Luke 23:1-56

23  Καὶ Andἀναστὰν having stood upἅπαν allτὸ theπλῆθος multitudeαὐτῶν of themἤγαγον ledαὐτὸν himἐπὶ uponτὸν theΠειλᾶτον. Pilate. 2  ἤρξαντο They startedδὲ butκατηγορεῖν to be accusingαὐτοῦ of himλέγοντες sayingΤοῦτον This [man]εὕραμεν we foundδιαστρέφοντα turning throughτὸ theἔθνος nationἡμῶν of usκαὶ andκωλύοντα forbiddingφόρους taxesΚαίσαρι to Caesarδιδόναι to be givingκαὶ andλέγοντα sayingsαὑτὸν himselfχριστὸν Christβασιλέα kingεἶναι. to be. 3  Theδὲ butΠειλᾶτος Pilateἠρώτησεν questionedαὐτὸν himλέγων sayingΣὺ Youεἶ aretheβασιλεὺς kingτῶν of theἸουδαίων; Jews?The (one)δὲ butἀποκριθεὶς having answeredαὐτῷ to himἔφη saidΣὺ Youλέγεις. are saying. 4  Theδὲ butΠειλᾶτος Pilateεἶπεν saidπρὸς towardτοὺς theἀρχιερεῖς chief priestsκαὶ andτοὺς theὄχλους crowdsΟὐδὲν Nothingεὑρίσκω I findαἴτιον causeἐν inτῷ theἀνθρώπῳ manτούτῳ. this. 5  οἱ The (ones)δὲ butἐπίσχυον were strong uponλέγοντες sayingὅτι that᾿Ανασείει He stirs upτὸν theλαὸν peopleδιδάσκων teachingκαθ’ downὅλης wholeτῆς theἸουδαίας, Judea,καὶ andἀρξάμενος having startedἀπὸ fromτῆς theΓαλιλαίας Galileeἕως untilὧδε. here. 6  Πειλᾶτος Pilateδὲ butἀκούσας having heardἐπηρώτησεν inquired uponεἰ iftheἄνθρωπος manΓαλιλαῖός Galileanἐστιν, is, 7  καὶ andἐπιγνοὺς having ascertainedὅτι thatἐκ out ofτῆς theἐξουσίας authorityἩρῴδου of Herodἐστὶν he isἀνέπεμψεν he sent upαὐτὸν himπρὸς towardἩρῴδην, Herod,ὄντα beingκαὶ alsoαὐτὸν himἐν inἸεροσολύμοις Jerusalemἐν inταύταις theseταῖς theἡμέραις. days. 8  Theδὲ butἩρῴδης Herodἰδὼν having seenτὸν theἸησοῦν Jesusἐχάρη rejoicedλίαν, very much,ἦν he wasγὰρ forἐξ out ofἱκανῶν sufficientχρόνων timesθέλων being willingἰδεῖν to seeαὐτὸν himδιὰ throughτὸ theἀκούειν to be hearingπερὶ aboutαὐτοῦ, him,καὶ andἤλπιζέν he was hopingτι someσημεῖον signἰδεῖν to seeὑπ’ byαὐτοῦ himγινόμενον. occurring. 9  ἐπηρώτα He was inquiring uponδὲ butαὐτὸν himἐν inλόγοις wordsἱκανοῖς· sufficient;αὐτὸς heδὲ butοὐδὲν nothingἀπεκρίνατο answeredαὐτῷ. to him. 10  ἱστήκεισαν Had been standingδὲ butοἱ theἀρχιερεῖς chief priestsκαὶ andοἱ theγραμματεῖς scribesεὐτόνως vehementlyκατηγοροῦντες accusingαὐτοῦ. of him. 11  ἐξουθενήσας Having made nothing out ofδὲ butαὐτὸν himtheἩρῴδης Herodσὺν together withτοῖς theστρατεύμασιν troopsαὐτοῦ of himκαὶ andἐμπαίξας having made fun of (one)περιβαλὼν having put aroundἐσθῆτα garmentλαμπρὰν brightἀνέπεμψεν sent backαὐτὸν himτῷ to theΠειλάτῳ. Pilate. 12  ᾿Εγένοντο Becameδὲ butφίλοι friendstheτε andἩρῴδης Herodκαὶ andtheΠειλᾶτος Pilateἐν inαὐτῇ veryτῇ theἡμέρᾳ dayμετ’ withἀλλήλων· each other;προϋπῆρχον they were beforeγὰρ forἐν inἔχθρᾳ enmityὄντες beingπρὸς towardαὑτούς. themselves. 13  Πειλᾶτος Pilateδὲ butσυνκαλεσάμενος having called togetherτοὺς theἀρχιερεῖς chief priestsκαὶ andτοὺς theἄρχοντας rulersκαὶ andτὸν theλαὸν people 14  εἶπεν saidπρὸς towardαὐτούς themΠροσηνέγκατέ YOU bore towardμοι to meτὸν theἄνθρωπον manτοῦτον thisὡς asἀποστρέφοντα turning fromτὸν theλαόν, people,καὶ andἰδοὺ look!ἐγὼ Iἐνώπιον in sightὑμῶν of YOUἀνακρίνας having examinedοὐθὲν nothingεὗρον I foundἐν inτῷ theἀνθρώπῳ manτούτῳ thisαἴτιον causeὧν of which (things)κατηγορεῖτε YOU are accusingκατ’ downαὐτοῦ. of him. 15  ἀλλ’ Butοὐδὲ neitherἩρῴδης, Herod,ἀνέπεμψεν he sent backγὰρ forαὐτὸν himπρὸς towardἡμᾶς· us;καὶ andἰδοὺ look!οὐδὲν nothingἄξιον worthyθανάτου of deathἐστὶν isπεπραγμένον having been committedαὐτῷ· to him; 16  παιδεύσας having chastisedοὖν thereforeαὐτὸν himἀπολύσω. I shall release. 17  —— —— 18  ἀνέκραγον They cried outδὲ butπανπληθεὶ as entire multitudeλέγοντες sayingΑἶρε Lift upτοῦτον, this (one),ἀπόλυσον releaseδὲ butἡμῖν to usτὸν theΒαραββᾶν· Barabbas; 19  ὅστις whoἦν wasδιὰ throughστάσιν standing (off)τινὰ someγενομένην having occurredἐν inτῇ theπόλει cityκαὶ andφόνον murderβληθεὶς having been thrownἐν inτῇ theφυλακῇ. prison. 20  πάλιν Againδὲ buttheΠειλᾶτος Pilateπροσεφώνησεν sounded towardαὐτοῖς, to them,θέλων being willingἀπολῦσαι to releaseτὸν theἸησοῦν. Jesus. 21  οἱ The (ones)δὲ butἐπεφώνουν were sounding uponλέγοντες sayingΣταύρου Be impaling,σταύρου be impalingαὐτόν. him. 22  The (one)δὲ butτρίτον third [time]εἶπεν saidπρὸς towardαὐτούς themΤί Whatγὰρ forκακὸν bad (thing)ἐποίησεν didοὗτος; this (one)?οὐδὲν Nothingαἴτιον guiltyθανάτου of deathεὗρον I foundἐν inαὐτῷ· him;παιδεύσας having chastisedοὖν thereforeαὐτὸν himἀπολύσω. I shall release. 23  οἱ The (ones)δὲ butἐπέκειντο were urging upon (one)φωναῖς to voicesμεγάλαις greatαἰτούμενοι demandingαὐτὸν himσταυρωθῆναι, to be impaled,καὶ andκατίσχυον were strong downαἱ theφωναὶ voicesαὐτῶν. of them. 24  καὶ AndΠειλᾶτος Pilateἐπέκρινεν decidedγενέσθαι to come to beτὸ theαἴτημα demandαὐτῶν· of them; 25  ἀπέλυσεν he releasedδὲ butτὸν the (one)διὰ throughστάσιν standing (off)καὶ andφόνον murderβεβλημένον having been thrownεἰς intoφυλακὴν prisonὃν whomᾐτοῦντο, they were demanding,τὸν theδὲ butἸησοῦν Jesusπαρέδωκεν he gave besideτῷ to theθελήματι willαὐτῶν. of them. 26  Καὶ Andὡς asἀπήγαγον they led awayαὐτόν, him,ἐπιλαβόμενοι having taken uponΣίμωνά Simonτινα someΚυρηναῖον Cyrenianἐρχόμενον comingἀπ’ fromἀγροῦ fieldἐπέθηκαν they placed uponαὐτῷ himτὸν theσταυρὸν stakeφέρειν to be bearingὄπισθεν behindτοῦ of theἸησοῦ. Jesus. 27  Ἠκολούθει Was followingδὲ butαὐτῷ to himπολὺ muchπλῆθος multitudeτοῦ of theλαοῦ peopleκαὶ andγυναικῶν of womenαἳ whoἐκόπτοντο were beating themselvesκαὶ andἐθρήνουν were bewailingαὐτόν. him. 28  στραφεὶς Having turnedδὲ butπρὸς towardαὐτὰς themἸησοῦς Jesusεἶπεν saidΘυγατέρες DaughtersἸερουσαλήμ, of Jerusalem,μὴ notκλαίετε be YOU weepingἐπ’ uponἐμέ· me;πλὴν besidesἐφ’ uponἑαυτὰς selvesκλαίετε be YOU weepingκαὶ andἐπὶ uponτὰ theτέκνα childrenὑμῶν, of YOU, 29  ὅτι becauseἰδοὺ look!ἔρχονται are comingἡμέραι daysἐν inαἷς whichἐροῦσιν they will sayΜακάριαι Happyαἱ theστεῖραι barren (ones)καὶ andαἱ theκοιλίαι cavitiesαἳ whichοὐκ notἐγέννησαν generatedκαὶ andμαστοὶ breastsοἳ whichοὐκ notἔθρεψαν. nursed. 30  τότε Thenἄρξονται they will startλέγειν to be sayingτοῖς to theὄρεσιν mountainsΠέσατε Fall YOUἐφ’ uponἡμᾶς, us,καὶ andτοῖς to theβουνοῖς hillsΚαλύψατε Cover YOUἡμᾶς· us; 31  ὅτι becauseεἰ ifἐν inὑγρῷ moistξύλῳ woodταῦτα these (things)ποιοῦσιν, they are doing,ἐν inτῷ theξηρῷ dry (one)τί whatγένηται; should occur? 32  Ἤγοντο Were being ledδὲ butκαὶ alsoἕτεροι differentκακοῦργοι evildoersδύο twoσὺν together withαὐτῷ himἀναιρεθῆναι. to be taken up. 33  Καὶ Andὅτε whenἦλθαν they cameἐπὶ uponτὸν theτόπον placeτὸν the (one)καλούμενον being saidΚρανίον, Skull,ἐκεῖ thereἐσταύρωσαν they impaledαὐτὸν himκαὶ andτοὺς theκακούργους, evildoers,ὃν which (one)μὲν indeedἐκ out ofδεξιῶν right [sides]ὃν which (one)δὲ butἐξ out ofἀριστερῶν. left [sides]. 34  [[ὁ [[Theδὲ butἸησοῦς Jesusἔλεγεν was sayingΠάτερ, Father,ἄφες let go offαὐτοῖς, to them,οὐ notγὰρ forοἴδασιν they have knownτί whatποιοῦσιν.]] they are doing.]]Διαμεριζόμενοι Distributingδὲ butτὰ theἱμάτια outer garmentsαὐτοῦ of himἔβαλον they castκλῆρον. lot. 35  καὶ Andἱστήκει had stoodtheλαὸς peopleθεωρῶν. beholding.ἐξεμυκτήριζον Were sneeringδὲ butκαὶ alsoοἱ theἄρχοντες rulersλέγοντες sayingἌλλους Othersἔσωσεν, he saved,σωσάτω let him saveἑαυτόν, himself,εἰ ifοὗτός this (one)ἐστιν istheχριστὸς christτοῦ of theθεοῦ, God,theἐκλεκτός. chosen (one). 36  ἐνέπαιξαν Made fun ofδὲ butαὐτῷ to himκαὶ alsoοἱ theστρατιῶται soldiersπροσερχόμενοι, coming toward,ὄξος vinegarπροσφέροντες offeringαὐτῷ to him 37  καὶ andλέγοντες sayingΕἰ Ifσὺ youεἶ aretheβασιλεὺς kingτῶν of theἸουδαίων, Jews,σῶσον saveσεαυτόν. yourself. 38  ἦν Wasδὲ butκαὶ alsoἐπιγραφὴ inscriptionἐπ’ uponαὐτῷ himTheβασιλεὺς kingτῶν of theἸουδαίων Jewsοὗτος. this (one). 39  Εἷς Oneδὲ butτῶν of theκρεμασθέντων having been hungκακούργων evildoersἐβλασφήμει was blasphemingαὐτόν himΟὐχὶ Notσὺ youεἶ aretheχριστός; Christ?σῶσον Saveσεαυτὸν yourselfκαὶ andἡμᾶς. us. 40  ἀποκριθεὶς Having answeredδὲ buttheἕτερος different (one)ἐπιτιμῶν rebukingαὐτῷ to himἔφη saidΟὐδὲ Notφοβῇ are fearingσὺ youτὸν theθεόν, God,ὅτι becauseἐν inτῷ theαὐτῷ sameκρίματι judgmentεἶ; you are? 41  καὶ Andἡμεῖς weμὲν indeedδικαίως, justly,ἄξια worthy (things)γὰρ forὧν of which (things)ἐπράξαμεν we committedἀπολαμβάνομεν· we are receiving back;οὗτος this (one)δὲ butοὐδὲν nothingἄτοπον out of placeἔπραξεν. committed. 42  καὶ Andἔλεγεν he was sayingἸησοῦ, Jesus,μνήσθητί rememberμου meὅταν wheneverἔλθῃς you might comeεἰς intoτὴν theβασιλείαν kingdomσου. of you. 43  καὶ Andεἶπεν he saidαὐτῷ to him᾿Αμήν Amenσοι to youλέγω, I am sayingσήμερον todayμετ’ withἐμοῦ meἔσῃ you will beἐν inτῷ theπαραδείσῳ. Paradise. 44  Καὶ Andἦν wasἤδη alreadyὡσεὶ as ifὥρα hourἕκτη sixthκαὶ andσκότος darknessἐγένετο occurredἐφ’ uponὅλην wholeτὴν theγῆν earthἕως untilὥρας hourἐνάτης ninth 45  τοῦ of theἡλίου sunἐκλείποντος, leaving out,ἐσχίσθη was splitδὲ butτὸ theκαταπέτασμα curtainτοῦ of theναοῦ divine habitationμέσον. middle. 46  καὶ Andφωνήσας having soundedφωνῇ to voiceμεγάλῃ greattheἸησοῦς Jesusεἶπεν saidΠάτερ, Father,εἰς intoχεῖράς handsσου of youπαρατίθεμαι I am placing besideτὸ theπνεῦμά spiritμου· of me;τοῦτο thisδὲ butεἰπὼν having saidἐξέπνευσεν. he expired. 47  Ἰδὼν Having seenδὲ buttheἑκατοντάρχης centurionτὸ the (thing)γενόμενον having occurredἐδόξαζεν was glorifyingτὸν theθεὸν Godλέγων sayingὌντως Essentiallytheἄνθρωπος manοὗτος thisδίκαιος righteousἦν. was. 48  καὶ Andπάντες allοἱ theσυνπαραγενόμενοι having come to be besideὄχλοι crowdsἐπὶ uponτὴν theθεωρίαν spectacleταύτην, this,θεωρήσαντες having become spectators ofτὰ the (things)γενόμενα, having occurred,τύπτοντες smitingτὰ theστήθη breastsὑπέστρεφον. were returning. 49  ἱστήκεισαν Had stoodδὲ butπάντες allοἱ theγνωστοὶ known (ones)αὐτῷ to himἀπὸ fromμακρόθεν, long [way] off,καὶ andγυναῖκες womenαἱ theσυνακολουθοῦσαι following togetherαὐτῷ to himἀπὸ fromτῆς theΓαλιλαίας, Galilee,ὁρῶσαι seeingταῦτα. these (things). 50  Καὶ Andἰδοὺ look!ἀνὴρ manὀνόματι to nameἸωσὴφ Josephβουλευτὴς counselorὑπάρχων, being,ἀνὴρ male personἀγαθὸς goodκαὶ andδίκαιος,— righteous,— 51  οὗτος this (one)οὐκ notἦν wasσυνκατατεθειμένος having put down together withτῇ to theβουλῇ wishκαὶ andτῇ to theπράξει actionαὐτῶν,— of them,—ἀπὸ fromἉριμαθαίας Arimatheaπόλεως of cityτῶν of theἸουδαίων, Jews,ὃς whoπροσεδέχετο was awaitingτὴν theβασιλείαν kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ, God, 52  οὗτος this (one)προσελθὼν having come towardτῷ theΠειλάτῳ Pilateᾐτήσατο asked forτὸ theσῶμα bodyτοῦ of theἸησοῦ, Jesus, 53  καὶ andκαθελὼν having taken downἐνετύλιξεν he wrapped upαὐτὸ itσινδόνι, to fine linen,καὶ andἔθηκεν putαὐτὸν himἐν inμνήματι tombλαξευτῷ carved in rockοὗ whereοὐκ notἦν wasοὐδεὶς no oneοὔπω not yetκείμενος. lying. 54  Καὶ Andἡμέρα dayἦν wasπαρασκευῆς, of preparation,καὶ andσάββατον sabbathἐπέφωσκεν. was lighting upon. 55  Κατακολουθήσασαι Having followed downδὲ butαἱ theγυναῖκες, woman,αἵτινες whoἦσαν wereσυνεληλυθυῖαι having come together withἐκ out ofτῆς theΓαλιλαίας Galileeαὐτῷ, to him,ἐθεάσαντο viewedτὸ theμνημεῖον memorial tombκαὶ andὡς asἐτέθη was putτὸ theσῶμα bodyαὐτοῦ, of him, 56  ὑποστρέψασαι having returnedδὲ butἡτοίμασαν they got readyἀρώματα spicesκαὶ andμύρα. perfumed oils.Καὶ Andτὸ theμὲν indeedσάββατον sabbathἡσύχασαν they restedκατὰ according toτὴν theἐντολήν. commandment.
