Acts 27:1-44

27  Ὡς Asδὲ butἐκρίθη it was judgedτοῦ of theἀποπλεῖν to be sailing awayἡμᾶς usεἰς intoτὴν theἸταλίαν, Italy,παρεδίδουν they were giving overτόν theτε andΠαῦλον Paulκαί alsoτινας someἑτέρους differentδεσμώτας bound onesἑκατοντάρχῃ to centurionὀνόματι to nameἸουλίῳ Juliusσπείρης of bandΣεβαστῆς. of August One. 2  ἐπιβάντες Having stepped uponδὲ butπλοίῳ to boatἉδραμυντηνῷ from Adramyttiumμέλλοντι being aboutπλεῖν to be sailingεἰς intoτοὺς theκατὰ downτὴν the᾿Ασίαν Asiaτόπους placesἀνήχθημεν, we were led up,ὄντος beingσὺν together withἡμῖν us᾿Αριστάρχου of AristarchusΜακεδόνος MacedonianΘεσσαλονικέως· of Thessalonica; 3  τῇ to theτε andἑτέρᾳ different [day]κατήχθημεν we were led downεἰς intoΣιδῶνα, Sidon,φιλανθρώπως with human affectionτε andtheἸούλιος Juliusτῷ to theΠαύλῳ Paulχρησάμενος having usedἐπέτρεψεν he permittedπρὸς towardτοὺς theφίλους friendsπορευθέντι having goneἐπιμελείας of careτυχεῖν. to obtain. 4  κἀκεῖθεν And from thereἀναχθέντες having been led upὑπεπλεύσαμεν we sailed underτὴν theΚύπρον Cyprusδιὰ throughτὸ theτοὺς theἀνέμους windsεἶναι to beἐναντίους, contrary (ones), 5  τό theτε andπέλαγος open seaτὸ theκατὰ downτὴν theΚιλικίαν Ciliciaκαὶ andΠαμφυλίαν Pamphyliaδιαπλεύσαντες having sailed throughκατήλθαμεν we came downεἰς intoΜύρρα Myraτῆς of theΛυκίας. Lycia. 6  Κἀκεῖ And thereεὑρὼν having foundtheἑκατοντάρχης centurionπλοῖον boat᾿Αλεξανδρινὸν Alexandrianπλέον sailingεἰς intoτὴν theἸταλίαν Italyἐνεβίβασεν he made go inἡμᾶς usεἰς intoαὐτό. it. 7  ἐν Inἱκαναῖς sufficientδὲ butἡμέραις daysβραδυπλοοῦντες sailing slowlyκαὶ andμόλις with difficultyγενόμενοι having come to beκατὰ downτὴν theΚνίδον, Cnidus,μὴ notπροσεῶντος allowing towardἡμᾶς usτοῦ of theἀνέμου, wind,ὑπεπλεύσαμεν we sailed underτὴν theΚρήτην Creteκατὰ downΣαλμώνην, Salmone, 8  μόλις with difficultyτε andπαραλεγόμενοι laying themselves besideαὐτὴν itἤλθομεν we cameεἰς intoτόπον placeτινὰ someκαλούμενον being calledΚαλοὺς FineΛιμένας, Harbors,to whichἐγγὺς nearἦν wasπόλις cityΛασέα. Lasea. 9  Ἱκανοῦ Of sufficientδὲ butχρόνου timeδιαγενομένου having come to be throughκαὶ andὄντος beingἤδη alreadyἐπισφαλοῦς hazardousτοῦ of theπλοὸς sailingδιὰ throughτὸ theκαὶ alsoτὴν theνηστείαν fastἤδη alreadyπαρεληλυθέναι, to have come alongside,παρῄνει was recommendingtheΠαῦλος Paul 10  λέγων sayingαὐτοῖς to themἌνδρες, Male persons,θεωρῶ I am beholdingὅτι thatμετὰ withὕβρεως damageκαὶ andπολλῆς muchζημίας lossοὐ notμόνον onlyτοῦ of theφορτίου cargoκαὶ andτοῦ of theπλοίου boatἀλλὰ butκαὶ alsoτῶν of theψυχῶν soulsἡμῶν of usμέλλειν to be aboutἔσεσθαι to be in futureτὸν theπλοῦν. sailing. 11  Theδὲ butἑκατοντάρχης centurionτῷ to theκυβερνήτῃ pilotκαὶ andτῷ to theναυκλήρῳ shipownerμᾶλλον ratherἐπείθετο was persuading himselfthanτοῖς to the (things)ὑπὸ byΠαύλου Paulλεγομένοις. being said. 12  ἀνευθέτου Of inconvenientδὲ butτοῦ of theλιμένος harborὑπάρχοντος beingπρὸς towardπαραχειμασίαν winteringοἱ theπλείονες more (ones)ἔθεντο putβουλὴν counselἀναχθῆναι to be led upἐκεῖθεν, from there,εἴ ifπως somehowδύναιντο they would be ableκαταντήσαντες having attained downεἰς intoΦοίνικα Phoenixπαραχειμάσαι, to winter,λιμένα harborτῆς of theΚρήτης Creteβλέποντα lookingκατὰ downλίβα southwest (wind)καὶ andκατὰ downχῶρον. northwest (wind). 13  Ὑποπνεύσαντος Having blown underδὲ butνότου of south windδόξαντες (ones) having thoughtτῆς of theπροθέσεως purposeκεκρατηκέναι to have laid holdἄραντες having liftedἆσσον close byπαρελέγοντο they were laying themselves besideτὴν theΚρήτην. Crete. 14  μετ’ Afterοὐ notπολὺ muchδὲ butἔβαλεν thrustκατ’ down onαὐτῆς itἄνεμος windτυφωνικὸς typhonictheκαλούμενος being calledΕὐρακύλων· Euroaquilo; 15  συναρπασθέντος having been snatched togetherδὲ butτοῦ of theπλοίου boatκαὶ andμὴ notδυναμένου being ableἀντοφθαλμεῖν to be eyeing againstτῷ to theἀνέμῳ windἐπιδόντες having given uponἐφερόμεθα. we were being borne. 16  νησίον Small islandδέ butτι someὑποδραμόντες having run underκαλούμενον being calledΚαῦδα Caudaἰσχύσαμεν we had strength enoughμόλις with difficultyπερικρατεῖς (ones) having full might overγενέσθαι to becomeτῆς of theσκάφης, skiff, 17  ἣν whichἄραντες having lifted upβοηθείαις helpsἐχρῶντο they were usingὑποζωννύντες undergirdingτὸ theπλοῖον· boat;φοβούμενοί fearingτε andμὴ notεἰς intoτὴν theΣύρτιν Syrtisἐκπέσωσιν, they might fall out,χαλάσαντες having loweredτὸ theσκεῦος, gear,οὕτως thusἐφέροντο. they were being borne. 18  σφοδρῶς Vehementlyδὲ butχειμαζομένων being tempest-tossedἡμῶν of usτῇ to the [day]ἑξῆς of successionἐκβολὴν throwing outἐποιοῦντο, they were making, 19  καὶ andτῇ to theτρίτῃ third [day]αὐτόχειρες acting with own handsτὴν theσκευὴν tacklingτοῦ of theπλοίου boatἔριψαν. they threw. 20  μήτε Neitherδὲ butἡλίου of sunμήτε norἄστρων of starsἐπιφαινόντων appearingἐπὶ uponπλείονας moreἡμέρας, days,χειμῶνός of winterτε andοὐκ notὀλίγου of littleἐπικειμένου, lying upon,λοιπὸν leftover (thing)περιῃρεῖτο was being lifted around fromἐλπὶς hopeπᾶσα allτοῦ of theσώζεσθαι to be being savedἡμᾶς. us. 21  Πολλῆς Of muchτε andἀσιτίας abstinence from grainὑπαρχούσης existingτότε thenσταθεὶς having stoodtheΠαῦλος Paulἐν inμέσῳ midstαὐτῶν of themεἶπεν saidἜδει It was necessaryμέν, indeed,Oἄνδρες, male persons,πειθαρχήσαντάς having obeyed (as to ruler)μοι to meμὴ notἀνάγεσθαι to be being led upἀπὸ fromτῆς theΚρήτης Creteκερδῆσαί to gainτε andτὴν theὕβριν damageταύτην thisκαὶ andτὴν theζημίαν. loss. 22  καὶ Andτὰ the (things)νῦν nowπαραινῶ I recommendὑμᾶς YOUεὐθυμεῖν, to be being well spirited,ἀποβολὴ throwing offγὰρ forψυχῆς of soulοὐδεμία not oneἔσται will beἐξ out ofὑμῶν YOUπλὴν besidesτοῦ of theπλοίου· boat; 23  παρέστη stood besideγάρ forμοι to meταύτῃ to thisτῇ theνυκτὶ nightτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godοὗ of whomεἰμί, I am,to whomκαὶ alsoλατρεύω, I am rendering sacred service,ἄγγελος angel 24  λέγων sayingΜὴ Notφοβοῦ, fear,Παῦλε· Paul;Καίσαρί to Caesarσε youδεῖ it is necessaryπαραστῆναι, to stand beside,καὶ andἰδοὺ look!κεχάρισταί has handed over as favorσοι to youtheθεὸς Godπάντας allτοὺς the (ones)πλέοντας sailingμετὰ withσοῦ. you. 25  διὸ Through whichεὐθυμεῖτε, be being well spirited,ἄνδρες· male persons;πιστεύω I believeγὰρ forτῷ to theθεῷ Godὅτι thatοὕτως thusἔσται it will beκαθ’ according toὃν whichτρόπον mannerλελάληταί it had been spokenμοι. to me. 26  εἰς Intoνῆσον islandδέ butτινα someδεῖ it is necessaryἡμᾶς usἐκπεσεῖν. to fall out. 27  Ὡς Asδὲ butτεσσαρεσκαιδεκάτη fourteenthνὺξ nightἐγένετο occurredδιαφερομένων being borne throughἡμῶν of usἐν inτῷ theἉδρίᾳ, Adria,κατὰ downμέσον middleτῆς of theνυκτὸς nightὑπενόουν were supposingοἱ theναῦται sailorsπροσάγειν to be leading towardτινὰ someαὐτοῖς to themχώραν. country. 28  καὶ Andβολίσαντες having taken soundingsεὗρον they foundὀργυιὰς fathomsεἴκοσι, twenty,βραχὺ brieflyδὲ butδιαστήσαντες having stood throughκαὶ andπάλιν againβολίσαντες having taken soundingsεὗρον they foundὀργυιὰς fathomsδεκαπέντε· fifteen; 29  φοβούμενοί fearingτε andμή notπου somewhereκατὰ downτραχεῖς roughτόπους placesἐκπέσωμεν we might fall outἐκ out ofπρύμνης sternῥίψαντες having thrownἀγκύρας anchorsτέσσαρας fourηὔχοντο they were longing forἡμέραν dayγενέσθαι. to occur. 30  Τῶν Of theδὲ butναυτῶν sailorsζητούντων seekingφυγεῖν to fleeἐκ out ofτοῦ theπλοίου boatκαὶ andχαλασάντων having loweredτὴν theσκάφην skiffεἰς intoτὴν theθάλασσαν seaπροφάσει to pretenseὡς asἐκ out ofπρῴρης prowἀγκύρας anchorsμελλόντων being aboutἐκτείνειν, to be stretching out, 31  εἶπεν saidtheΠαῦλος Paulτῷ to theἑκατοντάρχῃ centurionκαὶ andτοῖς to theστρατιώταις soldiers᾿Εὰν If everμὴ notοὗτοι theseμείνωσιν should remainἐν inτῷ theπλοίῳ, boat,ὑμεῖς YOUσωθῆναι to be savedοὐ notδύνασθε. YOU are able. 32  τότε Thenἀπέκοψαν cut offοἱ theστρατιῶται soldiersτὰ theσχοινία ropesτῆς of theσκάφης skiffκαὶ andεἴασαν they permittedαὐτὴν itἐκπεσεῖν. to fall out. 33  Ἄχρι Untilδὲ butοὗ whichἡμέρα dayἤμελλεν was being aboutγίνεσθαι to be occurringπαρεκάλει was encouragingtheΠαῦλος Paulἅπαντας all (ones)μεταλαβεῖν to partakeτροφῆς, of nourishment,λέγων sayingΤεσσαρεσκαιδεκάτην Fourteenthσήμερον todayἡμέραν dayπροσδοκῶντες expectingἄσιτοι without grainδιατελεῖτε, YOU are finishing through,μηθὲν nothingπροσλαβόμενοι· having taken toward selves; 34  διὸ through whichπαρακαλῶ I am encouragingὑμᾶς YOUμεταλαβεῖν to partakeτροφῆς, of nourishment,τοῦτο thisγὰρ forπρὸς towardτῆς theὑμετέρας YOURσωτηρίας salvationὑπάρχει· is;οὐδενὸς of no oneγὰρ forὑμῶν of YOUθρὶξ hairἀπὸ fromτῆς theκεφαλῆς headἀπολεῖται. will destroy self. 35  εἴπας Having saidδὲ butταῦτα these (things)καὶ andλαβὼν having takenἄρτον breadεὐχαρίστησεν he gave thanksτῷ to theθεῷ Godἐνώπιον in sightπάντων of all (ones)καὶ andκλάσας having brokenἤρξατο he startedἐσθίειν. to be eating. 36  εὔθυμοι Cheerfulδὲ butγενόμενοι having becomeπάντες allκαὶ alsoαὐτοὶ theyπροσελάβοντο took to selvesτροφῆς. of nourishment. 37  ἤμεθα We wereδὲ butαἱ theπᾶσαι allψυχαὶ soulsἐν inτῷ theπλοίῳ boatὡς aboutἑβδομήκοντα seventy-ἕξ. six. 38  κορεσθέντες Having been satisfiedδὲ butτροφῆς of nourishmentἐκούφιζον they were lighteningτὸ theπλοῖον boatἐκβαλλόμενοι throwing outτὸν theσῖτον grainεἰς intoτὴν theθάλασσαν. sea. 39  Ὅτε Whenδὲ butἡμέρα dayἐγένετο, occurred,τὴν theγῆν earthοὐκ notἐπεγίνωσκον, they were recognizing,κόλπον bayδέ butτινα someκατενόουν they were perceivingἔχοντα havingαἰγιαλὸν beachεἰς intoὃν whichἐβουλεύοντο they were wishingεἰ ifδύναιντο they would be ableἐξῶσαι to push outτὸ theπλοῖον. boat. 40  καὶ Andτὰς theἀγκύρας anchorsπεριελόντες having lifted away aroundεἴων they were permittingεἰς intoτὴν theθάλασσαν, sea,ἅμα at the same timeἀνέντες having loosened upτὰς theζευκτηρίας lashingsτῶν of theπηδαλίων, rudders,καὶ andἐπάραντες having lifted uponτὸν theἀρτέμωνα foresailτῇ to theπνεούσῃ blowingκατεῖχον they were having downεἰς intoτὸν theαἰγιαλόν. beach. 41  περιπεσόντες Having fallen aroundδὲ butεἰς intoτόπον placeδιθάλασσον of two seasἐπέκειλαν they ran shoreτὴν theναῦν, ship,καὶ andtheμὲν indeedπρῷρα prowἐρείσασα having stuck firmlyἔμεινεν remainedἀσάλευτος, unshakable,theδὲ butπρύμνα sternἐλύετο was being loosenedὑπὸ byτῆς theβίας. violence. 42  Τῶν Of theδὲ butστρατιωτῶν soldiersβουλὴ counselἐγένετο becameἵνα in order thatτοὺς theδεσμώτας ones in bondsἀποκτείνωσιν, they should kill,μή notτις anyoneἐκκολυμβήσας having swum outδιαφύγῃ· should flee through; 43  theδὲ butἑκατοντάρχης centurionβουλόμενος wishingδιασῶσαι to save throughτὸν theΠαῦλον Paulἐκώλυσεν he was preventingαὐτοὺς themτοῦ of theβουλήματος, wish,ἐκέλευσέν he commandedτε andτοὺς the (ones)δυναμένους being ableκολυμβᾷν to be swimmingἀπορίψαντας having thrown themselves offπρώτους firstἐπὶ uponτὴν theγῆν earthἐξιέναι, to be going out, 44  καὶ andτοὺς theλοιποὺς leftover (ones)οὓς whomμὲν indeedἐπὶ uponσανίσιν planksοὓς whomδὲ butἐπί uponτινων someτῶν of the (things)ἀπὸ fromτοῦ theπλοίου· boat;καὶ andοὕτως thusἐγένετο it occurredπάντας allδιασωθῆναι to be saved throughἐπὶ uponτὴν theγῆν. earth.
