Luke 20:1-47

20  Καὶ Andἐγένετο it occurredἐν inμιᾷ oneτῶν of theἡμερῶν daysδιδάσκοντος teachingαὐτοῦ of himτὸν theλαὸν peopleἐν inτῷ theἱερῷ templeκαὶ andεὐαγγελιζομένου declaring good newsἐπέστησαν stood uponοἱ theἀρχιερεῖς chief priestsκαὶ andοἱ theγραμματεῖς scribesσὺν together withτοῖς theπρεσβυτέροις, older men, 2  καὶ andεἶπαν spokeλέγοντες sayingπρὸς towardαὐτόν himΕἰπὸν Sayἡμῖν to usἐν inποίᾳ what sort ofἐξουσίᾳ authorityταῦτα these (things)ποιεῖς, you are doing,orτίς whoἐστιν isthe (one)δούς having givenσοι to youτὴν theἐξουσίαν authorityταύτην. this. 3  ἀποκριθεὶς Having answeredδὲ butεἶπεν he saidπρὸς towardαὐτούς them᾿Ερωτήσω I shall requestὑμᾶς YOUκἀγὼ also Iλόγον, word,καὶ andεἴπατέ YOU sayμοι to me 4  Τὸ Theβάπτισμα baptismἸωάνου of Johnἐξ out ofοὐρανοῦ heavenἦν was itorἐξ out ofἀνθρώπων; men? 5  οἱ The (ones)δὲ butσυνελογίσαντο reasoned togetherπρὸς towardἑαυτοὺς themselvesλέγοντες sayingὅτι that᾿Εὰν If everεἴπωμεν we should say᾿Εξ Out ofοὐρανοῦ, heaven,ἐρεῖ he will sayΔιὰ Throughτί whatοὐκ notἐπιστεύσατε YOU believedαὐτῷ; to him? 6  ἐὰν If everδὲ butεἴπωμεν we should say᾿Εξ Out ofἀνθρώπων, men,theλαὸς peopleἅπας allκαταλιθάσει will stoneἡμᾶς, us,πεπεισμένος having been persuadedγάρ forἐστιν it isἸωάνην Johnπροφήτην prophetεἶναι· to be; 7  καὶ andἀπεκρίθησαν they answeredμὴ notεἰδέναι to have knownπόθεν. from where. 8  καὶ AndtheἸησοῦς Jesusεἶπεν saidαὐτοῖς to themΟὐδὲ Neitherἐγὼ Iλέγω am sayingὑμῖν to YOUἐν inποίᾳ what sort ofἐξουσίᾳ authorityταῦτα these (things)ποιῶ. I am doing. 9  Ἤρξατο He startedδὲ butπρὸς towardτὸν theλαὸν peopleλέγειν to be sayingτὴν theπαραβολὴν parableταύτην thisἌνθρωπος Manἐφύτευσεν plantedἀμπελῶνα, vineyard,καὶ andἐξέδετο he gave outαὐτὸν itγεωργοῖς, to farmers,καὶ andἀπεδήμησεν he traveled abroadχρόνους timesἱκανούς. sufficient. 10  καὶ Andκαιρῷ to appointed timeἀπέστειλεν he sent offπρὸς towardτοὺς theγεωργοὺς farmersδοῦλον, slave,ἵνα in order thatἀπὸ fromτοῦ theκαρποῦ fruitτοῦ of theἀμπελῶνος vineyardδώσουσιν they will giveαὐτῷ· to him;οἱ theδὲ butγεωργοὶ farmersἐξαπέστειλαν sent awayαὐτὸν himδείραντες having flayedκενόν. empty. 11  καὶ Andπροσέθετο he addedἕτερον differentπέμψαι to sendδοῦλον· slave;οἱ the (ones)δὲ butκἀκεῖνον also that (one)δείραντες having flayedκαὶ andἀτιμάσαντες having dishonoredἐξαπέστειλαν sent awayκενόν. empty. 12  καὶ Andπροσέθετο he addedτρίτον third (one)πέμψαι· to send;οἱ the (ones)δὲ butκαὶ alsoτοῦτον this (one)τραυματίσαντες having woundedἐξέβαλον. threw out. 13  εἶπεν Saidδὲ buttheκύριος lordτοῦ of theἀμπελῶνος vineyardΤί Whatποιήσω; shall I do?πέμψω I shall sendτὸν theυἱόν sonμου of meτὸν theἀγαπητόν· loved;ἴσως equallyτοῦτον thisἐντραπήσονται. they will respect. 14  ἰδόντες Having seenδὲ butαὐτὸν himοἱ theγεωργοὶ farmersδιελογίζοντο were reasoningπρὸς towardἀλλήλους one anotherλέγοντες sayingΟὗτός Thisἐστιν istheκληρονόμος· heir;ἀποκτείνωμεν let us killαὐτόν, him,ἵνα in order thatἡμῶν of usγένηται might becometheκληρονομία· inheritance; 15  καὶ andἐκβαλόντες having thrown outαὐτὸν himἔξω outsideτοῦ of theἀμπελῶνος vineyardἀπέκτειναν. they killed.τί Whatοὖν thereforeποιήσει will doαὐτοῖς to themtheκύριος lordτοῦ of theἀμπελῶνος; vineyard? 16  ἐλεύσεται He will comeκαὶ andἀπολέσει he will destroyτοὺς theγεωργοὺς farmersτούτους, these,καὶ andδώσει he will giveτὸν theἀμπελῶνα vineyardἄλλοις. to others. ἀκούσαντες Having heardδὲ butεἶπαν they saidΜὴ Notγένοιτο. may it occur. 17  The (one)δὲ butἐμβλέψας having looked inαὐτοῖς themεἶπεν saidΤί Whatοὖν thereforeἐστὶν isτὸ the (thing)γεγραμμένον having been writtenτοῦτο thisΛίθον Stoneὃν whichἀπεδοκίμασαν rejectedοἱ the (ones)οἰκοδομοῦντες, building,οὗτος thisἐγενήθη becameεἰς intoκεφαλὴν headγωνίας; of corner? 18  πᾶς Everyonetheπεσὼν having fallenἐπ’ uponἐκεῖνον thatτὸν theλίθον stoneσυνθλασθήσεται· will be shattered;ἐφ’ uponὃν whomδ’ butἂν likelyπέσῃ, it might fall,λικμήσει it will pulverizeαὐτόν. him. 19  Καὶ Andἐζήτησαν soughtοἱ theγραμματεῖς scribesκαὶ andοἱ theἀρχιερεῖς chief priestsἐπιβαλεῖν to throw onἐπ’ uponαὐτὸν himτὰς theχεῖρας handsἐν inαὐτῇ thatτῇ theὥρᾳ, hour,καὶ andἐφοβήθησαν they fearedτὸν theλαόν, people,ἔγνωσαν they knewγὰρ forὅτι thatπρὸς towardαὐτοὺς themεἶπεν he saidτὴν theπαραβολὴν parableταύτην. this. 20  Καὶ Andπαρατηρήσαντες having observed besideἀπέστειλαν they sent offἐνκαθέτους ones let go down inὑποκρινομένους pretendingἑαυτοὺς themselvesδικαίους righteousεἶναι, to be,ἵνα in order thatἐπιλάβωνται they might catchαὐτοῦ of himλόγου, of word,ὥστε as-andπαραδοῦναι to give overαὐτὸν himτῇ to theἀρχῇ governmentκαὶ andτῇ to theἐξουσίᾳ authorityτοῦ of theἡγεμόνος. governor. 21  καὶ Andἐπηρώτησαν they inquired uponαὐτὸν himλέγοντες sayingΔιδάσκαλε, Teacher,οἴδαμεν we knowὅτι thatὀρθῶς correctlyλέγεις you are sayingκαὶ andδιδάσκεις you are teachingκαὶ andοὐ notλαμβάνεις you are acceptingπρόσωπον, face,ἀλλ’ butἐπ’ uponἀληθείας truthτὴν theὁδὸν wayτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godδιδάσκεις· you are teaching; 22  ἔξεστιν is it lawfulἡμᾶς usΚαίσαρι to Caesarφόρον taxδοῦναι to giveorοὔ; no? 23  κατανοήσας Having detectedδὲ butαὐτῶν of themτὴν theπανουργίαν all-doingεἶπεν he saidπρὸς towardαὐτούς them 24  Δείξατέ YOU showμοι to meδηνάριον. denarius.τίνος Of whomἔχει is it havingεἰκόνα imageκαὶ andἐπιγραφήν; inscription?οἱ The (ones)δὲ butεἶπαν saidΚαίσαρος. Of Caesar. 25  The (one)δὲ butεἶπεν saidπρὸς towardαὐτούς themΤοίνυν Well nowἀπόδοτε give YOU backτὰ the (things)Καίσαρος of CaesarΚαίσαρι to Caesarκαὶ andτὰ the (things)τοῦ of theθεοῦ Godτῷ to theθεῷ. God. 26  καὶ Andοὐκ notἴσχυσαν they were strongἐπιλαβέσθαι to catchτοῦ of theῥήματος sayingἐναντίον in frontτοῦ of theλαοῦ, people,καὶ andθαυμάσαντες having wonderedἐπὶ uponτῇ theἀποκρίσει answerαὐτοῦ of himἐσίγησαν. they became silent. 27  Προσελθόντες Having come towardδέ butτινες someτῶν of theΣαδδουκαίων, Sadducees,οἱ the (ones)λέγοντες sayingἀνάστασιν resurrectionμὴ notεἶναι, to be,ἐπηρώτησαν inquired uponαὐτὸν him 28  λέγοντες sayingΔιδάσκαλε, Teacher,Μωυσῆς Mosesἔγραψεν wroteἡμῖν to usἐάν if everτινος of oneἀδελφὸς brotherἀποθάνῃ should dieἔχων havingγυναῖκα, woman,καὶ andοὗτος this (one)ἄτεκνος childlessᾖ, may be,ἵνα in order thatλάβῃ should taketheἀδελφὸς brotherαὐτοῦ of himτὴν theγυναῖκα womanκαὶ andἐξαναστήσῃ should raise up outσπέρμα seedτῷ to theἀδελφῷ brotherαὐτοῦ. of him. 29  ἑπτὰ Sevenοὖν thereforeἀδελφοὶ brothersἦσαν· were;καὶ andtheπρῶτος firstλαβὼν having takenγυναῖκα womanἀπέθανεν he diedἄτεκνος· childless; 30  καὶ andtheδεύτερος second 31  καὶ andtheτρίτος thirdἔλαβεν tookαὐτήν, her,ὡσαύτως as-thusδὲ butκαὶ alsoοἱ theἑπτὰ sevenοὐ notκατέλιπον they left downτέκνα childrenκαὶ andἀπέθανον· they died; 32  ὕστερον lastlyκαὶ alsotheγυνὴ womanἀπέθανεν. died. 33  Theγυνὴ womanοὖν thereforeἐν inτῇ theἀναστάσει resurrectionτίνος of whichαὐτῶν of themγίνεται she becomesγυνή; woman?οἱ Theγὰρ forἑπτὰ sevenἔσχον hadαὐτὴν herγυναῖκα. woman. 34  καὶ Andεἶπεν saidαὐτοῖς to themtheἸησοῦς JesusΟἱ Theυἱοὶ sonsτοῦ of theαἰῶνος ageτούτου thisγαμοῦσιν are marryingκαὶ andγαμίσκονται, they are given in marriage, 35  οἱ the (ones)δὲ butκαταξιωθέντες having been counted worthyτοῦ of theαἰῶνος ageἐκείνου thatτυχεῖν to attainκαὶ andτῆς of theἀναστάσεως resurrectionτῆς the (one)ἐκ out ofνεκρῶν dead (ones)οὔτε neitherγαμοῦσιν are marryingοὔτε norγαμίζονται· are being given in marriage; 36  οὐδὲ neitherγὰρ forἀποθανεῖν to dieἔτι yetδύνανται, they are able,ἰσάγγελοι equal to angelsγάρ forεἰσιν, they are,καὶ andυἱοί sonsεἰσιν areθεοῦ of Godτῆς of theἀναστάσεως resurrectionυἱοὶ sonsὄντες. being. 37  ὅτι Thatδὲ butἐγείρονται are being raised upοἱ theνεκροὶ dead (ones)καὶ alsoΜωυσῆς Mosesἐμήνυσεν disclosedἐπὶ uponτῆς theβάτου, thornbush,ὡς asλέγει he is sayingΚύριον Lordτὸν theθεὸν God᾿Αβραὰμ of Abrahamκαὶ andθεὸν GodἸσαὰκ of Isaacκαὶ andθεὸν GodἸακώβ· of Jacob; 38  θεὸς Godδὲ butοὐκ notἔστιν isνεκρῶν of dead (ones)ἀλλὰ butζώντων, of living (ones),πάντες allγὰρ forαὐτῷ to himζῶσιν. they are living. 39  ἀποκριθέντες Having answeredδέ butτινες someτῶν of theγραμματέων scribesεἶπαν saidΔιδάσκαλε, Teacher,καλῶς fineεἶπας· you said; 40  οὐκέτι not yetγὰρ forἐτόλμων they were daringἐπερωτᾷν to be inquiring uponαὐτὸν himοὐδέν. nothing. 41  Εἶπεν He saidδὲ butπρὸς towardαὐτούς themΠῶς Howλέγουσιν are they sayingτὸν theχριστὸν Christεἶναι to beΔαυεὶδ of Davidυἱόν; son? 42  αὐτὸς That (one)γὰρ forΔαυεὶδ Davidλέγει is sayingἐν inΒίβλῳ BookΨαλμῶν of PsalmsΕἶπεν SaidΚύριος Lordτῷ to theκυρίῳ lordμου of meΚάθου Be sittingἐκ out ofδεξιῶν right [sides]μου of me 43  ἕως untilἂν likelyθῶ I should putτοὺς theἐχθρούς enemiesσου of youὑποπόδιον footstoolτῶν of theποδῶν feetσου· of you; 44  Δαυεὶδ Davidοὖν thereforeαὐτὸν himκύριον Lordκαλεῖ, is calling,καὶ andπῶς howαὐτοῦ of himυἱός sonἐστιν; is he? 45  ᾿Ακούοντος Hearingδὲ butπαντὸς of allτοῦ theλαοῦ peopleεἶπεν he saidτοῖς to theμαθηταῖς disciples 46  Προσέχετε Be YOU attentiveἀπὸ fromτῶν theγραμματέων scribesτῶν of the (ones)θελόντων being willingπεριπατεῖν to walk aboutἐν inστολαῖς robesκαὶ andφιλούντων likingἀσπασμοὺς greetingsἐν inταῖς theἀγοραῖς marketplacesκαὶ andπρωτοκαθεδρίας front seatsἐν inταῖς theσυναγωγαῖς synagoguesκαὶ andπρωτοκλισίας first places of recliningἐν inτοῖς theδείπνοις, suppers, 47  οἳ whoκατεσθίουσιν are eating downτὰς theοἰκίας housesτῶν of theχηρῶν widowsκαὶ andπροφάσει to pretextμακρὰ longπροσεύχονται· they are praying;οὗτοι theseλήμψονται will receiveπερισσότερον more abundantκρίμα. judgment.
