Luke 14:1-35

14  Καὶ Andἐγένετο it occurredἐν inτῷ theἐλθεῖν to comeαὐτὸν himεἰς intoοἶκόν houseτινος of someoneτῶν of theἀρχόντων rulersτῶν of theΦαρισαίων Phariseesσαββάτῳ to sabbathφαγεῖν to eatἄρτον breadκαὶ andαὐτοὶ theyἦσαν wereπαρατηρούμενοι observing besideαὐτόν. him. 2  καὶ Andἰδοὺ look!ἄνθρωπός manτις someἦν wasὑδρωπικὸς dropsicalἔμπροσθεν in frontαὐτοῦ. of him. 3  καὶ Andἀποκριθεὶς having answeredtheἸησοῦς Jesusεἶπεν saidπρὸς towardτοὺς the (ones)νομικοὺς versed in the Lawκαὶ andΦαρισαίους Phariseesλέγων sayingἜξεστιν Is it lawfulτῷ to theσαββάτῳ sabbathθεραπεῦσαι to cureorοὔ; not? 4  οἱ The (ones)δὲ butἡσύχασαν. kept quiet.καὶ Andἐπιλαβόμενος having taken holdἰάσατο he healedαὐτὸν himκαὶ andἀπέλυσεν. he released. 5  καὶ Andπρὸς towardαὐτοὺς themεἶπεν he saidΤίνος Of whomὑμῶν of YOUυἱὸς sonorβοῦς bullεἰς intoφρέαρ cisternπεσεῖται, will fall,καὶ andοὐκ notεὐθέως immediatelyἀνασπάσει he will pull upαὐτὸν himἐν inἡμέρᾳ dayτοῦ of theσαββάτου; sabbath? 6  καὶ Andοὐκ notἴσχυσαν they were strongἀνταποκριθῆναι to answer backπρὸς towardταῦτα. these (things). 7  Ἔλεγεν He was sayingδὲ butπρὸς towardτοὺς the (ones)κεκλημένους having been calledπαραβολήν, parable,ἐπέχων having uponπῶς howτὰς theπρωτοκλισίας first reclining [places]ἐξελέγοντο, they were choosing,λέγων sayingπρὸς towardαὐτούς them 8  Ὅταν Wheneverκληθῇς you might be calledὑπό byτινος someoneεἰς intoγάμους, wedding festivities,μὴ notκατακλιθῇς you should lie downεἰς intoτὴν theπρωτοκλισίαν, first reclining [place],μή notποτε at sometimeἐντιμότερός (one) more in honorσου of youmay beκεκλημένος having been calledὑπ’ byαὐτοῦ, him, 9  καὶ andἐλθὼν having comethe (one)σὲ youκαὶ andαὐτὸν himκαλέσας having calledἐρεῖ will sayσοι to youΔὸς Give youτούτῳ to this (one)τόπον, place,καὶ andτότε thenἄρξῃ you might startμετὰ withαἰσχύνης shameτὸν theἔσχατον lastτόπον placeκατέχειν. to be having down. 10  ἀλλ’ Butὅταν wheneverκληθῇς you might be calledπορευθεὶς having goneἀνάπεσε fall upεἰς intoτὸν theἔσχατον lastτόπον, place,ἵνα in order thatὅταν wheneverἔλθῃ might comethe (one)κεκληκώς having calledσε youἐρεῖ he will sayσοι to youΦίλε, Friend,προσανάβηθι step you up towardἀνώτερον· more upward;τότε thenἔσται will beσοι to youδόξα gloryἐνώπιον in sightπάντων of allτῶν the (ones)συνανακειμένων lying up withσοι. you. 11  ὅτι Becauseπᾶς everyonethe (one)ὑψῶν exaltingἑαυτὸν himselfταπεινωθήσεται will be humbledκαὶ andthe (one)ταπεινῶν humblingἑαυτὸν himselfὑψωθήσεται. will be exalted. 12  Ἔλεγεν He was sayingδὲ butκαὶ alsoτῷ to the (one)κεκληκότι having calledαὐτόν himὍταν Wheneverποιῇς you may makeἄριστον dinnerorδεῖπνον, supper,μὴ notφώνει be soundingτοὺς theφίλους friendsσου of youμηδὲ not-butτοὺς theἀδελφούς brothersσου of youμηδὲ not-butτοὺς theσυγγενεῖς relativesσου of youμηδὲ not-butγείτονας neighborsπλουσίους, rich,μή notποτε at sometimeκαὶ alsoαὐτοὶ theyἀντικαλέσωσίν might call in returnσε youκαὶ andγένηται would becomeἀνταπόδομά repaymentσοι. to you. 13  ἀλλ’ Butὅταν wheneverδοχὴν receptionποιῇς, you may make,κάλει be callingπτωχούς, poor (ones),ἀναπείρους, crippled,χωλούς, lame,τυφλούς· blind; 14  καὶ andμακάριος happyἔσῃ, you will be,ὅτι becauseοὐκ notἔχουσιν they are havingἀνταποδοῦναί to repayσοι, to you,ἀνταποδοθήσεται it will be repaidγάρ forσοι to youἐν inτῇ theἀναστάσει resurrectionτῶν of theδικαίων. righteous (ones). 15  ᾿Ακούσας Having heardδέ butτις someoneτῶν of theσυνανακειμένων ones lying up togetherταῦτα these (things)εἶπεν saidαὐτῷ to himΜακάριος Happyὅστις whoeverφάγεται will eatἄρτον breadἐν inτῇ theβασιλείᾳ kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ. God. 16  The (one)δὲ butεἶπεν saidαὐτῷ to himἌνθρωπός Manτις someἐποίει was makingδεῖπνον supperμέγα, great,καὶ andἐκάλεσεν he calledπολλούς, many, 17  καὶ andἀπέστειλεν he sent offτὸν theδοῦλον slaveαὐτοῦ of himτῇ to theὥρᾳ hourτοῦ of theδείπνου supperεἰπεῖν to sayτοῖς to the (ones)κεκλημένοις having been calledἜρχεσθε Be YOU comingὅτι becauseἤδη alreadyἕτοιμά (things) readyἐστιν. is. 18  καὶ Andἤρξαντο they startedἀπὸ fromμιᾶς one [accord]πάντες allπαραιτεῖσθαι. to be begging off.Theπρῶτος firstεἶπεν saidαὐτῷ to him᾿Αγρὸν Fieldἠγόρασα I boughtκαὶ andἔχω I am havingἀνάγκην necessityἐξελθὼν having come outἰδεῖν to seeαὐτόν· it;ἐρωτῶ I am requestingσε, you,ἔχε be havingμε meπαρῃτημένον. begged off. 19  καὶ Andἕτερος different (one)εἶπεν saidΖεύγη Yokesβοῶν of bullsἠγόρασα I boughtπέντε fiveκαὶ andπορεύομαι I am goingδοκιμάσαι to proveαὐτά· them;ἐρωτῶ I am requestingσε, you,ἔχε be havingμε meπαρῃτημένον. having been begged off. 20  καὶ Andἕτερος different (one)εἶπεν saidΓυναῖκα Womanἔγημα I marriedκαὶ andδιὰ throughτοῦτο thisοὐ notδύναμαι I am ableἐλθεῖν. to come. 21  καὶ Andπαραγενόμενος having come to be besidetheδοῦλος slaveἀπήγγειλεν reported backτῷ to theκυρίῳ lordαὐτοῦ of himταῦτα. these (things).τότε Thenὀργισθεὶς having become wrathfultheοἰκοδεσπότης householderεἶπεν saidτῷ to theδούλῳ slaveαὐτοῦ of himἜξελθε Go outταχέως quicklyεἰς intoτὰς theπλατείας broad waysκαὶ andῥύμας streetsτῆς of theπόλεως, city,καὶ andτοὺς theπτωχοὺς poor (ones)καὶ andἀναπείρους crippled (ones)καὶ andτυφλοὺς blind (ones)καὶ andχωλοὺς lame (ones)εἰσάγαγε lead you intoὧδε. here. 22  καὶ Andεἶπεν saidtheδοῦλος slaveΚύριε, Lord,γέγονεν has come to bewhichἐπέταξας, you ordered,καὶ andἔτι yetτόπος placeἐστίν. is. 23  καὶ Andεἶπεν saidtheκύριος lordπρὸς towardτὸν theδοῦλον slaveἜξελθε Go outεἰς intoτὰς theὁδοὺς waysκαὶ andφραγμοὺς fenced-in placesκαὶ andἀνάγκασον compelεἰσελθεῖν, to come in,ἵνα in order thatγεμισθῇ might be filledμου of metheοἶκος· house; 24  λέγω I am sayingγὰρ forὑμῖν to YOUὅτι thatοὐδεὶς no oneτῶν of theἀνδρῶν male personsἐκείνων thoseτῶν the (ones)κεκλημένων having been calledγεύσεταί will tasteμου of meτοῦ of theδείπνου. supper. 25  Συνεπορεύοντο Were going withδὲ butαὐτῷ to himὄχλοι crowdsπολλοί, many,καὶ andστραφεὶς having turnedεἶπεν he saidπρὸς towardαὐτούς them 26  Εἴ Ifτις anyoneἔρχεται is comingπρός towardμε meκαὶ andοὐ notμισεῖ hatesτὸν theπατέρα fatherἑαυτοῦ of himselfκαὶ andτὴν theμητέρα motherκαὶ andτὴν theγυναῖκα womanκαὶ andτὰ theτέκνα childrenκαὶ andτοὺς theἀδελφοὺς brothersκαὶ andτὰς theἀδελφάς, sisters,ἔτι yetτε andκαὶ alsoτὴν theψυχὴν soulἑαυτοῦ, of himself,οὐ notδύναται he is ableεἶναί to beμου of meμαθητής. disciple. 27  ὅστις Whoeverοὐ notβαστάζει is carryingτὸν theσταυρὸν stakeἑαυτοῦ of himselfκαὶ andἔρχεται is comingὀπίσω behindμου, me,οὐ notδύναται he is ableεἶναί to beμου of meμαθητής. disciple. 28  τίς Whoγὰρ forἐξ out ofὑμῶν YOUθέλων being willingπύργον towerοἰκοδομῆσαι to buildοὐχὶ notπρῶτον firstκαθίσας having sat downψηφίζει is calculatingτὴν theδαπάνην, expense,εἰ ifἔχει he is havingεἰς intoἀπαρτισμόν; adjusting off? 29  ἵνα In order thatμή notποτε at sometimeθέντος having putαὐτοῦ of himθεμέλιον foundationκαὶ andμὴ notἰσχύοντος being strongἐκτελέσαι to finish outπάντες allοἱ the (ones)θεωροῦντες beholdingἄρξωνται might startαὐτῷ to himἐμπαίζειν to be ridiculing 30  λέγοντες sayingὅτι thatΟὗτος Thistheἄνθρωπος manἤρξατο startedοἰκοδομεῖν to be buildingκαὶ andοὐκ notἴσχυσεν he was strongἐκτελέσαι. to finish out. 31  Orτίς whatβασιλεὺς kingπορευόμενος goingἑτέρῳ to differentβασιλεῖ kingσυνβαλεῖν to engage withεἰς intoπόλεμον warοὐχὶ notκαθίσας having sat downπρῶτον firstβουλεύσεται will take counselεἰ ifδυνατός ableἐστιν he isἐν inδέκα tenχιλιάσιν thousandsὑπαντῆσαι to undertake meetingτῷ to the (one)μετὰ withεἴκοσι twentyχιλιάδων thousandsἐρχομένῳ comingἐπ’ uponαὐτόν; him? 32  εἰ Ifδὲ butμήγε, not indeed,ἔτι yetαὐτοῦ of himπόρρω far awayὄντος beingπρεσβείαν body of ambassadorsἀποστείλας having sent offἐρωτᾷ he is requestingπρὸς towardεἰρήνην. peace. 33  οὕτως Thusοὖν thereforeπᾶς everyoneἐξ out ofὑμῶν YOUὃς whoοὐκ notἀποτάσσεται is having set self offπᾶσιν to allτοῖς theἑαυτοῦ of himselfὑπάρχουσιν belongingsοὐ notδύναται is ableεἶναί to beμου of meμαθητής. disciple. 34  Καλὸν Fineοὖν thereforeτὸ theἅλας· salt;ἐὰν if everδὲ butκαὶ alsoτὸ theἅλας saltμωρανθῇ, should become tasteless,ἐν inτίνι whatἀρτυθήσεται; it will be seasoned? 35  οὔτε Neitherεἰς intoγῆν earthοὔτε norεἰς intoκοπρίαν manureεὔθετόν suitableἐστιν· it is;ἔξω outsideβάλλουσιν they are throwingαὐτό. it.The (one)ἔχων havingὦτα earsἀκούειν to be hearingἀκουέτω. let him be hearing.
