Luke 13:1-35

13  Παρῆσαν Were presentδέ butτινες someἐν inαὐτῷ veryτῷ theκαιρῷ appointed timeἀπαγγέλλοντες reporting backαὐτῷ to himπερὶ aboutτῶν theΓαλιλαίων Galileansὧν of whomτὸ theαἷμα bloodΠειλᾶτος Pilateἔμιξεν mixedμετὰ withτῶν theθυσιῶν sacrificesαὐτῶν. of them. 2  καὶ Andἀποκριθεὶς having answeredεἶπεν he saidαὐτοῖς to themΔοκεῖτε Do YOU thinkὅτι thatοἱ theΓαλιλαῖοι Galileansοὗτοι theseἁμαρτωλοὶ sinnersπαρὰ besideπάντας allτοὺς theΓαλιλαίους Galileansἐγένοντο, became,ὅτι becauseταῦτα these (things)πεπόνθασιν; they have suffered? 3  οὐχί, Not,λέγω I am sayingὑμῖν, to YOU,ἀλλ’ butἐὰν if everμὴ notμετανοῆτε YOU may repentπάντες allὁμοίως likewiseἀπολεῖσθε. YOU will be destroyed. 4  Orἐκεῖνοι thoseοἱ theδέκα tenὀκτὼ eightἐφ’ uponοὓς whomἔπεσεν felltheπύργος towerἐν inτῷ theΣιλωὰμ Siloamκαὶ andἀπέκτεινεν killedαὐτούς, them,δοκεῖτε do YOU thinkὅτι thatαὐτοὶ theyὀφειλέται debtorsἐγένοντο becameπαρὰ besideπάντας allτοὺς theἀνθρώπους menτοὺς the (ones)κατοικοῦντας inhabitingἸερουσαλήμ; Jerusalem? 5  οὐχί, Not,λέγω I am sayingὑμῖν, to YOU,ἀλλ’ butἐὰν if everμὴ notμετανοήσητε YOU should repentπάντες allὡσαύτως similarlyἀπολεῖσθε. YOU will be destroyed. 6  Ἔλεγεν He was sayingδὲ butταύτην thisτὴν theπαραβολήν. parable.Συκῆν Fig treeεἶχέν was havingτις someoneπεφυτευμένην having been plantedἐν inτῷ theἀμπελῶνι vineyardαὐτοῦ, of him,καὶ andἦλθεν he cameζητῶν looking forκαρπὸν fruitἐν inαὐτῇ itκαὶ andοὐχ notεὗρεν. he found. 7  εἶπεν He saidδὲ butπρὸς towardτὸν theἀμπελουργόν vinedresserἸδοὺ Look!τρία Threeἔτη yearsἀφ’ fromοὗ which [time]ἔρχομαι I am comingζητῶν looking forκαρπὸν fruitἐν inτῇ theσυκῇ fig treeταύτῃ thisκαὶ andοὐχ notεὑρίσκω· I am finding;ἔκκοψον cut outαὐτήν· it;ἵνα in order thatτί whatκαὶ alsoτὴν theγῆν earthκαταργεῖ; it makes ineffective? 8  The (one)δὲ butἀποκριθεὶς having answeredλέγει is sayingαὐτῷ to himΚύριε, Lord,ἄφες let go offαὐτὴν itκαὶ alsoτοῦτο thisτὸ theἔτος, year,ἕως untilὅτου what [time]σκάψω I shall digπερὶ aboutαὐτὴν itκαὶ andβάλω I shall throwκόπρια· manure; 9  κἂν and ifμὲν indeedποιήσῃ it should makeκαρπὸν fruitεἰς intoτὸ theμέλλον— being about (to be)—εἰ ifδὲ butμήγε, not indeed,ἐκκόψεις you shall cut outαὐτήν. it. 10  ῏Ην He wasδὲ butδιδάσκων teachingἐν inμιᾷ oneτῶν of theσυναγωγῶν synagoguesἐν inτοῖς theσάββασιν. sabbaths. 11  καὶ Andἰδοὺ look!γυνὴ womanπνεῦμα spiritἔχουσα havingἀσθενείας of weaknessἔτη yearsδέκα tenὀκτώ, eight,καὶ andἦν she wasσυνκύπτουσα bending togetherκαὶ andμὴ notδυναμένη being ableἀνακύψαι to bend upεἰς intoτὸ theπαντελές. all-completeness. 12  ἰδὼν Having seenδὲ butαὐτὴν hertheἸησοῦς Jesusπροσεφώνησεν sounded towardκαὶ andεἶπεν saidαὐτῇ to herΓύναι, Woman,ἀπολέλυσαι you have been released fromτῆς of theἀσθενείας weaknessσου, of you, 13  καὶ andἐπέθηκεν he laid uponαὐτῇ herτὰς theχεῖρας· hands;καὶ andπαραχρῆμα instantlyἀνωρθώθη, she was straightened up,καὶ andἐδόξαζεν was glorifyingτὸν theθεόν. God. 14  ἀποκριθεὶς Having answeredδὲ buttheἀρχισυνάγωγος, ruler of the synagogue,ἀγανακτῶν being indignantὅτι becauseτῷ to theσαββάτῳ sabbathἐθεράπευσεν he curedtheἸησοῦς, Jesus,ἔλεγεν he was sayingτῷ to theὄχλῳ crowdὅτι thatἛξ Sixἡμέραι daysεἰσὶν areἐν inαἷς whichδεῖ it is necessaryἐργάζεσθαι· to be working;ἐν inαὐταῖς themοὖν thereforeἐρχόμενοι comingθεραπεύεσθε be getting curedκαὶ andμὴ notτῇ to theἡμέρᾳ dayτοῦ of theσαββάτου. sabbath. 15  ἀπεκρίθη Answeredδὲ butαὐτῷ to himtheκύριος Lordκαὶ andεἶπεν saidὙποκριταί, Hypocrites,ἕκαστος each (one)ὑμῶν of YOUτῷ to theσαββάτῳ sabbathοὐ notλύει loosensτὸν theβοῦν bullαὐτοῦ of himorτὸν theὄνον assἀπὸ fromτῆς theφάτνης stallκαὶ andἀπάγων leading awayποτίζει; he is giving to drink? 16  ταύτην Thisδὲ butθυγατέρα daughter᾿Αβραὰμ of Abrahamοὖσαν, being,ἣν whomἔδησεν boundtheΣατανᾶς Satanἰδοὺ look!δέκα tenκαὶ andὀκτὼ eightἔτη, years,οὐκ notἔδει it was necessaryλυθῆναι to be loosedἀπὸ fromτοῦ theδεσμοῦ bondτούτου thisτῇ to theἡμέρᾳ dayτοῦ of theσαββάτου; sabbath? 17  Καὶ Andταῦτα these (things)λέγοντος sayingαὐτοῦ of himκατῃσχύνοντο were being put to shameπάντες allοἱ the (ones)ἀντικείμενοι lying againstαὐτῷ, to him,καὶ andπᾶς alltheὄχλος crowdἔχαιρεν was rejoicingἐπὶ uponπᾶσιν allτοῖς theἐνδόξοις glorious (things)τοῖς the (ones)γινομένοις occurringὑπ’ byαὐτοῦ. him. 18  Ἔλεγεν He was sayingοὖν thereforeΤίνι To whatὁμοία likeἐστὶν istheβασιλεία kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ, God,καὶ andτίνι to whatὁμοιώσω shall I likenαὐτήν; it? 19  ὁμοία Likeἐστὶν it isκόκκῳ to grainσινάπεως, of mustard,ὃν whichλαβὼν having takenἄνθρωπος manἔβαλεν threwεἰς intoκῆπον gardenἑαυτοῦ, of himself,καὶ andηὔξησεν it grewκαὶ andἐγένετο came to beεἰς intoδένδρον, tree,καὶ andτὰ theπετεινὰ birdsτοῦ of theοὐρανοῦ heavenκατεσκήνωσεν tented downἐν inτοῖς theκλάδοις branchesαὐτοῦ. of it. 20  Καὶ Andπάλιν againεἶπεν he saidΤίνι To whatὁμοιώσω shall I likenτὴν theβασιλείαν kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ; God? 21  ὁμοία Likeἐστὶν it isζύμῃ, to leaven,ἣν whichλαβοῦσα having takenγυνὴ womanἔκρυψεν hidεἰς intoἀλεύρου of flourσάτα seah measuresτρία threeἕως untilοὗ what [time]ἐζυμώθη was leavenedὅλον. whole. 22  Καὶ Andδιεπορεύετο he was journeying throughκατὰ according toπόλεις citiesκαὶ andκώμας villagesδιδάσκων teachingκαὶ andπορείαν journeyποιούμενος making for selfεἰς intoἸεροσόλυμα. Jerusalem. 23  Εἶπεν Saidδέ butτις someoneαὐτῷ to himΚύριε, Lord,εἰ ifὀλίγοι fewοἱ the (ones)σωζόμενοι; being saved?The (one)δὲ butεἶπεν saidπρὸς towardαὐτούς them 24  ᾿Αγωνίζεσθε Be strugglingεἰσελθεῖν to enterδιὰ throughτῆς theστενῆς narrowθύρας, door,ὅτι becauseπολλοί, many,λέγω I am sayingὑμῖν, to YOU,ζητήσουσιν will seekεἰσελθεῖν to enterκαὶ andοὐκ notἰσχύσουσιν, will have the strength, 25  ἀφ’ fromοὗ what [time]ἂν likelyἐγερθῇ should get uptheοἰκοδεσπότης householderκαὶ andἀποκλείσῃ should lockτὴν theθύραν, door,καὶ andἄρξησθε YOU should startἔξω outsideἑστάναι to have stoodκαὶ andκρούειν to be knocking atτὴν theθύραν doorλέγοντες sayingΚύριε, Lord,ἄνοιξον openἡμῖν· to us;καὶ andἀποκριθεὶς having answeredἐρεῖ he will sayὑμῖν to YOUΟὐκ Notοἶδα I have knownὑμᾶς YOUπόθεν from whereἐστέ. YOU are. 26  τότε Thenἄρξεσθε YOU will startλέγειν to be saying᾿Εφάγομεν We ateἐνώπιόν in sightσου of youκαὶ andἐπίομεν, we drank,καὶ andἐν inταῖς theπλατείαις broad waysἡμῶν of usἐδίδαξας· you taught; 27  καὶ andἐρεῖ he will speakλέγων sayingὑμῖν to YOUΟὐκ Notοἶδα I have knownπόθεν from whereἐστέ· YOU are;ἀπόστητε stand away YOUἀπ’ fromἐμοῦ, me,πάντες allἐργάται workersἀδικίας. of unrighteousness. 28  ᾿Εκεῖ Thereἔσται will betheκλαυθμὸς weepingκαὶ andtheβρυγμὸς gnashingτῶν of theὀδόντων, teeth,ὅταν wheneverὄψησθε YOU might see᾿Αβραὰμ Abrahamκαὶ andἸσαὰκ Isaacκαὶ andἸακὼβ Jacobκαὶ andπάντας allτοὺς theπροφήτας prophetsἐν inτῇ theβασιλείᾳ kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ, God,ὑμᾶς YOUδὲ butἐκβαλλομένους being thrown outἔξω. outside. 29  καὶ Andἥξουσιν they will arriveἀπὸ fromἀνατολῶν eastern [parts]καὶ andδυσμῶν western [parts]καὶ andἀπὸ fromβορρᾶ northκαὶ andνότου southκαὶ andἀνακλιθήσονται will reclineἐν inτῇ theβασιλείᾳ kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ. God. 30  καὶ Andἰδοὺ look!εἰσὶν they areἔσχατοι last (ones)οἳ whoἔσονται will beπρῶτοι, first (ones),καὶ andεἰσὶν they areπρῶτοι first (ones)οἳ whoἔσονται will beἔσχατοι. last (ones). 31  ᾿Εν Inαὐτῇ thatτῇ theὥρᾳ hourπροσῆλθάν came towardτινες someΦαρισαῖοι Phariseesλέγοντες sayingαὐτῷ to himἜξελθε Get outκαὶ andπορεύου be goingἐντεῦθεν, from here,ὅτι becauseἩρῴδης Herodθέλει is willingσε youἀποκτεῖναι. to kill. 32  καὶ Andεἶπεν he saidαὐτοῖς to themΠορευθέντες Having goneεἴπατε YOU sayτῇ to theἀλώπεκι foxταύτῃ thisἸδοὺ Look!ἐκβάλλω I am throwing outδαιμόνια demonsκαὶ andἰάσεις healingsἀποτελῶ I am finishing offσήμερον todayκαὶ andαὔριον, tomorrow,καὶ andτῇ to theτρίτῃ third [day]τελειοῦμαι. I am being perfected. 33  πλὴν Besidesδεῖ it is necessary forμε meσήμερον todayκαὶ andαὔριον tomorrowκαὶ andτῇ to theἐχομένῃ being had [day]πορεύεσθαι, to be journeying,ὅτι becauseοὐκ notἐνδέχεται it is admissibleπροφήτην prophetἀπολέσθαι to be destroyedἔξω outsideἸερουσαλήμ. Jerusalem. 34  Ἰερουσαλήμ JerusalemἸερουσαλήμ, Jerusalem,the (one)ἀποκτείνουσα killingτοὺς theπροφήτας prophetsκαὶ andλιθοβολοῦσα stoningτοὺς the (ones)ἀπεσταλμένους having been sent forthπρὸς towardαὐτήν,— her,—ποσάκις how oftenἠθέλησα I wantedἐπισυνάξαι to lead together uponτὰ theτέκνα childrenσου of youὃν whichτρόπον mannerὄρνις henτὴν theἑαυτῆς of herselfνοσσιὰν broodὑπὸ underτὰς theπτέρυγας, wings,καὶ andοὐκ notἠθελήσατε. YOU [people] wanted! 35  ἰδοὺ Look!ἀφίεται Is being let go offὑμῖν to YOUtheοἶκος houseὑμῶν. of YOU.λέγω I am sayingδὲ butὑμῖν, to YOU,οὐ notμὴ notἴδητέ YOU might seeμε meἕως untilεἴπητε YOU should sayΕὐλογημένος Having been blessedthe (one)ἐρχόμενος comingἐν inὀνόματι nameΚυρίου. of Lord.
