Colossians 1:1-29

1  Παῦλος Paulἀπόστολος apostleΧριστοῦ of ChristἸησοῦ Jesusδιὰ throughθελήματος willθεοῦ of Godκαὶ andΤιμόθεος Timothytheἀδελφὸς brother 2  τοῖς to theἐν inΚολοσσαῖς Colossaeἁγίοις holyκαὶ andπιστοῖς faithfulἀδελφοῖς brothersἐν inΧριστῷ· Christ; χάρις undeserved kindnessὑμῖν to YOUκαὶ andεἰρήνη peaceἀπὸ fromθεοῦ Godπατρὸς Fatherἡμῶν. of us. 3  Εὐχαριστοῦμεν We are giving thanksτῷ to theθεῷ Godπατρὶ Fatherτοῦ of theκυρίου Lordἡμῶν of usἸησοῦ of JesusΧριστοῦ Christπάντοτε alwaysπερὶ aboutὑμῶν YOUπροσευχόμενοι, praying, 4  ἀκούσαντες having heardτὴν theπίστιν faithὑμῶν of YOUἐν inΧριστῷ ChristἸησοῦ Jesusκαὶ andτὴν theἀγάπην loveἣν whichἔχετε YOU are havingεἰς intoπάντας allτοὺς theἁγίους holy (ones) 5  διὰ throughτὴν theἐλπίδα hopeτὴν theἀποκειμένην lying awayὑμῖν to YOUἐν inτοῖς theοὐρανοῖς, heavens,ἣν whichπροηκούσατε YOU heard beforeἐν inτῷ theλόγῳ wordτῆς of theἀληθείας truthτοῦ of theεὐαγγελίου good news 6  τοῦ of the (one)παρόντος being alongsideεἰς intoὑμᾶς, YOU,καθὼς according asκαὶ alsoἐν inπαντὶ allτῷ theκόσμῳ worldἐστὶν it isκαρποφορούμενον bearing fruitκαὶ andαὐξανόμενον increasingκαθὼς according asκαὶ alsoἐν inὑμῖν, YOU,ἀφ’ fromἧς whichἡμέρας dayἠκούσατε YOU heardκαὶ andἐπέγνωτε YOU accurately knewτὴν theχάριν undeserved kindnessτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godἐν inἀληθείᾳ· truth; 7  καθὼς according asἐμάθετε YOU learnedἀπὸ from᾿Επαφρᾶ Epaphrasτοῦ theἀγαπητοῦ lovedσυνδούλου fellow slaveἡμῶν, of us,ὅς whoἐστιν isπιστὸς faithfulὑπὲρ overἡμῶν usδιάκονος servantτοῦ of theχριστοῦ, Christ, 8  the (one)καὶ alsoδηλώσας having made evidentἡμῖν to usτὴν theὑμῶν of YOUἀγάπην loveἐν inπνεύματι. spirit. 9  Διὰ Throughτοῦτο thisκαὶ alsoἡμεῖς, we,ἀφ’ fromἧς whichἡμέρας dayἠκούσαμεν, we heard,οὐ notπαυόμεθα we are ceasingὑπὲρ overὑμῶν YOUπροσευχόμενοι prayingκαὶ andαἰτούμενοι petitioningἵνα in order thatπληρωθῆτε YOU might be filled withτὴν theἐπίγνωσιν accurate knowledgeτοῦ of theθελήματος willαὐτοῦ of himἐν inπάσῃ allσοφίᾳ wisdomκαὶ andσυνέσει comprehensionπνευματικῇ, spiritual, 10  περιπατῆσαι to walkἀξίως worthilyτοῦ of theκυρίου Lordεἰς intoπᾶσαν allἀρεσκίαν pleasingἐν inπαντὶ everyἔργῳ workἀγαθῷ goodκαρποφοροῦντες bearing fruitκαὶ andαὐξανόμενοι increasingτῇ to theἐπιγνώσει accurate knowledgeτοῦ of theθεοῦ, God, 11  ἐν inπάσῃ allδυνάμει powerδυναμούμενοι being made powerfulκατὰ according toτὸ theκράτος mightτῆς of theδόξης gloryαὐτοῦ of himεἰς intoπᾶσαν allὑπομονὴν enduranceκαὶ andμακροθυμίαν longness of spiritμετὰ withχαρᾶς, joy, 12  εὐχαριστοῦντες (ones) giving thanksτῷ to theπατρὶ Fatherτῷ the (one)ἱκανώσαντι having made sufficientὑμᾶς YOUεἰς intoτὴν theμερίδα portionτοῦ of theκλήρου lotτῶν of theἁγίων holy (ones)ἐν inτῷ theφωτί, light. 13  ὃς Whoἐρύσατο drew out to selfἡμᾶς usἐκ out ofτῆς theἐξουσίας authorityτοῦ of theσκότους darknessκαὶ andμετέστησεν transferredεἰς intoτὴν theβασιλείαν kingdomτοῦ of theυἱοῦ Sonτῆς of theἀγάπης loveαὐτοῦ, of him, 14  ἐν inwhomἔχομεν we are havingτὴν theἀπολύτρωσιν, release by ransom,τὴν theἄφεσιν letting go offτῶν of theἁμαρτιῶν· sins; 15  ὅς whoἐστιν isεἰκὼν imageτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godτοῦ theἀοράτου, invisible,πρωτότοκος firstbornπάσης of allκτίσεως, creation, 16  ὅτι becauseἐν inαὐτῷ himἐκτίσθη it was createdτὰ theπάντα all (things)ἐν inτοῖς theοὐρανοῖς heavensκαὶ andἐπὶ uponτῆς theγῆς, earth,τὰ the (things)ὁρατὰ visibleκαὶ andτὰ the (things)ἀόρατα, invisible,εἴτε whetherθρόνοι thronesεἴτε orκυριότητες lordshipsεἴτε orἀρχαὶ governmentsεἴτε orἐξουσίαι· authorities;τὰ theπάντα all (things)δι’ throughαὐτοῦ himκαὶ andεἰς intoαὐτὸν himἔκτισται· it has been created; 17  καὶ andαὐτὸς heἔστιν isπρὸ beforeπάντων all (things)καὶ andτὰ theπάντα all (things)ἐν inαὐτῷ himσυνέστηκεν, it has stood together, 18  καὶ andαὐτός heἐστιν istheκεφαλὴ headτοῦ of theσώματος, body,τῆς of theἐκκλησίας· ecclesia;ὅς whoἐστιν istheἀρχή, beginning,πρωτότοκος firstbornἐκ out ofτῶν theνεκρῶν, dead (ones),ἵνα in order thatγένηται might becomeἐν inπᾶσιν all (things)αὐτὸς heπρωτεύων, holding the first place, 19  ὅτι becauseἐν inαὐτῷ himεὐδόκησεν he thought wellπᾶν allτὸ theπλήρωμα fullnessκατοικῆσαι to dwell down 20  καὶ andδι’ throughαὐτοῦ himἀποκαταλλάξαι to reconcileτὰ theπάντα all (things)εἰς intoαὐτόν, him,εἰρηνοποιήσας having made peaceδιὰ throughτοῦ theαἵματος bloodτοῦ of theσταυροῦ stakeαὐτοῦ, of him,δι’ throughαὐτοῦ himεἴτε whetherτὰ the (things)ἐπὶ uponτῆς theγῆς earthεἴτε orτὰ the (things)ἐν inτοῖς theοὐρανοῖς. heavens. 21  καὶ Andὑμᾶς YOUποτὲ sometimeὄντας beingἀπηλλοτριωμένους having been alienatedκαὶ andἐχθροὺς enemiesτῇ to theδιανοίᾳ mental perceptionἐν inτοῖς theἔργοις worksτοῖς theπονηροῖς,— wicked,— 22  νυνὶ nowδὲ butἀποκατήλλαξεν he reconciledἐν inτῷ theσώματι bodyτῆς of theσαρκὸς fleshαὐτοῦ of himδιὰ throughτοῦ theθανάτου,— death,—παραστῆσαι to presentὑμᾶς YOUἁγίους holyκαὶ andἀμώμους unspottedκαὶ andἀνεγκλήτους unaccusableκατενώπιον down in sightαὐτοῦ, of him, 23  εἴ ifγε in factἐπιμένετε YOU are remaining uponτῇ to theπίστει faithτεθεμελιωμένοι having been foundedκαὶ andἑδραῖοι settledκαὶ andμὴ notμετακινούμενοι being moved elsewhereἀπὸ fromτῆς theἐλπίδος hopeτοῦ of theεὐαγγελίου good newsοὗ of whichἠκούσατε, YOU heard,τοῦ of the (one)κηρυχθέντος having been preachedἐν inπάσῃ allκτίσει creationτῇ theὑπὸ underτὸν theοὐρανόν, heaven,οὗ of whichἐγενόμην becameἐγὼ IΠαῦλος Paulδιάκονος. servant. 24  Νῦν Nowχαίρω I am rejoicingἐν inτοῖς theπαθήμασιν sufferingsὑπὲρ overὑμῶν, YOU,καὶ andἀνταναπληρῶ I am filling up insteadτὰ theὑστερήματα lacking (things)τῶν of theθλίψεων tribulationsτοῦ of theχριστοῦ Christἐν inτῇ theσαρκί fleshμου of meὑπὲρ overτοῦ theσώματος bodyαὐτοῦ, of him,whichἐστιν istheἐκκλησία, ecclesia, 25  ἧς of whichἐγενόμην I becameἐγὼ Iδιάκονος servantκατὰ according toτὴν theοἰκονομίαν house administrationτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godτὴν theδοθεῖσάν having been givenμοι to meεἰς intoὑμᾶς YOUπληρῶσαι to fulfillτὸν theλόγον wordτοῦ of theθεοῦ, God, 26  τὸ theμυστήριον mysteryτὸ theἀποκεκρυμμένον having been hidden awayἀπὸ fromτῶν theαἰώνων agesκαὶ andἀπὸ fromτῶν theγενεῶν,— generations,—νῦν nowδὲ butἐφανερώθη it was manifestedτοῖς to theἁγίοις holy (ones)αὐτοῦ, of him, 27  οἷς to whomἠθέλησεν willedtheθεὸς Godγνωρίσαι to make knownτί whatτὸ theπλοῦτος richesτῆς of theδόξης gloryτοῦ of theμυστηρίου mysteryτούτου thisἐν inτοῖς theἔθνεσιν, nations,whichἐστιν isΧριστὸς Christἐν inὑμῖν, YOU,theἐλπὶς hopeτῆς of theδόξης· glory; 28  ὃν whomἡμεῖς weκαταγγέλλομεν are announcing downνουθετοῦντες putting mind intoπάντα everyἄνθρωπον manκαὶ andδιδάσκοντες teachingπάντα everyἄνθρωπον manἐν inπάσῃ allσοφίᾳ, wisdom,ἵνα in order thatπαραστήσωμεν we might presentπάντα everyἄνθρωπον manτέλειον perfectἐν inΧριστῷ· Christ; 29  εἰς intowhichκαὶ alsoκοπιῶ I am laboringἀγωνιζόμενος strugglingκατὰ according toτὴν theἐνέργειαν operation withinαὐτοῦ of himτὴν theἐνεργουμένην operating withinἐν inἐμοὶ meἐν inδυνάμει. power.
