Hebrews 1:1-14

1  Πολυμερῶς In many partsκαὶ andπολυτρόπως in many mannersπάλαι of oldtheθεὸς Godλαλήσας having spokenτοῖς to theπατράσιν fathersἐν inτοῖς theπροφήταις prophets 2  ἐπ’ uponἐσχάτου last [part]τῶν of theἡμερῶν daysτούτων theseἐλάλησεν he spokeἡμῖν to usἐν inυἱῷ, Son,ὃν whomἔθηκεν he putκληρονόμον heirπάντων, of all (things),δι’ throughοὗ whomκαὶ alsoἐποίησεν he madeτοὺς theαἰῶνας· ages; 3  ὃς whoὢν beingἀπαύγασμα beaming forth fromτῆς of theδόξης gloryκαὶ andχαρακτὴρ impressτῆς of theὑποστάσεως sub-standingαὐτοῦ, of him,φέρων bearingτε andτὰ theπάντα all (things)τῷ to theῥήματι sayingτῆς of theδυνάμεως powerαὐτοῦ, of him,καθαρισμὸν cleansingτῶν of theἁμαρτιῶν sinsποιησάμενος having madeἐκάθισεν he sat downἐν inδεξιᾷ right [hand]τῆς of theμεγαλωσύνης greatnessἐν inὑψηλοῖς, lofty [places], 4  τοσούτῳ to so muchκρείττων betterγενόμενος having becomeτῶν of theἀγγέλων angelsὅσῳ to how muchδιαφορώτερον more differingπαρ’ besideαὐτοὺς themκεκληρονόμηκεν he has inheritedὄνομα. name. 5  Τίνι To which oneγὰρ forεἶπέν he saidποτε sometimeτῶν of theἀγγέλων angelsΥἱός Sonμου of meεἶ areσύ, you,ἐγὼ Iσήμερον todayγεγέννηκά I have generatedσε, you,καὶ andπάλιν again᾿Εγὼ Iἔσομαι shall beαὐτῷ to himεἰς intoπατέρα, Father,καὶ andαὐτὸς heἔσται will beμοι to meεἰς intoυἱόν; Son? 6  ὅταν Wheneverδὲ butπάλιν againεἰσαγάγῃ he should lead inτὸν theπρωτότοκον Firstborn (one)εἰς intoτὴν theοἰκουμένην, being inhabited [earth],λέγει he is sayingΚαὶ Andπροσκυνησάτωσαν let do obeisance towardαὐτῷ himπάντες allἄγγελοι angelsθεοῦ. of God. 7  καὶ Andπρὸς towardμὲν indeedτοὺς theἀγγέλους angelsλέγει he is sayingthe (one)ποιῶν makingτοὺς theἀγγέλους angelsαὐτοῦ of himπνεύματα, spirits,καὶ andτοὺς theλειτουργοὺς public workersαὐτοῦ of himπυρὸς of fireφλόγα· flame; 8  πρὸς towardδὲ butτὸν theυἱόν SonTheθρόνος throneσου of youtheθεὸς Godεἰς intoτὸν theαἰῶνα ageτοῦ of theαἰῶνος, age,καὶ andtheῥάβδος staffτῆς of theεὐθύτητος straightnessῥάβδος staffτῆς of theβασιλείας kingdomαὐτοῦ. of him. 9  ἠγάπησας You lovedδικαιοσύνην righteousnessκαὶ andἐμίσησας you hatedἀνομίαν· lawlessness;διὰ throughτοῦτο thisἔχρισέν anointedσε youtheθεός, God,theθεός Godσου, of you,ἔλαιον oilἀγαλλιάσεως of exultationπαρὰ besideτοὺς theμετόχους partnersσου· of you; 10  καί andΣὺ Youκατ’ according toἀρχάς, beginnings,κύριε, Lord,τὴν theγῆν earthἐθεμελίωσας, you founded,καὶ andἔργα worksτῶν of theχειρῶν handsσού of youεἰσιν areοἱ theοὐρανοί· heavens; 11  αὐτοὶ theyἀπολοῦνται, will destroy themselves,σὺ youδὲ butδιαμένεις· you are remaining through;καὶ andπάντες allὡς asἱμάτιον outer garmentπαλαιωθήσονται, will be made old, 12  καὶ andὡσεὶ as ifπεριβόλαιον thing thrown aboutἑλίξεις you will wrap upαὐτούς, them,ὡς asἱμάτιον outer garmentκαὶ andἀλλαγήσονται· they will be altered;σὺ youδὲ buttheαὐτὸς very (one)εἶ, are,καὶ andτὰ theἔτη yearsσου of youοὐκ notἐκλείψουσιν. will leave out. 13  πρὸς Towardτίνα which oneδὲ butτῶν of theἀγγέλων angelsεἴρηκέν has he saidποτε sometimeΚάθου Sit youἐκ out ofδεξιῶν right [parts]μου of meἕως untilἂν likelyθῶ I might putτοὺς theἐχθρούς enemiesσου of youὑποπόδιον footstoolτῶν of theποδῶν feetσου; of you? 14  οὐχὶ Notπάντες allεἰσὶν they areλειτουργικὰ publicly workingπνεύματα spiritsεἰς intoδιακονίαν serviceἀποστελλόμενα being sent forthδιὰ throughτοὺς the (ones)μέλλοντας being aboutκληρονομεῖν to be inheritingσωτηρίαν; salvation?
