Hebrews 5:1-14

5  Πᾶς Everyγὰρ forἀρχιερεὺς chief priestἐξ out ofἀνθρώπων menλαμβανόμενος being takenὑπὲρ overἀνθρώπων menκαθίσταται is being set downτὰ the (things)πρὸς towardτὸν theθεόν, God,ἵνα in order thatπροσφέρῃ he may bear towardδῶρά giftsτε andκαὶ andθυσίας sacrificesὑπὲρ overἁμαρτιῶν, sins, 2  μετριοπαθεῖν to feel measuredlyδυνάμενος being ableτοῖς to the (ones)ἀγνοοῦσι being ignorantκαὶ andπλανωμένοις being made to errἐπεὶ sinceκαὶ alsoαὐτὸς heπερίκειται is being surroundedἀσθένειαν, weakness, 3  καὶ andδι’ throughαὐτὴν itὀφείλει, he is owing,καθὼς according asπερὶ aboutτοῦ theλαοῦ, people,οὕτως thusκαὶ alsoπερὶ aboutἑαυτοῦ himselfπροσφέρειν to be bearing towardπερὶ aboutἁμαρτιῶν. sins. 4  καὶ Andοὐχ notἑαυτῷ to himselfτις anyoneλαμβάνει is receivingτὴν theτιμήν, honor,ἀλλὰ butκαλούμενος (one) being calledὑπὸ byτοῦ theθεοῦ, God,καθώσπερ according as evenκαὶ also᾿Ααρών. Aaron. 5  Οὕτως Thusκαὶ alsotheχριστὸς Christοὐχ notἑαυτὸν himselfἐδόξασεν he glorifiedγενηθῆναι to becomeἀρχιερέα, chief priest,ἀλλ’ butthe (one)λαλήσας having spokenπρὸς towardαὐτόν himΥἱός Sonμου of meεἶ areσύ, you,ἐγὼ Iσήμερον todayγεγέννηκά I have generatedσε· you; 6  καθὼς according asκαὶ alsoἐν inἑτέρῳ differentλέγει he is sayingΣὺ Youἱερεὺς priestεἰς intoτὸν theαἰῶνα ageκατὰ according toτὴν theτάξιν lineupΜελχισεδέκ. of Melchizedek. 7  ὃς Whoἐν inταῖς theἡμέραις daysτῆς of theσαρκὸς fleshαὐτοῦ, of him,δεήσεις supplicationsτε andκαὶ andἱκετηρίας petitionsπρὸς towardτὸν the (one)δυνάμενον being ableσώζειν to be savingαὐτὸν himἐκ out ofθανάτου deathμετὰ withκραυγῆς outcryἰσχυρᾶς strongκαὶ andδακρύων tearsπροσενέγκας having borne towardκαὶ andεἰσακουσθεὶς having been heard intoἀπὸ fromτῆς theεὐλαβείας, holding well, 8  καίπερ and-evenὢν beingυἱός, Son,ἔμαθεν he learnedἀφ’ fromὧν which (things)ἔπαθεν he sufferedτὴν theὑπακοήν, obedience, 9  καὶ andτελειωθεὶς having been perfectedἐγένετο he becameπᾶσιν to allτοῖς the (ones)ὑπακούουσιν obeyingαὐτῷ to himαἴτιος (one) causingσωτηρίας of salvationαἰωνίου, everlasting, 10  προσαγορευθεὶς having been addressedὑπὸ byτοῦ theθεοῦ Godἀρχιερεὺς chief priestκατὰ according toτὴν theτάξιν lineupΜελχισεδέκ. of Melchizedek. 11  Περὶ Aboutοὗ whomπολὺς muchἡμῖν to ustheλόγος wordκαὶ andδυσερμήνευτος hard to interpretλέγειν, to be saying,ἐπεὶ sinceνωθροὶ sluggishγεγόνατε YOU have becomeταῖς to theἀκοαῖς· hearings; 12  καὶ andγὰρ forὀφείλοντες (ones) being owingεἶναι to beδιδάσκαλοι teachersδιὰ throughτὸν theχρόνον, time,πάλιν againχρείαν needἔχετε YOU are havingτοῦ of theδιδάσκειν to be teachingὑμᾶς YOUτινὰ someoneτὰ theστοιχεῖα elementary thingsτῆς of theἀρχῆς beginningτῶν of theλογίων little wordsτοῦ of theθεοῦ, God,καὶ andγεγόνατε YOU have becomeχρείαν needἔχοντες (ones) havingγάλακτος, of milk,οὐ notστερεᾶς of solidτροφῆς. nourishment. 13  πᾶς Everyoneγὰρ forthe (one)μετέχων partakingγάλακτος of milkἄπειρος untestedλόγου of wordδικαιοσύνης, of righteousness,νήπιος babeγάρ forἐστιν· he is; 14  τελείων of perfect (ones)δέ butἐστιν istheστερεὰ solidτροφή, nourishment,τῶν of the (ones)διὰ throughτὴν theἕξιν useτὰ theαἰσθητήρια sense organsγεγυμνασμένα having been trained (like gymnast)ἐχόντων havingπρὸς towardδιάκρισιν distinguishingκαλοῦ of fine (thing)τε andκαὶ andκακοῦ. bad (thing).
