Hebrews 7:1-28

7  Οὗτος Thisγὰρ fortheΜελχισεδέκ, Melchizedek,Βασιλεὺς KingΣαλήμ, of Salem,ἱερεὺς priestτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godτοῦ of theὑψίστου, most high,the (one)συναντήσας having met᾿Αβραὰμ to Abrahamὑποστρέφοντι returningἀπὸ fromτῆς theκοπῆς cuttingτῶν of theβασιλέων kingsκαὶ andεὐλογήσας having blessedαὐτόν, him, 2  to whomκαὶ alsoδεκάτην tenthἀπὸ fromπάντων all (things)ἐμέρισεν apportioned᾿Αβραάμ, Abraham,πρῶτον firstμὲν indeedἑρμηνευόμενος being translatedΒασιλεὺς KingΔικαιοσύνης of Righteousnessἔπειτα thereuponδὲ butκαὶ alsoΒασιλεὺς KingΣαλήμ, of Salem,whichἐστιν isβασιλεὺς kingΕἰρήνης, of Peace, 3  ἀπάτωρ, fatherless,ἀμήτωρ, motherless,ἀγενεαλόγητος, without genealogy,μήτε neitherἀρχὴν beginningἡμερῶν of daysμήτε norζωῆς of lifeτέλος endἔχων, having,ἀφωμοιωμένος having been made like fromδὲ butτῷ to theυἱῷ Sonτοῦ of theθεοῦ, God,μένει he is remainingἱερεὺς priestεἰς intoτὸ theδιηνεκές. carrying through. 4  Θεωρεῖτε Be beholding YOUδὲ butπηλίκος how greatοὗτος this (one)to whomδεκάτην tenth᾿Αβραὰμ Abrahamἔδωκεν gaveἐκ out ofτῶν theἀκροθινίων top of heapstheπατριάρχης. patriarch. 5  καὶ Andοἱ the (ones)μὲν indeedἐκ out ofτῶν theυἱῶν sonsΛευεὶ of Leviτὴν theἱερατείαν priestly officeλαμβάνοντες receivingἐντολὴν commandmentἔχουσιν they are havingἀποδεκατοῖν to be taking tenths fromτὸν theλαὸν peopleκατὰ according toτὸν theνόμον, Law,τοῦτ’ thisἔστιν isτοὺς theἀδελφοὺς brothersαὐτῶν, of them,καίπερ and evenἐξεληλυθότας having come forthἐκ out ofτῆς theὀσφύος loin᾿Αβραάμ· of Abraham; 6  the (one)δὲ butμὴ notγενεαλογούμενος tracing genealogyἐξ out ofαὐτῶν themδεδεκάτωκεν has tithed᾿Αβραάμ, Abraham,καὶ andτὸν the (one)ἔχοντα havingτὰς theἐπαγγελίας promisesεὐλόγηκεν. he has blessed. 7  χωρὶς Apart fromδὲ butπάσης allἀντιλογίας contradictionτὸ theἔλαττον less (thing)ὑπὸ byτοῦ theκρείττονος better (one)εὐλογεῖται. is being blessed. 8  καὶ Andὧδε hereμὲν indeedδεκάτας tenthsἀποθνήσκοντες dyingἄνθρωποι menλαμβάνουσιν, are receiving,ἐκεῖ thereδὲ butμαρτυρούμενος (one) being witnessed aboutὅτι thatζῇ. he is living. 9  καὶ Andὡς asἔπος sayingεἰπεῖν, to say,δι’ through᾿Αβραὰμ Abrahamκαὶ andΛευεὶς Levithe (one)δεκάτας tenthsλαμβάνων receivingδεδεκάτωται, has been tithed, 10  ἔτι yetγὰρ forἐν inτῇ theὀσφύϊ loinτοῦ of theπατρὸς fatherἦν he wasὅτε whenσυνήντησεν metαὐτῷ to himΜελχισεδέκ. Melchizekek. 11  Εἰ Ifμὲν indeedοὖν thereforeτελείωσις perfectionδιὰ throughτῆς theΛευειτικῆς Leviticalἱερωσύνης priesthoodἦν, was,theλαὸς peopleγὰρ forἐπ’ uponαὐτῆς itνενομοθέτηται, has been legally set,τίς whatἔτι yetχρεία needκατὰ according toτὴν theτάξιν lineupΜελχισεδὲκ of Melchizedekἕτερον differentἀνίστασθαι to be standing upἱερέα priestκαὶ andοὐ notκατὰ according toτὴν theτάξιν lineup᾿Ααρὼν of Aaronλέγεσθαι; to be being said? 12  μετατιθεμένης Of (one) being changedγὰρ forτῆς of theἱερωσύνης priesthoodἐξ out ofἀνάγκης necessityκαὶ andνόμου of lawμετάθεσις transferenceγίνεται. is occurring. 13  ἐφ’ Uponὃν whomγὰρ forλέγεται it is being saidταῦτα these (things)φυλῆς of tribeἑτέρας differentμετέσχηκεν, he has partaken,ἀφ’ fromἧς whichοὐδεὶς no oneπροσέσχηκεν has held [self] towardτῷ to theθυσιαστηρίῳ· altar; 14  πρόδηλον evident beforeγὰρ forὅτι thatἐξ out ofἸούδα Judahἀνατέταλκεν has sprung uptheκύριος Lordἡμῶν, of us,εἰς intoἣν whichφυλὴν tribeπερὶ aboutἱερέων priestsοὐδὲν nothingΜωυσῆς Mosesἐλάλησεν. spoke. 15  Καὶ Andπερισσότερον more abundantlyἔτι yetκατάδηλόν evident downἐστιν, it is,εἰ ifκατὰ according toτὴν theὁμοιότητα likenessΜελχισεδὲκ of Melchizedekἀνίσταται is standing upἱερεὺς priestἕτερος, different, 16  ὃς whoοὐ notκατὰ according toνόμον lawἐντολῆς of commandmentσαρκίνης fleshlyγέγονεν he has becomeἀλλὰ butκατὰ according toδύναμιν powerζωῆς of lifeἀκαταλύτου, indissoluble, 17  μαρτυρεῖται it is being witnessedγὰρ forὅτι thatΣὺ Youἱερεὺς priestεἰς intoτὸν theαἰῶνα ageκατὰ according toτὴν theτάξιν lineupΜελχισεδέκ. of Melchizedek. 18  ἀθέτησις Setting asideμὲν indeedγὰρ forγίνεται occursπροαγούσης of precedingἐντολῆς commandmentδιὰ throughτὸ theαὐτῆς of itἀσθενὲς weak (ness)καὶ andἀνωφελές, unbeneficial (ness), 19  οὐδὲν nothingγὰρ forἐτελείωσεν perfectedtheνόμος, Law,ἐπεισαγωγὴ leading in uponδὲ butκρείττονος of betterἐλπίδος, hope,δι’ throughἧς whichἐγγίζομεν we are drawing nearτῷ to theθεῷ. God. 20  Καὶ Andκαθ’ according toὅσον how muchοὐ notχωρὶς apart fromὁρκωμοσίας, sworn oath, 21  οἱ the (ones)μὲν indeedγὰρ forχωρὶς apart fromὁρκωμοσίας sworn oathεἰσὶν areἱερεῖς priestsγεγονότες, having become,the (one)δὲ butμετὰ withὁρκωμοσίας sworn oathδιὰ throughτοῦ the (one)λέγοντος sayingπρὸς towardαὐτόν himὬμοσεν SworeΚύριος, Lord,καὶ andοὐ notμεταμεληθήσεται, he will change his concern,Σὺ Youἱερεὺς priestεἰς intoτὸν theαἰῶνα, age, 22  κατὰ according toτοσοῦτο so muchκαὶ alsoκρείττονος of betterδιαθήκης covenantγέγονεν has becomeἔγγυος pledgeἸησοῦς. Jesus. 23  Καὶ Andοἱ the (ones)μὲν indeedπλείονές more (ones)εἰσιν areγεγονότες having becomeἱερεῖς priestsδιὰ throughτὸ theθανάτῳ deathκωλύεσθαι to be being preventedπαραμένειν· to be remaining beside; 24  the (one)δὲ butδιὰ throughτὸ theμένειν to be remainingαὐτὸν himεἰς intoτὸν theαἰῶνα ageἀπαράβατον untransgressableἔχει he is havingτὴν theἱερωσύνην· priesthood; 25  ὅθεν from whichκαὶ andσώζειν to be savingεἰς intoτὸ theπαντελὲς completelyδύναται he is ableτοὺς the (ones)προσερχομένους coming towardδι’ throughαὐτοῦ himτῷ to theθεῷ, God,πάντοτε alwaysζῶν livingεἰς intoτὸ theἐντυγχάνειν to be intercedingὑπὲρ overαὐτῶν. them. 26  Τοιοῦτος Such (one)γὰρ forἡμῖν to usκαὶ alsoἔπρεπεν was befittingἀρχιερεύς, chief priest,ὅσιος, loyal,ἄκακος, non-bad,ἀμίαντος, undefiled,κεχωρισμένος having been separatedἀπὸ fromτῶν theἁμαρτωλῶν, sinners,καὶ andὑψηλότερος higherτῶν of theοὐρανῶν heavensγενόμενος· having become; 27  ὃς whoοὐκ notἔχει is havingκαθ’ according toἡμέραν dayἀνάγκην, necessity,ὥσπερ as-evenοἱ theἀρχιερεῖς, chief priests,πρότερον formerlyὑπὲρ overτῶν theἰδίων ownἁμαρτιῶν sinsθυσίας sacrificesἀναφέρειν, to be bearing up,ἔπειτα thereuponτῶν of the (ones)τοῦ of theλαοῦ· people;τοῦτο thisγὰρ forἐποίησεν he didἐφάπαξ upon one timeἑαυτὸν himselfἀνενέγκας· having borne up; 28  theνόμος Lawγὰρ forἀνθρώπους menκαθίστησιν is setting downἀρχιερεῖς chief priestsἔχοντας havingἀσθένειαν, weakness,theλόγος wordδὲ butτῆς of theὁρκωμοσίας sworn oathτῆς the (one)μετὰ afterτὸν theνόμον Lawυἱόν, Son,εἰς intoτὸν theαἰῶνα ageτετελειωμένον. having been perfected.
