Hebrews 4:1-16

4  Φοβηθῶμεν We should fearοὖν thereforeμή notποτε sometimeκαταλειπομένης being left downἐπαγγελίας of promiseεἰσελθεῖν to enterεἰς intoτὴν theκατάπαυσιν ceasing downαὐτοῦ of himδοκῇ may seemτις someoneἐξ out ofὑμῶν YOUὑστερηκέναι· to have come behind; 2  καὶ andγάρ forἐσμεν we areεὐηγγελισμένοι having been brought good newsκαθάπερ according to which (things)κἀκεῖνοι, even also those,ἀλλ’ butοὐκ notὠφέλησεν benefitedtheλόγος wordτῆς of theἀκοῆς hearingἐκείνους, those (ones),μὴ notσυνκεκερασμένους (ones) having been mixedτῇ to theπίστει faithτοῖς to the (ones)ἀκούσασιν. having heard. 3  Εἰσερχόμεθα We are enteringγὰρ forεἰς intoτὴν theκατάπαυσιν ceasing downοἱ the (ones)πιστεύσαντες, having believed,καθὼς according asεἴρηκεν he has saidὩς Asὤμοσα I sworeἐν inτῇ theὀργῇ wrathμου of meΕἰ Ifεἰσελεύσονται they will enterεἰς intoτὴν theκατάπαυσίν ceasing downμου, of me,καίτοι althoughτῶν of theἔργων worksἀπὸ fromκαταβολῆς throwing downκόσμου of worldγενηθέντων, of (ones) having come to be, 4  εἴρηκεν he has saidγάρ forπου somewhereπερὶ aboutτῆς theἑβδόμης seventh [day]οὕτως thusΚαὶ Andκατέπαυσεν ceased downtheθεὸς Godἐν inτῇ theἡμέρᾳ dayτῇ theἑβδόμῃ seventhἀπὸ fromπάντων allτῶν theἔργων worksαὐτοῦ, of him, 5  καὶ andἐν inτούτῳ thisπάλιν againΕἰ Ifεἰσελεύσονται they will enterεἰς intoτὴν theκατάπαυσίν ceasing downμου. of me. 6  ἐπεὶ Sinceοὖν thereforeἀπολείπεται it is being left offτινὰς some (ones)εἰσελθεῖν to enterεἰς intoαὐτήν, it,καὶ andοἱ the (ones)πρότερον formerlyεὐαγγελισθέντες having been brought good newsοὐκ notεἰσῆλθον they enteredδι’ throughἀπείθειαν, disobedience, 7  πάλιν againτινὰ someὁρίζει he is definingἡμέραν, day,Σήμερον, Today,ἐν inΔαυεὶδ Davidλέγων sayingμετὰ afterτοσοῦτον so muchχρόνον, time,καθὼς according asπροείρηται, it has been said before,Σήμερον Todayἐὰν if everτῆς of theφωνῆς voiceαὐτοῦ of himἀκούσητε, YOU should hear,μὴ notσκληρύνητε YOU may hardenτὰς theκαρδίας heartsὑμῶν· of YOU; 8  εἰ ifγὰρ forαὐτοὺς themἸησοῦς Jesusκατέπαυσεν, made cease down,οὐκ notἂν likelyπερὶ aboutἄλλης anotherἐλάλει he was speakingμετὰ afterταῦτα these (things)ἡμέρας. of day. 9  ἄρα Reallyἀπολείπεται is being left offσαββατισμὸς sabbathingτῷ to theλαῷ peopleτοῦ of theθεοῦ· God; 10  the (one)γὰρ forεἰσελθὼν having enteredεἰς intoτὴν theκατάπαυσιν ceasing downαὐτοῦ of himκαὶ alsoαὐτὸς heκατέπαυσεν ceased downἀπὸ fromτῶν theἔργων worksαὐτοῦ of himὥσπερ as-evenἀπὸ fromτῶν theἰδίων own (ones)theθεός. God. 11  Σπουδάσωμεν We should speed upοὖν thereforeεἰσελθεῖν to enterεἰς intoἐκείνην thatτὴν theκατάπαυσιν, ceasing down,ἵνα in order thatμὴ notἐν inτῷ theαὐτῷ veryτις anyoneὑποδείγματι exampleπέσῃ he should fallτῆς of theἀπειθείας. disobedience. 12  Ζῶν Livingγὰρ fortheλόγος wordτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godκαὶ andἐνεργὴς energeticκαὶ andτομώτερος sharperὑπὲρ overπᾶσαν everyμάχαιραν swordδίστομον two-mouthedκαὶ andδιικνούμενος going throughἄχρι as far asμερισμοῦ partingψυχῆς of soulκαὶ andπνεύματος, of spirit,ἁρμῶν of jointsτε andκαὶ andμυελῶν, of marrows,καὶ andκριτικὸς judgerἐνθυμήσεων of thoughtsκαὶ andἐννοιῶν of mental inclinationsκαρδίας· of heart; 13  καὶ andοὐκ notἔστιν isκτίσις creationἀφανὴς unapparentἐνώπιον in sightαὐτοῦ, of him,πάντα all (things)δὲ butγυμνὰ nakedκαὶ andτετραχηλισμένα having been laid openτοῖς to theὀφθαλμοῖς eyesαὐτοῦ, of him,πρὸς towardὃν whomἡμῖν to ustheλόγος. word. 14  Ἔχοντες Havingοὖν thereforeἀρχιερέα chief priestμέγαν greatδιεληλυθότα having gone throughτοὺς theοὐρανούς, heavens,Ἰησοῦν Jesusτὸν theυἱὸν Sonτοῦ of theθεοῦ, God,κρατῶμεν we may take holdτῆς of theὁμολογίας· confession; 15  οὐ notγὰρ forἔχομεν we are havingἀρχιερέα chief priestμὴ notδυνάμενον being ableσυνπαθῆσαι to sympathizeταῖς to theἀσθενείαις weaknessesἡμῶν, of us,πεπειρασμένον having been testedδὲ butκατὰ according toπάντα all (things)καθ’ according toὁμοιότητα likenessχωρὶς apart fromἁμαρτίας. sin. 16  προσερχώμεθα We may come towardοὖν thereforeμετὰ withπαρρησίας outspokennessτῷ to theθρόνῳ throneτῆς of theχάριτος, undeserved kindness,ἵνα in order thatλάβωμεν we might receiveἔλεος mercyκαὶ andχάριν undeserved kindnessεὕρωμεν we might findεἰς intoεὔκαιρον well-timelyβοήθειαν. aid.
