John 7:1-53

7  Καὶ Andμετὰ afterταῦτα these (things)περιεπάτει was walkingtheἸησοῦς Jesusἐν inτῇ theΓαλιλαίᾳ, Galilee,οὐ notγὰρ forἤθελεν he was willingἐν inτῇ theἸουδαίᾳ Judeaπεριπατεῖν, to be walking about,ὅτι becauseἐζήτουν were seekingαὐτὸν himοἱ theἸουδαῖοι Jewsἀποκτεῖναι. to kill. 2  ἦν Wasδὲ butἐγγὺς neartheἑορτὴ festivalτῶν of theἸουδαίων Jewstheσκηνοπηγία. fastening of tents. 3  εἶπον Saidοὖν thereforeπρὸς towardαὐτὸν himοἱ theἀδελφοὶ brothersαὐτοῦ of himΜετάβηθι Pass on overἐντεῦθεν from hereκαὶ andὕπαγε be going underεἰς intoτὴν theἸουδαίαν, Judea,ἵνα in order thatκαὶ alsoοἱ theμαθηταί disciplesσου of youθεωρήσουσιν will beholdσοῦ of youτὰ theἔργα workswhichποιεῖς· you are doing; 4  οὐδεὶς no oneγάρ forτι anythingἐν inκρυπτῷ hiddenποιεῖ is doingκαὶ andζητεῖ is seekingαὐτὸς heἐν inπαρρησίᾳ outspokennessεἶναι· to be.εἰ Ifταῦτα these (things)ποιεῖς, you are doing,φανέρωσον manifestσεαυτὸν yourselfτῷ to theκόσμῳ. world. 5  οὐδὲ Not-butγὰρ forοἱ theἀδελφοὶ brothersαὐτοῦ of himἐπίστευον were believingεἰς intoαὐτόν. him. 6  λέγει Is sayingοὖν thereforeαὐτοῖς to themtheἸησοῦς JesusTheκαιρὸς appointed timetheἐμὸς mineοὔπω not yetπάρεστιν, is alongside,theδὲ butκαιρὸς appointed timetheὑμέτερος YOURSπάντοτέ alwaysἐστιν isἕτοιμος. ready. 7  οὐ Notδύναται is abletheκόσμος worldμισεῖν to be hatingὑμᾶς, YOU,ἐμὲ meδὲ butμισεῖ, it is hating,ὅτι becauseἐγὼ Iμαρτυρῶ am bearing witnessπερὶ aboutαὐτοῦ itὅτι thatτὰ theἔργα worksαὐτοῦ of itπονηρά wickedἐστιν. is. 8  ὑμεῖς YOUἀνάβητε go YOU upεἰς intoτὴν theἑορτήν· festival;ἐγὼ Iοὔπω not yetἀναβαίνω am going upεἰς intoτὴν theἑορτὴν festivalταύτην, this,ὅτι becausetheἐμὸς myκαιρὸς appointed timeοὔπω not yetπεπλήρωται. has been fulfilled. 9  ταῦτα These (things)δὲ butεἰπὼν having saidαὐτοῖς to themἔμεινεν he remainedἐν inτῇ theΓαλιλαίᾳ. Galilee. 10  Ὡς Asδὲ butἀνέβησαν went upοἱ theἀδελφοὶ brothersαὐτοῦ of himεἰς intoτὴν theἑορτήν, festival,τότε thenκαὶ alsoαὐτὸς heἀνέβη, went up,οὐ notφανερῶς manifestlyἀλλὰ butὡς asἐν inκρυπτῷ. hidden. 11  οἱ Theοὖν thereforeἸουδαῖοι Jewsἐζήτουν were seekingαὐτὸν himἐν inτῇ theἑορτῇ festivalκαὶ andἔλεγον they were sayingΠοῦ Whereἐστὶν isἐκεῖνος; that (one)? 12  καὶ Andγογγυσμὸς murmuringπερὶ aboutαὐτοῦ himἦν wasπολὺς muchἐν inτοῖς theὄχλοις· crowds;οἱ the (ones)μὲν indeedἔλεγον were sayingὅτι that᾿Αγαθός Goodἐστιν, he is,ἄλλοι othersδὲ butἔλεγον were sayingΟὔ, No,ἀλλὰ butπλανᾷ he is making to errτὸν theὄχλον. crowd. 13  οὐδεὶς No oneμέντοι of courseπαρρησίᾳ to outspokennessἐλάλει was speakingπερὶ aboutαὐτοῦ himδιὰ throughτὸν theφόβον fearτῶν of theἸουδαίων. Jews. 14  Ἤδη Alreadyδὲ butτῆς of theἑορτῆς festivalμεσούσης being in the middleἀνέβη went upἸησοῦς Jesusεἰς intoτὸ theἱερὸν templeκαὶ andἐδίδασκεν. was teaching. 15  ἐθαύμαζον Were wonderingοὖν thereforeοἱ theἸουδαῖοι Jewsλέγοντες sayingΠῶς Howοὗτος this (one)γράμματα writingsοἶδεν has knownμὴ notμεμαθηκώς; having learned? 16  ἀπεκρίθη Answeredοὖν thereforeαὐτοῖς to themἸησοῦς Jesusκαὶ andεἶπεν saidTheἐμὴ myδιδαχὴ teachingοὐκ notἔστιν isἐμὴ mineἀλλὰ butτοῦ of the (one)πέμψαντός having sentμε· me; 17  ἐάν if everτις anyoneθέλῃ may be willingτὸ theθέλημα willαὐτοῦ of himποιεῖν, to be doing,γνώσεται will knowπερὶ aboutτῆς theδιδαχῆς teachingπότερον whetherἐκ out ofτοῦ theθεοῦ Godἐστὶν it isorἐγὼ Iἀπ’ fromἐμαυτοῦ myselfλαλῶ. am speaking. 18  The (one)ἀφ’ fromἑαυτοῦ himselfλαλῶν speakingτὴν theδόξαν gloryτὴν theἰδίαν ownζητεῖ· is seeking;the (one)δὲ butζητῶν seekingτὴν theδόξαν gloryτοῦ of the (one)πέμψαντος having sentαὐτὸν himοὗτος this (one)ἀληθής trueἐστιν isκαὶ andἀδικία unrighteousnessἐν inαὐτῷ himοὐκ notἔστιν. is. 19  οὐ NotΜωυσῆς Mosesἔδωκεν gaveὑμῖν to YOUτὸν theνόμον; law?καὶ Andοὐδεὶς no oneἐξ out ofὑμῶν YOUποιεῖ is doingτὸν theνόμον. law.τί Whyμε meζητεῖτε are YOU seekingἀποκτεῖναι; to kill? 20  ἀπεκρίθη Answeredtheὄχλος crowdΔαιμόνιον Demonἔχεις· you are having;τίς whoσε youζητεῖ is seekingἀποκτεῖναι; to kill? 21  ἀπεκρίθη AnsweredἸησοῦς Jesusκαὶ andεἶπεν saidαὐτοῖς to themἛν Oneἔργον workἐποίησα I didκαὶ andπάντες allθαυμάζετε. YOU are wondering. 22  διὰ Throughτοῦτο this (thing)Μωυσῆς Mosesδέδωκεν has givenὑμῖν to YOUτὴν theπεριτομήν,— circumcision,—οὐχ notὅτι becauseἐκ out ofτοῦ theΜωυσέως Mosesἐστὶν isἀλλ’ butἐκ out ofτῶν theπατέρων,— fathers,—καὶ andἐν inσαββάτῳ sabbathπεριτέμνετε YOU are circumcisingἄνθρωπον. man. 23  εἰ Ifπεριτομὴν circumcisionλαμβάνει is receivingtheἄνθρωπος manἐν inσαββάτῳ sabbathἵνα in order thatμὴ notλυθῇ should be loosedtheνόμος lawΜωυσέως, of Moses,ἐμοὶ to meχολᾶτε are YOU full of bileὅτι becauseὅλον wholeἄνθρωπον manὑγιῆ sound in healthἐποίησα I madeἐν inσαββάτῳ; sabbath? 24  μὴ Notκρίνετε be YOU judgingκατ’ according toὄψιν, face,ἀλλὰ butτὴν theδικαίαν justκρίσιν judgmentκρίνετε. be YOU judging. 25  Ἔλεγον Were sayingοὖν thereforeτινὲς someἐκ out ofτῶν theἸεροσολυμειτῶν JerusalemitesΟὐχ Notοὗτός this (one)ἐστιν isὃν whomζητοῦσιν they are seekingἀποκτεῖναι; to kill? 26  καὶ Andἴδε see!παρρησίᾳ outspokenlyλαλεῖ he is speakingκαὶ andοὐδὲν nothingαὐτῷ to himλέγουσιν· they are saying;μή notποτε at sometimeἀληθῶς trulyἔγνωσαν knewοἱ theἄρχοντες rulersὅτι thatοὗτός thisἐστιν istheχριστός; Christ? 27  ἀλλὰ Butτοῦτον this (one)οἴδαμεν we have knownπόθεν wherefromἐστίν· he is;theδὲ butχριστὸς Christὅταν wheneverἔρχηται may comeοὐδεὶς no oneγινώσκει is knowingπόθεν wherefromἐστίν. he is. 28  Ἔκραξεν Cried outοὖν thereforeἐν inτῷ theἱερῷ templeδιδάσκων teachingtheἸησοῦς Jesusκαὶ andλέγων sayingΚἀμὲ And meοἴδατε YOU have knownκαὶ andοἴδατε YOU have knownπόθεν wherefromεἰμί· I am;καὶ andἀπ’ fromἐμαυτοῦ myselfοὐκ notἐλήλυθα, I have come,ἀλλ’ butἔστιν isἀληθινὸς truethe (one)πέμψας having sentμε, me,ὃν whomὑμεῖς YOUοὐκ notοἴδατε· have known; 29  ἐγὼ Iοἶδα have knownαὐτόν, him,ὅτι becauseπαρ’ besideαὐτοῦ of himεἰμὶ I amκἀκεῖνός and that (One)με meἀπέστειλεν. sent forth. 30  ᾿Εζήτουν They were seekingοὖν thereforeαὐτὸν himπιάσαι, to get hold of,καὶ andοὐδεὶς no oneἐπέβαλεν imposedἐπ’ uponαὐτὸν himτὴν theχεῖρα, hand,ὅτι becauseοὔπω not yetἐληλύθει had cometheὥρα hourαὐτοῦ. of him. 31  ᾿Εκ Out ofτοῦ theὄχλου crowdδὲ butπολλοὶ manyἐπίστευσαν believedεἰς intoαὐτόν, him,καὶ andἔλεγον they were sayingTheχριστὸς Christὅταν wheneverἔλθῃ he might comeμὴ notπλείονα moreσημεῖα signsποιήσει will doὧν of whichοὗτος this (one)ἐποίησεν; did? 32  Ἤκουσαν Heardοἱ theΦαρισαῖοι Phariseesτοῦ of theὄχλου crowdγογγύζοντος murmuringπερὶ aboutαὐτοῦ himταῦτα, these (things),καὶ andἀπέστειλαν sent forthοἱ theἀρχιερεῖς chief priestsκαὶ andοἱ theΦαρισαῖοι Phariseesὑπηρέτας subordinatesἵνα in order thatπιάσωσιν they might get hold ofαὐτόν. him. 33  εἶπεν Saidοὖν thereforetheἸησοῦς JesusἜτι Yetχρόνον timeμικρὸν littleμεθ’ withὑμῶν YOUεἰμὶ I amκαὶ andὑπάγω I am going underπρὸς towardτὸν the (one)πέμψαντά having sentμε. me. 34  ζητήσετέ YOU will seekμε meκαὶ andοὐχ notεὑρήσετέ YOU will findμε, me,καὶ andὅπου whereεἰμὶ amἐγὼ Iὑμεῖς YOUοὐ notδύνασθε are ableἐλθεῖν. to come. 35  εἶπον Saidοὖν thereforeοἱ theἸουδαῖοι Jewsπρὸς towardἑαυτούς selvesΠοῦ Whereοὗτος this [man]μέλλει is aboutπορεύεσθαι to be goingὅτι thatἡμεῖς weοὐχ notεὑρήσομεν will findαὐτόν; him?μὴ Notεἰς intoτὴν theδιασπορὰν dispersionτῶν of theἙλλήνων Greeksμέλλει he is aboutπορεύεσθαι to be goingκαὶ andδιδάσκειν to be teachingτοὺς theἝλληνας; Greeks? 36  τίς Whatἐστιν istheλόγος wordοὗτος thisὃν whichεἶπε he saidΖητήσετέ YOU will seekμε meκαὶ andοὐχ notεὑρήσετέ YOU will findμε meκαὶ andὅπου whereεἰμὶ amἐγὼ Iὑμεῖς YOUοὐ notδύνασθε YOU are ableἐλθεῖν; to come? 37  ᾿Εν Inδὲ butτῇ to theἐσχάτῃ lastἡμέρᾳ dayτῇ to theμεγάλῃ greatτῇς of theἑορτῆς festivalἱστήκει had stoodtheἸησοῦς, Jesus,καὶ andἔκραξεν he cried outλέγων saying᾿Εάν If everτις anyoneδιψᾷ may thirstἐρχέσθω let him be comingπρός towardμε meκαὶ andπινέτω. let him be drinking. 38  The (one)πιστεύων believingεἰς intoἐμέ, me,καθὼς according asεἶπεν saidtheγραφή, Scripture,ποταμοὶ riversἐκ out ofτῆς theκοιλίας cavityαὐτοῦ of himῥεύσουσιν will flowὕδατος of waterζῶντος. living. 39  Τοῦτο Thisδὲ butεἶπεν he saidπερὶ aboutτοῦ theπνεύματος spiritοὗ of whichἔμελλον they were aboutλαμβάνειν to be receivingοἱ the (ones)πιστεύσαντες having believedεἰς intoαὐτόν· him;οὔπω not yetγὰρ forἦν wasπνεῦμα, spirit,ὅτι becauseἸησοῦς Jesusοὔπω not yetἐδοξάσθη. was glorified. 40  ᾿Εκ Out ofτοῦ theὄχλου crowdοὖν thereforeἀκούσαντες having heardτῶν of theλόγων wordsτούτων theseἔλεγον they were sayingὅτι thatΟὗτός This (one)ἐστιν isἀληθῶς trulytheπροφήτης· Prophet; 41  ἄλλοι othersἔλεγον were sayingΟὗτός This (one)ἐστιν istheχριστός· Christ;οἱ the (ones)δὲ butἔλεγον were sayingΜὴ Notγὰρ forἐκ out ofτῆς theΓαλιλαίας Galileetheχριστὸς Christἔρχεται; is coming? 42  οὐχ Nottheγραφὴ Scriptureεἶπεν saidὅτι thatἐκ out ofτοῦ theσπέρματος seedΔαυείδ, of David,καὶ andἀπὸ fromΒηθλεὲμ Bethlehemτῆς of theκώμης villageὅπου whereἦν wasΔαυείδ, David,ἔρχεται is comingtheχριστός; Christ? 43  σχίσμα Splitοὖν thereforeἐγένετο occurredἐν inτῷ theὄχλῳ crowdδι’ throughαὐτόν. him. 44  τινὲς Someδὲ butἤθελον were willingἐξ out ofαὐτῶν themπιάσαι to get hold ofαὐτόν, him,ἀλλ’ butοὐδεὶς no oneἔβαλεν thrustἐπ’ uponαὐτὸν himτὰς theχεῖρας. hands. 45  ῏Ηλθον Cameοὖν thereforeοἱ theὑπηρέται subordinatesπρὸς towardτοὺς theἀρχιερεῖς chief priestsκαὶ andΦαρισαίους, Pharisees,καὶ andεἶπον saidαὐτοῖς to themἐκεῖνοι thoseΔιὰ Throughτί whatοὐκ notἠγάγετε YOU ledαὐτόν; him? 46  ἀπεκρίθησαν Answeredοἱ theὑπηρέται subordinatesΟὐδέποτε Neverἐλάλησεν spokeοὕτως thusἄνθρωπος. man. 47  ἀπεκρίθησαν Answeredοὖν thereforeαὐτοῖς to themοἱ theΦαρισαῖοι PhariseesΜὴ Notκαὶ alsoὑμεῖς YOUπεπλάνησθε; have been made to err? 48  μή Notτις anyoneἐκ out ofτῶν theἀρχόντων rulersἐπίστευσεν believedεἰς intoαὐτὸν himorἐκ out ofτῶν theΦαρισαίων; Pharisees? 49  ἀλλὰ Buttheὄχλος crowdοὗτος thisthe (one)μὴ notγινώσκων knowingτὸν theνόμον lawἐπάρατοί accursedεἰσιν. are. 50  λέγει Is sayingΝικόδημος Nicodemusπρὸς towardαὐτούς, them,the (one)ἐλθὼν having comeπρὸς towardαὐτὸν himπρότερον, previously,εἷς oneὢν beingἐξ out ofαὐτῶν them 51  Μὴ Nottheνόμος lawἡμῶν of usκρίνει is judgingτὸν theἄνθρωπον manἐὰν if everμὴ notἀκούσῃ it should hearπρῶτον firstπαρ’ besideαὐτοῦ of himκαὶ andγνῷ should knowτί whatποιεῖ; he is doing? 52  ἀπεκρίθησαν They answeredκαὶ andεἶπαν saidαὐτῷ to himΜὴ Notκαὶ alsoσὺ youἐκ out ofτῆς theΓαλιλαίας Galileeεἶ; are you?ἐραύνησον Searchκαὶ andἴδε seeὅτι thatἐκ out ofτῆς theΓαλιλαίας Galileeπροφήτης prophetοὐκ notἐγείρεται. is being raised up. 53  [[Καὶ [[Andἐπορεύθησαν they wentἕκαστος each (one)εἰς intoτὸν theοἶκον houseαὐτοῦ, of him,
