponεὐκαίρως well-timedlyἀκαίρως, not timedly,ἔλεγξον, reprove you,ἐπιτίμησον, rebuke you,παρακάλεσον, encourage you,ἐν inπάσῃ allμακροθυμίᾳ longness of spiritκαὶ andδιδαχῇ. (art of) teaching. 3  ἔσται Will beγὰρ forκαιρὸς appointed timeὅτε whenτῆς of theὑγιαινούσης (one) being healthfulδιδασκαλίας teachingοὐκ notἀνέξονται, they will hold selves up,ἀλλὰ butκατὰ according toτὰς theἰδίας ownἐπιθυμίας desiresἑαυτοῖς to themselvesἐπισωρεύσουσιν they will heap uponδιδασκάλους teachersκνηθόμενοι being tickledτὴν theἀκοήν, hearing, 4  καὶ andἀπὸ fromμὲν indeedτῆς theἀληθείας truthτὴν theἀκοὴν hearingἀποστρέψουσιν, they will turn away,ἐπὶ uponδὲ butτοὺς theμύθους mythsἐκτραπήσονται. they will be turned out. 5  σὺ Youδὲ butνῆφε be sober-mindedἐν inπᾶσιν, all (things),κακοπάθησον, suffer you bad,ἔργον workποίησον do youεὐαγγελιστοῦ, of evangelizer,τὴν theδιακονίαν serviceσου of youπληροφόρησον. fully bear. 6  ᾿Εγὼ Iγὰρ forἤδη alreadyσπένδομαι, am being poured as drink offering,καὶ andtheκαιρὸς appointed timeτῆς of theἀναλύσεώς losing upμου of meἐφέστηκεν. has stood upon. 7  τὸν Theκαλὸν fineἀγῶνα struggleἠγώνισμαι, I have struggled,τὸν theδρόμον runningτετέλεκα, I have ended,τὴν theπίστιν faithτετήρηκα· I have observed; 8  λοιπὸν leftover (thing)ἀπόκειταί is lying down offμοι to metheτῆς of theδικαιοσύνης righteousnessστέφανος, crown,ὃν whichἀποδώσει will give backμοι to metheκύριος Lordἐν inἐκείνῃ thatτῇ theἡμέρᾳ, day,theδίκαιος righteousκριτής, judge,οὐ notμόνον onlyδὲ butἐμοὶ to meἀλλὰ butκαὶ alsoπᾶσιν to allτοῖς the (ones)ἠγαπηκόσι having lovedτὴν theἐπιφάνειαν manifestationαὐτοῦ. of him. 9  Σπούδασον Speed you upἐλθεῖν to comeπρός towardμε meταχέως· quickly; 10  Δημᾶς Demasγάρ forμε meἐγκατέλιπεν left down inἀγαπήσας having lovedτὸν theνῦν nowαἰῶνα, age,καὶ andἐπορεύθη he went his wayεἰς intoΘεσσαλονίκην, Thessalonica,Κρήσκης Crescensεἰς intoΓαλατίαν, Galatia,Τίτος Titusεἰς intoΔαλματίαν· Dalmatia; 11  Λουκᾶς Lukeἐστὶν isμόνος aloneμετ’ withἐμοῦ. me.Μάρκον Markἀναλαβὼν having taken upἄγε be leadingμετὰ withσεαυτοῦ, yourself,ἔστιν he isγάρ forμοι to meεὔχρηστος well usefulεἰς intoδιακονίαν, service, 12  Τύχικον Tychicusδὲ butἀπέστειλα I sent offεἰς intoἜφεσον. Ephesus. 13  τὸν Theφελόνην, cloak,ὃν Whichἀπέλιπον I left offἐν inΤρῳάδι Troasπαρὰ besideΚάρπῳ, Carpus,ἐρχόμενος comingφέρε, be you bearing,καὶ andτὰ theβιβλία, little books,μάλιστα mostlyτὰς theμεμβράνας. parchments. 14  ᾿Αλέξανδρος Alexandertheχαλκεὺς coppersmithπολλά manyμοι to meκακὰ bad (things)ἐνεδείξατο·— showed in;—ἀποδώσει will give backαὐτῷ to himtheκύριος Lordκατὰ according toτὰ theἔργα worksαὐτοῦ·— of him;— 15  ὃν whomκαὶ alsoσὺ youφυλάσσου, be guarding self,λίαν excessivelyγὰρ forἀντέστη he stood againstτοῖς to theἡμετέροις ourλόγοις. words. 16  ᾿Εν Inτῇ theπρώτῃ firstμου of meἀπολογίᾳ defenseοὐδείς no oneμοι to meπαρεγένετο, came to be beside,ἀλλὰ butπάντες allμε meἐγκατέλιπον·— they left down in;—μὴ notαὐτοῖς to themλογισθείη·— may it be reckoned;— 17  theδὲ butκύριός Lordμοι to meπαρέστη stood besideκαὶ andἐνεδυνάμωσέν he empoweredμε, me,ἵνα in order thatδι’ throughἐμοῦ meτὸ theκήρυγμα preachingπληροφορηθῇ might be fully borneκαὶ andἀκούσωσιν might hearπάντα allτὰ theἔθνη, nations,καὶ andἐρύσθην I was drawnἐκ out ofστόματος mouthλέοντος. of lion. 18  ῥύσεταί Will draw for selfμε metheκύριος Lordἀπὸ fromπαντὸς everyἔργου workπονηροῦ wickedκαὶ andσώσει he will saveεἰς intoτὴν theβασιλείαν kingdomαὐτοῦ of himτὴν the (one)ἐπουράνιον· heavenly;to whomtheδόξα gloryεἰς intoτοὺς theαἰῶνας agesτῶν of theαἰώνων, ages,ἀμήν. amen. 19  Ἄσπασαι Greet youΠρίσκαν Priscaκαὶ and᾿Ακύλαν Aquilaκαὶ andτὸν theὈνησιφόρου of Onesiphorousοἶκον. household. 20  Ἔραστος Erastusἔμεινεν remainedἐν inΚορίνθῳ, Corinth,Τρόφιμον Trophimusδὲ butἀπέλιπον I left offἐν inΜιλήτῳ Miletusἀσθενοῦντα. being sick. 21  Σπούδασον Speed upπρὸ beforeχειμῶνος winterἐλθεῖν. to come. ᾿Ασπάζεταί Is greetingσε youΕὔβουλος Eubulusκαὶ andΠούδης Pudensκαὶ andΛίνος Linusκαὶ andΚλαυδία Claudiaκαὶ andοἱ theἀδελφοὶ brothersπάντες. all. 22  Theκύριος Lordμετὰ withτοῦ theπνεύματός spiritσου. of you.Theχάρις undeserved kindnessμεθ’ withὑμῶν. YOU.
