John 12:1-50

12  Theοὖν thereforeἸησοῦς Jesusπρὸ beforeἕξ sixἡμερῶν daysτοῦ of theπάσχα passoverἦλθεν cameεἰς intoΒηθανίαν, Bethany,ὅπου whereἦν wasΛάζαρος, Lazarus,ὃν whomἤγειρεν raised upἐκ out ofνεκρῶν dead (ones)Ἰησοῦς. Jesus. 2  ἐποίησαν They madeοὖν thereforeαὐτῷ to himδεῖπνον supperἐκεῖ, there,καὶ andtheΜάρθα Marthaδιηκόνει, was serving,theδὲ butΛάζαρος Lazarusεἷς oneἦν wasἐκ out ofτῶν theἀνακειμένων lying upwardσὺν together withαὐτῷ. him. 3  Theοὖν thereforeΜαριὰμ Maryλαβοῦσα having receivedλίτραν poundμύρου of perfumed oilνάρδου of nardπιστικῆς genuineπολυτίμου of much priceἤλειψεν greasedτοὺς theπόδας feetτοῦ of theἸησοῦ Jesusκαὶ andἐξέμαξεν wiped offταῖς to theθριξὶν hairsαὐτῆς of herτοὺς theπόδας feetαὐτοῦ· of him;theδὲ butοἰκία houseἐπληρώθη became filledἐκ out ofτῆς theὀσμῆς scentτοῦ of theμύρου. perfumed oil. 4  λέγει Is sayingδὲ butἸούδας JudastheἸσκαριώτης Iscariotεἷς oneτῶν of theμαθητῶν disciplesαὐτοῦ, of him,the (one)μέλλων being aboutαὐτὸν himπαραδιδόναι to be giving beside 5  Διὰ Throughτί whatτοῦτο thisτὸ theμύρον perfumed oilοὐκ notἐπράθη was soldτριακοσίων of three hundredδηναρίων denariiκαὶ andἐδόθη was givenπτωχοῖς; to poor (ones)? 6  εἶπεν He saidδὲ butτοῦτο thisοὐχ notὅτι becauseπερὶ aboutτῶν theπτωχῶν poor (ones)ἔμελεν it was concerningαὐτῷ to himἀλλ’ butὅτι becauseκλέπτης thiefἦν he wasκαὶ andτὸ theγλωσσόκομον money boxἔχων havingτὰ the (things)βαλλόμενα being thrownἐβάσταζεν. he was carrying. 7  εἶπεν Saidοὖν thereforetheἸησοῦς JesusἌφες Let go offαὐτήν, her,ἵνα in order thatεἰς intoτὴν theἡμέραν dayτοῦ of theἐνταφιασμοῦ burialμου of meτηρήσῃ she might observeαὐτό· it; 8  τοὺς theπτωχοὺς poor (ones)γὰρ forπάντοτε alwaysἔχετε YOU are havingμεθ’ withἑαυτῶν, selves,ἐμὲ meδὲ butοὐ notπάντοτε alwaysἔχετε. YOU are having. 9  Ἔγνω Knewοὖν thereforetheὄχλος crowdπολὺς muchἐκ out ofτῶν theἸουδαίων Jewsὅτι thatἐκεῖ thereἐστίν, he is,καὶ andἦλθαν they cameοὐ notδιὰ throughτὸν theἸησοῦν Jesusμόνον aloneἀλλ’ butἵνα in order thatκαὶ alsoτὸν theΛάζαρον Lazarusἴδωσιν they might seeὃν whomἤγειρεν he raised upἐκ out ofνεκρῶν. dead (ones). 10  ἐβουλεύσαντο Took counselδὲ butοἱ theἀρχιερεῖς chief priestsἵνα in order thatκαὶ alsoτὸν theΛάζαρον Lazarusἀποκτείνωσιν, they might kill, 11  ὅτι becauseπολλοὶ manyδι’ throughαὐτὸν himὑπῆγον were going underτῶν of theἸουδαίων Jewsκαὶ andἐπίστευον were believingεἰς intoτὸν theἸησοῦν. Jesus. 12  Τῇ To theἐπαύριον morrowtheὄχλος crowdπολὺς muchthe (one)ἐλθὼν having comeεἰς intoτὴν theἑορτήν, festival,ἀκούσαντες having heardὅτι thatἔρχεται is comingἸησοῦς Jesusεἰς intoἸεροσόλυμα, Jerusalem, 13  ἔλαβον tookτὰ theβαΐα branchesτῶν of theφοινίκων palm treesκαὶ andἐξῆλθον went outεἰς intoὑπάντησιν meetingαὐτῷ, to him,καὶ andἐκραύγαζον were crying outὩσαννά, Hosanna,εὐλογημένος having been blessedthe (one)ἐρχόμενος comingἐν inὀνόματι nameΚυρίου, of Lord,καὶ andtheβασιλεὺς kingτοῦ of theἸσραήλ. Israel. 14  εὑρὼν Having foundδὲ buttheἸησοῦς Jesusὀνάριον young assἐκάθισεν sat downἐπ’ uponαὐτό, it,καθώς according asἐστιν it isγεγραμμένον having been written 15  Μὴ Notφοβοῦ, be fearing,θυγάτηρ daughterΣιών· of Zion;ἰδοὺ look!theβασιλεύς kingσου of youἔρχεται, is coming,καθήμενος sittingἐπὶ uponπῶλον coltὄνου. of ass. 16  Ταῦτα These (things)οὐκ notἔγνωσαν knewαὐτοῦ of himοἱ theμαθηταὶ disciplesτὸ theπρῶτον, first,ἀλλ’ butὅτε whenἐδοξάσθη was glorifiedἸησοῦς Jesusτότε thenἐμνήσθησαν they rememberedὅτι thatταῦτα these (things)ἦν wasἐπ’ uponαὐτῷ himγεγραμμένα having been writtenκαὶ andταῦτα these (things)ἐποίησαν they didαὐτῷ. to him. 17  ᾿Εμαρτύρει Was bearing witnessοὖν thereforetheὄχλος crowdthe (one)ὢν beingμετ’ withαὐτοῦ himὅτε whenτὸν theΛάζαρον Lazarusἐφώνησεν he sounded forἐκ out ofτοῦ theμνημείου memorial tombκαὶ andἤγειρεν raised upαὐτὸν himἐκ out ofνεκρῶν. dead (ones). 18  διὰ Throughτοῦτο thisκαὶ alsoὑπήντησεν metαὐτῷ to himtheὄχλος crowdὅτι becauseἤκουσαν they heardτοῦτο thisαὐτὸν himπεποιηκέναι to have doneτὸ theσημεῖον. sign. 19  οἱ Theοὖν thereforeΦαρισαῖοι Phariseesεἶπαν saidπρὸς towardἑαυτούς selvesΘεωρεῖτε YOU are beholdingὅτι thatοὐκ notὠφελεῖτε YOU are benefitingοὐδέν· nothing;ἴδε see!theκόσμος worldὀπίσω behindαὐτοῦ himἀπῆλθεν. went off. 20  ῏Ησαν Wereδὲ butἝλληνές Greeksτινες someἐκ out ofτῶν the (ones)ἀναβαινόντων coming upἵνα in order thatπροσκυνήσωσιν they might worshipἐν inτῇ theἑορτῇ· festival; 21  οὗτοι theseοὖν thereforeπροσῆλθαν approachedΦιλίππῳ to Philipτῷ the (one)ἀπὸ fromΒηθσαιδὰ Bethsaidaτῆς of theΓαλιλαίας, Galilee,καὶ andἠρώτων they were questioningαὐτὸν himλέγοντες sayingΚύριε, Lord,θέλομεν we are willingτὸν theἸησοῦν Jesusἰδεῖν. to see. 22  ἔρχεται Is comingtheΦίλιππος Philipκαὶ andλέγει he is sayingτῷ to the᾿Ανδρέᾳ· Andrew;ἔρχεται is coming᾿Ανδρέας Andrewκαὶ andΦίλιππος Philipκαὶ andλέγουσιν they are sayingτῷ to theἸησοῦ. Jesus. 23  Theδὲ butἸησοῦς Jesusἀποκρίνεται is answeringαὐτοῖς to themλέγων saying᾿Ελήλυθεν Has cometheὥρα hourἵνα in order thatδοξασθῇ might be glorifiedtheυἱὸς Sonτοῦ of theἀνθρώπου. man. 24  ἀμὴν Amenἀμὴν amenλέγω I am sayingὑμῖν, to YOU,ἐὰν if everμὴ nottheκόκκος kernelτοῦ of theσίτου wheatπεσὼν having fallenεἰς intoτὴν theγῆν earthἀποθάνῃ, should die,αὐτὸς itμόνος aloneμένει· is remaining;ἐὰν if everδὲ butἀποθάνῃ, it should die,πολὺν muchκαρπὸν fruitφέρει. it is bearing. 25  The (one)φιλῶν being fond ofτὴν theψυχὴν soulαὐτοῦ of himἀπολλύει is losingαὐτήν, it,καὶ andthe (one)μισῶν hatingτὴν theψυχὴν soulαὐτοῦ of himἐν inτῷ theκόσμῳ worldτούτῳ thisεἰς intoζωὴν lifeαἰώνιον everlastingφυλάξει will safeguardαὐτήν. it. 26  ἐὰν If everἐμοί to meτις anyoneδιακονῇ may serveἐμοὶ to meἀκολουθείτω, let him be following,καὶ andὅπου whereεἰμὶ amἐγὼ Iἐκεῖ thereκαὶ alsotheδιάκονος servanttheἐμὸς mineἔσται· will be;ἐάν if everτις anyoneἐμοὶ to meδιακονῇ may serveτιμήσει will honorαὐτὸν himtheπατήρ. Father. 27  νῦν Nowtheψυχή soulμου of meτετάρακται, has been troubled,καὶ andτί whatεἴπω; should I say?πάτερ, Father,σῶσόν saveμε meἐκ out ofτῆς theὥρας hourταύτης. this.ἀλλὰ Butδιὰ throughτοῦτο thisἦλθον I cameεἰς intoτὴν theὥραν hourταύτην. this. 28  πάτερ, Father,δόξασόν glorifyσου of youτὸ theὄνομα. name.ἦλθεν Cameοὖν thereforeφωνὴ voiceἐκ out ofτοῦ theοὐρανοῦ heavenΚαὶ Andἐδόξασα I glorifiedκαὶ andπάλιν againδοξάσω. I shall glorify. 29  Theοὖν thereforeὄχλος crowdtheἑστὼς having stoodκαὶ andἀκούσας having heardἔλεγεν was sayingβροντὴν thunderγεγονέναι· to have occurred;ἄλλοι othersἔλεγον were sayingἌγγελος Angelαὐτῷ to himλελάληκεν. has spoken. 30  ἀπεκρίθη Answeredκαὶ andεἶπεν saidἸησοῦς JesusΟὐ Notδι’ throughἐμὲ metheφωνὴ voiceαὕτη thisγέγονεν has occurredἀλλὰ butδι’ throughὑμᾶς. YOU. 31  νῦν Nowκρίσις judgmentἐστὶν isτοῦ of theκόσμου worldτούτου, this,νῦν nowtheἄρχων rulerτοῦ of theκόσμου worldτούτου thisἐκβληθήσεται will be ejectedἔξω· outside; 32  κἀγὼ and Iἂν likelyὑψωθῶ should be put high upἐκ out ofτῆς theγῆς, earth,πάντας all [men]ἑλκύσω I shall drawπρὸς towardἐμαυτόν. myself. 33  τοῦτο Thisδὲ butἔλεγεν he was sayingσημαίνων signifyingποίῳ to what sort ofθανάτῳ deathἤμελλεν he was aboutἀποθνήσκειν. to be dying. 34  ἀπεκρίθη Answeredοὖν thereforeαὐτῷ to himtheὄχλος crowdἩμεῖς Weἠκούσαμεν heardἐκ out ofτοῦ theνόμου lawὅτι thattheχριστὸς Christμένει is remainingεἰς intoτὸν theαἰῶνα, age,καὶ andπῶς howλέγεις are sayingσὺ youὅτι thatδεῖ it is necessaryὑψωθῆναι to be put high upτὸν theυἱὸν Sonτοῦ of theἀνθρώπου; man?τίς Whoἐστιν isοὗτος thistheυἱὸς Sonτοῦ of theἀνθρώπου; man? 35  εἶπεν Saidοὖν thereforeαὐτοῖς to themtheἸησοῦς JesusἜτι Yetμικρὸν littleχρόνον timeτὸ theφῶς lightἐν inὑμῖν YOUἐστίν. is.περιπατεῖτε Be YOU walkingὡς asτὸ theφῶς lightἔχετε, YOU are having,ἵνα in order thatμὴ notσκοτία darknessὑμᾶς YOUκαταλάβῃ, should receive downκαὶ andthe (one)περιπατῶν walkingἐν inτῇ theσκοτίᾳ darknessοὐκ notοἶδεν has knownποῦ whereὑπάγει. he is going under. 36  ὡς Asτὸ theφῶς lightἔχετε, YOU are having,πιστεύετε be YOU believingεἰς intoτὸ theφῶς, light,ἵνα in order thatυἱοὶ sonsφωτὸς of lightγένησθε. YOU might become. Ταῦτα These (things)ἐλάλησεν spokeἸησοῦς, Jesus,καὶ andἀπελθὼν having gone offἐκρύβη he hidἀπ’ fromαὐτῶν. them. 37  Τοσαῦτα So manyδὲ butαὐτοῦ of himσημεῖα signsπεποιηκότος having doneἔμπροσθεν in frontαὐτῶν of themοὐκ notἐπίστευον they were believingεἰς intoαὐτόν, him, 38  ἵνα in order thattheλόγος wordἨσαίου of Isaiahτοῦ theπροφήτου prophetπληρωθῇ might be fulfilledὃν whichεἶπεν he saidΚύριε, Lord,τίς whoἐπίστευσεν believedτῇ to theἀκοῇ thing heardἡμῶν; of us?καὶ andtheβραχίων armΚυρίου of Lordτίνι to whomἀπεκαλύφθη; was revealed? 39  διὰ Throughτοῦτο thisοὐκ notἠδύναντο they were ableπιστεύειν to be believingὅτι becauseπάλιν againεἶπεν saidἨσαίας Isaiah 40  Τετύφλωκεν He has blindedαὐτῶν of themτοὺς theὀφθαλμοὺς eyesκαὶ andἐπώρωσεν he hardenedαὐτῶν of themτὴν theκαρδίαν, heart,ἵνα in order thatμὴ notἴδωσιν they might seeτοῖς to theὀφθαλμοῖς eyesκαὶ andνοήσωσιν they should mentally graspτῇ to theκαρδίᾳ heartκαὶ andστραφῶσιν, they should be turned,καὶ andἰάσομαι I shall healαὐτούς. them. 41  ταῦτα These (things)εἶπεν saidἨσαίας Isaiahὅτι becauseεἶδεν he sawτὴν theδόξαν gloryαὐτοῦ, of him,καὶ andἐλάλησεν he spokeπερὶ aboutαὐτοῦ. him. 42  Ὅμως All the sameμέντοι of courseκαὶ alsoἐκ out ofτῶν theἀρχόντων rulersπολλοὶ manyἐπίστευσαν believedεἰς intoαὐτόν, him,ἀλλὰ butδιὰ throughτοὺς theΦαρισαίους Phariseesοὐχ notὡμολόγουν were confessingἵνα in order thatμὴ notἀποσυνάγωγοι off from synagogueγένωνται, they might become, 43  ἠγάπησαν lovedγὰρ forτὴν theδόξαν gloryτῶν of theἀνθρώπων menμᾶλλον ratherἤπερ than evenτὴν theδόξαν gloryτοῦ of theθεοῦ. God. 44  Ἰησοῦς Jesusδὲ butἔκραξεν cried outκαὶ andεἶπεν saidThe (one)πιστεύων believingεἰς intoἐμὲ meοὐ notπιστεύει is believingεἰς intoἐμὲ meἀλλὰ butεἰς intoτὸν the (one)πέμψαντά having sentμε, me, 45  καὶ andthe (one)θεωρῶν beholdingἐμὲ meθεωρεῖ is beholdingτὸν the (one)πέμψαντά having sentμε. me. 46  ἐγὼ Iφῶς lightεἰς intoτὸν theκόσμον worldἐλήλυθα, have come,ἵνα in order thatπᾶς everyonetheπιστεύων believingεἰς intoἐμὲ meἐν inτῇ theσκοτίᾳ darknessμὴ notμείνῃ. should remain. 47  καὶ Andἐάν if everτίς anyoneμου of meἀκούσῃ should hearτῶν of theῥημάτων sayingsκαὶ andμὴ notφυλάξῃ, should guard,ἐγὼ Iοὐ notκρίνω am judgingαὐτόν, him,οὐ notγὰρ forἦλθον I cameἵνα in order thatκρίνω I may be judgingτὸν theκόσμον worldἀλλ’ butἵνα in order thatσώσω I might saveτὸν theκόσμον. world. 48  The (one)ἀθετῶν disregardingἐμὲ meκαὶ andμὴ notλαμβάνων receivingτὰ theῥήματά sayingsμου of meἔχει is havingτὸν the (one)κρίνοντα judgingαὐτόν· him;theλόγος wordὃν whichἐλάλησα I spokeἐκεῖνος that (one)κρινεῖ will judgeαὐτὸν himἐν inτῇ theἐσχάτῃ lastἡμέρᾳ· day; 49  ὅτι becauseἐγὼ Iἐξ out ofἐμαυτοῦ myselfοὐκ notἐλάλησα, I spoke,ἀλλ’ butthe (one)πέμψας having sentμε meπατὴρ Fatherαὐτός heμοι to meἐντολὴν commandmentδέδωκεν has givenτί whatεἴπω I should sayκαὶ andτί whatλαλήσω. I should speak. 50  καὶ Andοἶδα I have knownὅτι thattheἐντολὴ commandmentαὐτοῦ of himζωὴ lifeαἰώνιός everlastingἐστιν. is.What (things)οὖν thereforeἐγὼ Iλαλῶ, am speaking,καθὼς according asεἴρηκέν has spokenμοι to metheπατήρ, Father,οὕτως thusλαλῶ. I am speaking.
