Luke 17:1-37

17  Εἶπεν He saidδὲ butπρὸς towardτοὺς theμαθητὰς disciplesαὐτοῦ of him᾿Ανένδεκτόν Unavoidableἐστιν it isτοῦ of theτὰ theσκάνδαλα causes for stumblingμὴ notἐλθεῖν, to come,πλὴν besidesοὐαὶ woeδι’ throughοὗ whomἔρχεται· they are coming; 2  λυσιτελεῖ it is of advantageαὐτῷ to himεἰ ifλίθος stoneμυλικὸς of millπερίκειται is lying aroundπερὶ aboutτὸν theτράχηλον neckαὐτοῦ of himκαὶ andἔρριπται he has been castεἰς intoτὴν theθάλασσαν seathanἵνα in order thatσκανδαλίσῃ he should stumbleτῶν of theμικρῶν little (ones)τούτων theseἕνα. one. 3  προσέχετε Be YOU paying attention toἑαυτοῖς. selves.ἐὰν If everἁμάρτῃ should sintheἀδελφός brotherσου of youἐπιτίμησον give rebukeαὐτῷ, to him,καὶ andἐὰν if everμετανοήσῃ he should repentἄφες let go offαὐτῷ· to him; 4  καὶ andἐὰν if everἑπτάκις seven timesτῆς of theἡμέρας dayἁμαρτήσῃ he should sinεἰς intoσὲ youκαὶ andἑπτάκις seven timesἐπιστρέψῃ he should come backπρὸς towardσὲ youλέγων sayingΜετανοῶ, I am repenting,ἀφήσεις you will be letting go offαὐτῷ. to him. 5  Καὶ Andεἶπαν saidοἱ theἀπόστολοι apostlesτῷ to theκυρίῳ LordΠρόσθες Addἡμῖν to usπίστιν. faith. 6  εἶπεν Saidδὲ buttheκύριος LordΕἰ Ifἔχετε YOU are havingπίστιν faithὡς asκόκκον grainσινάπεως, of mustard,ἐλέγετε YOU were sayingἂν likelyτῇ to theσυκαμίνῳ black mulberry treeταύτῃ this᾿Εκριζώθητι Be uprootedκαὶ andφυτεύθητι be plantedἐν inτῇ theθαλάσσῃ· sea;καὶ andὑπήκουσεν it obeyedἂν likelyὑμῖν. to YOU. 7  Τίς Whoδὲ butἐξ out ofὑμῶν YOUδοῦλον slaveἔχων havingἀροτριῶντα plowingorποιμαίνοντα, minding flock,ὃς whoεἰσελθόντι having come inἐκ out ofτοῦ theἀγροῦ fieldἐρεῖ he will sayαὐτῷ to himΕὐθέως Immediatelyπαρελθὼν having come alongsideἀνάπεσε, you fall up, 8  ἀλλ’ butοὐχὶ notἐρεῖ he will sayαὐτῷ to himἙτοίμασον Make readyτί whatδειπνήσω, I might eat as supper,καὶ andπεριζωσάμενος having girded selfδιακόνει be servingμοι to meἕως untilφάγω I might eatκαὶ andπίω, I might drink,καὶ andμετὰ afterταῦτα these (things)φάγεσαι you will eatκαὶ andπίεσαι you will drinkσύ; you? 9  μὴ Notἔχει he is havingχάριν gratitudeτῷ to theδούλῳ slaveὅτι becauseἐποίησεν he didτὰ the (things)διαταχθέντα; having been assigned? 10  οὕτως Thusκαὶ alsoὑμεῖς, YOU,ὅταν wheneverποιήσητε YOU might doπάντα allτὰ the (things)διαταχθέντα having been assignedὑμῖν, to YOU,λέγετε be YOU sayingὅτι thatΔοῦλοι Slavesἀχρεῖοί uselessἐσμεν, we are,whichὠφείλομεν we were owingποιῆσαι to doπεποιήκαμεν. we have done. 11  Καὶ Andἐγένετο it occurredἐν inτῷ theπορεύεσθαι to be goingεἰς intoἸερουσαλὴμ Jerusalemκαὶ andαὐτὸς heδιήρχετο was traversingδιὰ throughμέσον midstΣαμαρίας of Samariaκαὶ andΓαλιλαίας. of Galilee. 12  Καὶ Andεἰσερχομένου enteringαὐτοῦ of himεἴς intoτινα someκώμην villageἀπήντησαν metδέκα tenλεπροὶ leprousἄνδρες, male persons,οἳ whoἀνέστησαν stood upπόρρωθεν, from afar, 13  καὶ andαὐτοὶ theyἦραν raisedφωνὴν voiceλέγοντες sayingἸησοῦ Jesusἐπιστάτα, instructor,ἐλέησον have mercy onἡμᾶς. us. 14  καὶ Andἰδὼν having seenεἶπεν he saidαὐτοῖς to themΠορευθέντες Having goneἐπιδείξατε YOU showἑαυτοὺς selvesτοῖς to theἱερεῦσιν. priests.καὶ Andἐγένετο it occurredἐν inτῷ theὑπάγειν to be going underαὐτοὺς themἐκαθαρίσθησαν. they were cleansed. 15  εἷς Oneδὲ butἐξ out ofαὐτῶν, them,ἰδὼν having seenὅτι thatἰάθη, he was healed,ὑπέστρεψεν turned backμετὰ withφωνῆς voiceμεγάλης greatδοξάζων glorifyingτὸν theθεόν, God, 16  καὶ andἔπεσεν he fellἐπὶ uponπρόσωπον faceπαρὰ besideτοὺς theπόδας feetαὐτοῦ of himεὐχαριστῶν giving thanksαὐτῷ· to him;καὶ andαὐτὸς heἦν wasΣαμαρείτης. Samaritan. 17  ἀποκριθεὶς Having answeredδὲ buttheἸησοῦς Jesusεἶπεν saidΟὐχ Notοἱ theδέκα tenἐκαθαρίσθησαν; were cleansed?οἱ Theδὲ butἐννέα nineποῦ; where? 18  οὐχ Notεὑρέθησαν they were foundὑποστρέψαντες having turned backδοῦναι to giveδόξαν gloryτῷ to theθεῷ Godεἰ ifμὴ nottheἀλλογενὴς of another raceοὗτος; this? 19  καὶ Andεἶπεν he saidαὐτῷ to him᾿Αναστὰς Having risenπορεύου· be going;theπίστις faithσου of youσέσωκέν has savedσε. you. 20  ᾿Επερωτηθεὶς Requested uponδὲ butὑπὸ byτῶν theΦαρισαίων Phariseesπότε whenἔρχεται is comingtheβασιλεία kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godἀπεκρίθη he answeredαὐτοῖς to themκαὶ andεἶπεν saidΟὐκ Notἔρχεται is comingtheβασιλεία kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godμετὰ withπαρατηρήσεως, observing beside, 21  οὐδὲ neitherἐροῦσιν will they sayἸδοὺ Look!ὧδε hereor᾿Εκεῖ· There;ἰδοὺ look!γὰρ fortheβασιλεία kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godἐντὸς insideὑμῶν of YOUἐστίν. is. 22  Εἶπεν He saidδὲ butπρὸς towardτοὺς theμαθητάς disciples᾿Ελεύσονται Will comeἡμέραι daysὅτε whenἐπιθυμήσετε YOU will desireμίαν oneτῶν of theἡμερῶν daysτοῦ of theυἱοῦ Sonτοῦ of theἀνθρώπου manἰδεῖν to seeκαὶ andοὐκ notὄψεσθε. YOU will see. 23  καὶ Andἐροῦσιν they will sayὑμῖν to YOUἸδοὺ Look!ἐκεῖ thereorἸδοὺ Seeὧδε· here;μὴ notἀπέλθητε YOU should go offμηδὲ neitherδιώξητε. YOU should pursue after. 24  ὥσπερ As-evenγὰρ fortheἀστραπὴ lightningἀστράπτουσα flashingἐκ out ofτῆς theὑπὸ underτὸν theοὐρανὸν heavenεἰς intoτὴν theὑπ’ underοὐρανὸν heavenλάμπει, is shining,οὕτως thusἔσται will betheυἱὸς Sonτοῦ of theἀνθρώπου. man. 25  πρῶτον Firstδὲ butδεῖ it is necessaryαὐτὸν himπολλὰ many (things)παθεῖν to sufferκαὶ andἀποδοκιμασθῆναι to be rejectedἀπὸ fromτῆς theγενεᾶς generationταύτης. this. 26  καὶ Andκαθὼς according asἐγένετο it occurredἐν inταῖς theἡμέραις daysΝῶε, of Noah,οὕτως thusἔσται it will beκαὶ alsoἐν inταῖς theἡμέραις daysτοῦ of theυἱοῦ Sonτοῦ of theἀνθρώπου· man; 27  ἤσθιον, they were eating,ἔπινον, they were drinking,ἐγάμουν, they were marrying,ἐγαμίζοντο, they were being given in marriage,ἄχρι untilἧς whichἡμέρας dayεἰσῆλθεν enteredΝῶε Noahεἰς intoτὴν theκιβωτόν, ark,καὶ andἦλθεν cametheκατακλυσμὸς cataclysmκαὶ andἀπώλεσεν destroyedπάντας. all (them). 28  ὁμοίως Likewiseκαθὼς according asἐγένετο it occurredἐν inταῖς theἡμέραις daysΛώτ· of Lot;ἤσθιον, they were eating,ἔπινον, they were drinking,ἠγόραζον, they were buying,ἐπώλουν, they were selling,ἐφύτευον, they were planting,ᾠκοδόμουν· they were building; 29  to whichδὲ butἡμέρᾳ dayἐξῆλθεν came outΛὼτ Lotἀπὸ fromΣοδόμων, Sodom,ἔβρεξεν it rainedπῦρ fireκαὶ andθεῖον sulphurἀπ’ fromοὐρανοῦ heavenκαὶ andἀπώλεσεν destroyedπάντας. all (them). 30  κατὰ According toτὰ theαὐτὰ very (things)ἔσται it will beto whichἡμέρᾳ daytheυἱὸς Sonτοῦ of theἀνθρώπου manἀποκαλύπτεται. is being revealed. 31  ἐν Inἐκείνῃ thatτῇ theἡμέρᾳ dayὃς whoἔσται will beἐπὶ uponτοῦ theδώματος housetopκαὶ andτὰ theσκεύη vesselsαὐτοῦ of himἐν inτῇ theοἰκίᾳ, house,μὴ notκαταβάτω let step downἆραι to lift upαὐτά, them,καὶ andthe (one)ἐν inἀγρῷ fieldὁμοίως likewiseμὴ notἐπιστρεψάτω let returnεἰς intoτὰ the (things)ὀπίσω. behind. 32  μνημονεύετε Be YOU rememberingτῆς of theγυναικὸς womanΛώτ. of Lot. 33  ὃς Whoἐὰν if everζητήσῃ might seekτὴν theψυχὴν soulαὐτοῦ of himπεριποιήσασθαι to preserve for selfἀπολέσει he will loseαὐτήν, it,ὃς whoδ’ butἂν likelyἀπολέσει will loseζωογονήσει he will generate aliveαὐτήν. it. 34  λέγω I am sayingὑμῖν, to YOU,ταύτῃ to thisτῇ theνυκτὶ nightἔσονται will beδύο twoἐπὶ uponκλίνης bedμιᾶς, one,theεἷς oneπαραλημφθήσεται will be taken alongκαὶ andtheἕτερος different (one)ἀφεθήσεται· will be let go off; 35  ἔσονται will beδύο two [women]ἀλήθουσαι grindingἐπὶ uponτὸ theαὐτό, very,theμία oneπαραλημφθήσεται will be taken alongtheδὲ butἑτέρα different [woman]ἀφεθήσεται. will be let go off. 36  —— —— 37  καὶ Andἀποκριθέντες having answeredλέγουσιν they are sayingαὐτῷ to himΠοῦ, Where,κύριε; Lord?The (one)δὲ butεἶπεν saidαὐτοῖς to themὍπου Whereτὸ theσῶμα, body,ἐκεῖ thereκαὶ alsoοἱ theἀετοὶ eaglesἐπισυναχθήσονται. will be led together upon.
