Galatians 1:1-24

1  Παῦλος Paulἀπόστολος, apostle,οὐκ notἀπ’ fromἀνθρώπων menοὐδὲ norδι’ throughἀνθρώπου manἀλλὰ butδιὰ throughἸησοῦ JesusΧριστοῦ Christκαὶ andθεοῦ Godπατρὸς Fatherτοῦ the (one)ἐγείραντος having raisedαὐτὸν himἐκ out ofνεκρῶν, dead (ones), 2  καὶ andοἱ theσὺν together withἐμοὶ meπάντες allἀδελφοί, brothers,ταῖς to theἐκκλησίαις ecclesiasτῆς of theΓαλατίας· Galatia; 3  χάρις undeserved kindnessὑμῖν to YOUκαὶ andεἰρήνη peaceἀπὸ fromθεοῦ Godπατρὸς Fatherἡμῶν of usκαὶ andκυρίου of LordἸησοῦ JesusΧριστοῦ, Christ, 4  τοῦ the (one)δόντος having givenἑαυτὸν himselfὑπὲρ overτῶν theἁμαρτιῶν sinsἡμῶν of usὅπως so thatἐξέληται he might take outἡμᾶς usἐκ out ofτοῦ theαἰῶνος ageτοῦ theἐνεστῶτος having stood inπονηροῦ wickedκατὰ according toτὸ theθέλημα willτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godκαὶ andπατρὸς Fatherἡμῶν, of us, 5  to whomtheδόξα gloryεἰς intoτοὺς theαἰῶνας agesτῶν of theαἰώνων· ages;ἀμήν. amen. 6  Θαυμάζω I am wonderingὅτι thatοὕτως thusταχέως quicklyμετατίθεσθε YOU are being transferredἀπὸ fromτοῦ the (one)καλέσαντος having calledὑμᾶς YOUἐν inχάριτι undeserved kindnessΧριστοῦ of Christεἰς intoἕτερον differentεὐαγγέλιον, good news, 7  whichοὐκ notἔστιν isἄλλο· another;εἰ ifμή notτινές someεἰσιν areοἱ the (ones)ταράσσοντες agitatingὑμᾶς YOUκαὶ andθέλοντες willingμεταστρέψαι to turn onto other sideτὸ theεὐαγγέλιον good newsτοῦ of theχριστοῦ. Christ. 8  ἀλλὰ Butκαὶ alsoἐὰν if everἡμεῖς weorἄγγελος angelἐξ out ofοὐρανοῦ heavenεὐαγγελίσηται should declare as good newsὑμῖν to YOUπαρ’ besidewhichεὐηγγελισάμεθα we declared as good newsὑμῖν, to YOU,ἀνάθεμα anathemaἔστω. let him be. 9  ὡς Asπροειρήκαμεν, we have said before,καὶ alsoἄρτι right nowπάλιν againλέγω, I am saying,εἴ ifτις anyoneὑμᾶς YOUεὐαγγελίζεται is declaring good news toπαρ’ besidewhichπαρελάβετε, YOU received alongside,ἀνάθεμα anathemaἔστω. let him be. 10  Ἄρτι Right nowγὰρ forἀνθρώπους menπείθω am I persuadingorτὸν theθεόν; God?Orζητῶ am I seekingἀνθρώποις to menἀρέσκειν; to be pleasing?εἰ Ifἔτι yetἀνθρώποις to menἤρεσκον, I was pleasing,Χριστοῦ of Christδοῦλος slaveοὐκ notἂν likelyἤμην. I was. 11  γνωρίζω I am making knownγὰρ forὑμῖν, to YOU,ἀδελφοί, brothers,τὸ theεὐαγγέλιον good newsτὸ the (one)εὐαγγελισθὲν having been declared as good newsὑπ’ byἐμοῦ meὅτι thatοὐκ notἔστιν it isκατὰ according toἄνθρωπον· man; 12  οὐδὲ neitherγὰρ forἐγὼ Iπαρὰ besideἀνθρώπου of manπαρέλαβον I received alongsideαὐτό, it,οὔτε norἐδιδάχθην, I was taught,ἀλλὰ butδι’ throughἀποκαλύψεως revelationἸησοῦ of JesusΧριστοῦ. Christ. 13  Ἠκούσατε YOU heardγὰρ forτὴν theἐμὴν myἀναστροφήν conductποτε sometimeἐν inτῷ theἸουδαϊσμῷ, Judaism,ὅτι thatκαθ’ according toὑπερβολὴν over-castἐδίωκον I was persecutingτὴν theἐκκλησίαν ecclesiaτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godκαὶ andἐπόρθουν I was laying wasteαὐτήν, it, 14  καὶ andπροέκοπτον I was striking beforeἐν inτῷ theἸουδαϊσμῷ Judaismὑπὲρ overπολλοὺς manyσυνηλικιώτας of (same) age withἐν inτῷ theγένει raceμου, of me,περισσοτέρως more abundantlyζηλωτὴς zealousὑπάρχων beingτῶν of theπατρικῶν paternalμου of meπαραδόσεων. traditions. 15  Ὅτε Whenδὲ butεὐδόκησεν thought welltheθεὸς Godthe (one)ἀφορίσας having defined offμε meἐκ out ofκοιλίας cavityμητρός of motherμου of meκαὶ andκαλέσας having calledδιὰ throughτῆς theχάριτος undeserved kindnessαὐτοῦ of him 16  ἀποκαλύψαι to revealτὸν theυἱὸν Sonαὐτοῦ of himἐν inἐμοὶ meἵνα in order thatεὐαγγελίζωμαι I may declare as good newsαὐτὸν himἐν inτοῖς theἔθνεσιν, nations,εὐθέως immediatelyοὐ notπροσανεθέμην I put self up towardσαρκὶ to fleshκαὶ andαἵματι, to blood, 17  οὐδὲ neitherἀνῆλθον I went upεἰς intoἸεροσόλυμα Jerusalemπρὸς towardτοὺς theπρὸ beforeἐμοῦ meἀποστόλους, apostles,ἀλλὰ butἀπῆλθον I went offεἰς into᾿Αραβίαν, Arabia,καὶ andπάλιν againὑπέστρεψα I turned underεἰς intoΔαμασκόν. Damascus. 18  Ἔπειτα Thereuponμετὰ afterτρία threeἔτη yearsἀνῆλθον I went upεἰς intoἸεροσόλυμα Jerusalemἱστορῆσαι to visit for inquiryΚηφᾶν, Cephas,καὶ andἐπέμεινα I remained uponπρὸς towardαὐτὸν himἡμέρας daysδεκαπέντε· fifteen; 19  ἕτερον different (one)δὲ butτῶν of theἀποστόλων apostlesοὐκ notεἶδον, I saw,εἰ ifμὴ notἸάκωβον Jamesτὸν theἀδελφὸν brotherτοῦ of theκυρίου. Lord. 20  What (things)δὲ butγράφω I am writingὑμῖν, to YOU,ἰδοὺ lookἐνώπιον in sightτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godὅτι thatοὐ notψεύδομαι. I am lying. 21  ἔπειτα Thereuponἦλθον I cameεἰς intoτὰ theκλίματα slopesτῆς of theΣυρίας Syriaκαὶ andτῆς of theΚιλικίας. Cilicia. 22  ἤμην I wasδὲ butἀγνοούμενος being unknownτῷ of theπροσώπῳ faceταῖς to theἐκκλησίαις ecclesiasτῆς of theἸουδαίας Judeaταῖς the (ones)ἐν inΧριστῷ, Christ, 23  μόνον onlyδὲ butἀκούοντες hearingἦσαν they wereὅτι thatThe (one)διώκων persecutingἡμᾶς usποτὲ sometimeνῦν nowεὐαγγελίζεται is declaring as good newsτὴν theπίστιν faithἥν whichποτε sometimeἐπόρθει, he was laying waste, 24  καὶ andἐδόξαζον they were glorifyingἐν inἐμοὶ meτὸν theθεόν. God.
