Luke 8:1-56

8  Καὶ Andἐγένετο it happenedἐν inτῷ theκαθεξῆς order of subsequenceκαὶ andαὐτὸς heδιώδευεν was journeying throughκατὰ downπόλιν cityκαὶ andκώμην villageκηρύσσων preachingκαὶ andεὐαγγελιζόμενος declaring as good newsτὴν theβασιλείαν kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ, God,καὶ andοἱ theδώδεκα twelveσὺν together withαὐτῷ, him, 2  καὶ andγυναῖκές womenτινες someαἳ whoἦσαν wereτεθεραπευμέναι having been curedἀπὸ fromπνευμάτων spiritsπονηρῶν wickedκαὶ andἀσθενειῶν, of sicknesses,Μαρία Marythe (one)καλουμένη being calledΜαγδαληνή, Magdalene,ἀφ’ fromἧς whomδαιμόνια demonsἑπτὰ sevenἐξεληλύθει, had gone out, 3  καὶ andἸωάνα Joannaγυνὴ womanΧουζᾶ of Chuzaἐπιτρόπου man in chargeἩρῴδου of Herodκαὶ andΣουσάννα Susannaκαὶ andἕτεραι different [women]πολλαί, many,αἵτινες whoδιηκόνουν were servingαὐτοῖς to themἐκ out ofτῶν the (things)ὑπαρχόντων belongingαὐταῖς. to them [women]. 4  Συνιόντος Collecting togetherδὲ butὄχλου of crowdπολλοῦ muchκαὶ andτῶν of the (ones)κατὰ according toπόλιν cityἐπιπορευομένων going their way uponπρὸς towardαὐτὸν himεἶπεν he saidδιὰ throughπαραβολῆς parable 5  ᾿Εξῆλθεν Went outthe (one)σπείρων sowingτοῦ of theσπεῖραι to sowτὸν theσπόρον thing sownαὐτοῦ. of him.καὶ Andἐν inτῷ theσπείρειν to be sowingαὐτὸν himwhich oneμὲν indeedἔπεσεν fellπαρὰ besideτὴν theὁδόν, way,καὶ andκατεπατήθη was trampled downκαὶ andτὰ theπετεινὰ birdsτοῦ of theοὐρανοῦ heavenκατέφαγεν ate downαὐτό. it. 6  καὶ Andἕτερον different (one)κατέπεσεν fell downἐπὶ uponτὴν theπέτραν, rock-mass,καὶ andφυὲν having sproutedἐξηράνθη it was dried upδιὰ throughτὸ theμὴ notἔχειν to be havingἰκμάδα. moisture. 7  καὶ Andἕτερον different (one)ἔπεσεν fellἐν inμέσῳ midstτῶν of theἀκανθῶν, thorns,καὶ andσυνφυεῖσαι having grown up togetherαἱ theἄκανθαι thornsἀπέπνιξαν choked offαὐτό. it. 8  καὶ Andἕτερον different (one)ἔπεσεν fellεἰς intoτὴν theγῆν earthτὴν theἀγαθήν, good,καὶ andφυὲν having sproutedἐποίησεν it madeκαρπὸν fruitἑκατονταπλασίονα. hundredfold.Ταῦτα These (things)λέγων sayingἐφώνει he was sounding toThe (one)ἔχων havingὦτα earsἀκούειν to be hearingἀκουέτω. let him be hearing. 9  ᾿Επηρώτων Were inquiring uponδὲ butαὐτὸν himοἱ theμαθηταὶ disciplesαὐτοῦ of himτίς whatαὕτη thisεἴη would betheπαραβολή. parable. 10  The (one)δὲ butεἶπεν saidὙμῖν To YOUδέδοται it has been givenγνῶναι to knowτὰ theμυστήρια mysteriesτῆς of theβασιλείας kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ, God,τοῖς to theδὲ butλοιποῖς leftover (ones)ἐν inπαραβολαῖς, parables,ἵνα in order thatβλέποντες lookingμὴ notβλέπωσιν they may be lookingκαὶ andἀκούοντες hearingμὴ notσυνίωσιν. they may be comprehending. 11  ἔστιν Isδὲ butαὕτη thistheπαραβολή. parable.Theσπόρος thing sownἐστὶν istheλόγος wordτοῦ of theθεοῦ. God. 12  οἱ The (ones)δὲ butπαρὰ besideτὴν theὁδόν wayεἰσιν areοἱ the (ones)ἀκούσαντες, having heard,εἶτα thenἔρχεται is comingtheδιάβολος Devilκαὶ andαἴρει lifts upτὸν theλόγον wordἀπὸ fromτῆς theκαρδίας heartαὐτῶν, of them,ἵνα in order thatμὴ notπιστεύσαντες having believedσωθῶσιν. they may be saved. 13  οἱ The (ones)δὲ butἐπὶ uponτῆς theπέτρας rock-massοἳ whoὅταν wheneverἀκούσωσιν they might hearμετὰ withχαρᾶς joyδέχονται are receivingτὸν theλόγον, word,καὶ andοὗτοι theseῥίζαν rootοὐκ notἔχουσιν, are having,οἳ whoπρὸς towardκαιρὸν seasonπιστεύουσιν are believingκαὶ andἐν inκαιρῷ seasonπειρασμοῦ of testingἀφίστανται. stand off. 14  τὸ The (one)δὲ butεἰς intoτὰς theἀκάνθας thornsπεσόν, having fallen,οὗτοί theseεἰσιν areοἱ the (ones)ἀκούσαντες, having heard,καὶ andὑπὸ byμεριμνῶν anxietiesκαὶ andπλούτου richesκαὶ andἡδονῶν pleasuresτοῦ of theβίου livingπορευόμενοι going their wayσυνπνίγονται are being choked togetherκαὶ andοὐ notτελεσφοροῦσιν. are bearing to perfection. 15  τὸ The (one)δὲ butἐν inτῇ theκαλῇ fineγῇ, earth,οὗτοί theseεἰσιν areοἵτινες whoἐν inκαρδίᾳ heartκαλῇ fineκαὶ andἀγαθῇ goodἀκούσαντες having heardτὸν theλόγον wordκατέχουσιν they are retainingκαὶ andκαρποφοροῦσιν they are bearing fruitἐν inὑπομονῇ. endurance. 16  Οὐδεὶς No oneδὲ butλύχνον lampἅψας having lightedκαλύπτει is coveringαὐτὸν itσκεύει to vesselorὑποκάτω underneathκλίνης bedτίθησιν, is putting,ἀλλ’ butἐπὶ uponλυχνίας lampstandτίθησιν, he is putting,ἵνα in order thatοἱ the (ones)εἰσπορευόμενοι going their way inβλέπωσιν may be looking atτὸ theφῶς. light. 17  οὐ Notγὰρ forἔστιν isκρυπτὸν hidden (thing)whichοὐ notφανερὸν manifestγενήσεται, will become,οὐδὲ neitherἀπόκρυφον carefully concealedwhichοὐ notμὴ notγνωσθῇ should be knownκαὶ andεἰς intoφανερὸν what is manifestἔλθῃ. should come. 18  Βλέπετε Be YOU looking atοὖν thereforeπῶς howἀκούετε· you are hearing;ὃς whoἂν likelyγὰρ forἔχῃ, may be having,δοθήσεται it will be givenαὐτῷ, to him,καὶ andὃς whoἂν likelyμὴ notἔχῃ, may be having,καὶ alsowhichδοκεῖ he thinksἔχειν to be havingἀρθήσεται will be lifted upἀπ’ fromαὐτοῦ. him. 19  Παρεγένετο Came to be alongsideδὲ butπρὸς towardαὐτὸν himtheμήτηρ motherκαὶ andοἱ theἀδελφοὶ brothersαὐτοῦ, of him,καὶ andοὐκ notἠδύναντο were ableσυντυχεῖν to meet up withαὐτῷ himδιὰ throughτὸν theὄχλον. crowd. 20  ἀπηγγέλη It was reported backδὲ butαὐτῷ to himTheμήτηρ motherσου of youκαὶ andοἱ theἀδελφοί brothersσου of youἑστήκασιν have stoodἔξω outsideἰδεῖν to seeθέλοντές willingσε. you. 21  The (one)δὲ butἀποκριθεὶς having answeredεἶπεν saidπρὸς towardαὐτούς themΜήτηρ Motherμου of meκαὶ andἀδελφοί brothersμου of meοὗτοί theseεἰσιν areοἱ the (ones)τὸν theλόγον wordτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godἀκούοντες hearingκαὶ andποιοῦντες. doing. 22  ᾿Εγένετο It occurredδὲ butἐν inμιᾷ oneτῶν of theἡμερῶν daysκαὶ andαὐτὸς heἐνέβη stepped inεἰς intoπλοῖον boatκαὶ andοἱ theμαθηταὶ disciplesαὐτοῦ, of him,καὶ andεἶπεν he saidπρὸς towardαὐτούς themΔιέλθωμεν Let us go throughεἰς intoτὸ theπέραν other sideτῆς of theλίμνης, lake,καὶ andἀνήχθησαν. they were led up. 23  πλεόντων Sailingδὲ butαὐτῶν of themἀφύπνωσεν. he fell asleep.καὶ Andκατέβη descendedλαῖλαψ violent stormἀνέμου of windεἰς intoτὴν theλίμνην, lake,καὶ andσυνεπληροῦντο they were being filled up withκαὶ andἐκινδύνευον. were in danger. 24  προσελθόντες Having come towardδὲ butδιήγειραν they rousedαὐτὸν himλέγοντες saying᾿Επιστάτα Instructorἐπιστάτα, Instructor,ἀπολλύμεθα· we are perishing;the (one)δὲ butδιεγερθεὶς having been rousedἐπετίμησεν gave rebukeτῷ to theἀνέμῳ windκαὶ andτῷ to theκλύδωνι ragingτοῦ of theὕδατος, water,καὶ andἐπαύσαντο, they subsided,καὶ andἐγένετο came to beγαλήνη. calm. 25  εἶπεν He saidδὲ butαὐτοῖς to themΠοῦ Wheretheπίστις faithὑμῶν; of YOU?φοβηθέντες Having been made fearfulδὲ butἐθαύμασαν, they wondered,λέγοντες sayingπρὸς towardἀλλήλους one anotherΤίς Whoἄρα reallyοὗτός thisἐστιν isὅτι becauseκαὶ alsoτοῖς to theἀνέμοις windsἐπιτάσσει he is giving ordersκαὶ andτῷ to theὕδατι, water,καὶ andὑπακούουσιν they are obeyingαὐτῷ; him? 26  Καὶ Andκατέπλευσαν they sailed downεἰς intoτὴν theχώραν countryτῶν of theΓερασηνῶν, Gerasenes,ἥτις whichἐστὶν isἀντίπερα opposite on other sideτῆς of theΓαλιλαίας. Galilee. 27  ἐξελθόντι To (one) having gone outδὲ butαὐτῷ to himἐπὶ uponτὴν theγῆν earthὑπήντησεν met up withἀνήρ male personτις someἐκ out ofτῆς theπόλεως cityἔχων (one) havingδαιμόνια· demons;καὶ andχρόνῳ to timeἱκανῷ sufficientοὐκ notἐνεδύσατο put onἱμάτιον, outer garment,καὶ andἐν inοἰκίᾳ houseοὐκ notἔμενεν he was stayingἀλλ’ butἐν inτοῖς theμνήμασιν. tombs. 28  ἰδὼν Having seenδὲ butτὸν theἸησοῦν Jesusἀνακράξας having cried aloudπροσέπεσεν he fell towardαὐτῷ himκαὶ andφωνῇ to voiceμεγάλῃ greatεἶπεν saidΤί Whatἐμοὶ to meκαὶ andσοί, to you,Ἰησοῦ Jesusυἱὲ Sonτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godτοῦ of theὑψίστου; Most High?δέομαί I begσου, of you,μή notμε meβασανίσῃς· you should torment; 29  παρήγγελλεν he was orderingγὰρ forτῷ to theπνεύματι spiritτῷ theἀκαθάρτῳ uncleanἐξελθεῖν to come outἀπὸ fromτοῦ theἀνθρώπου. man.πολλοῖς To manyγὰρ forχρόνοις timesσυνηρπάκει it had snatched away withαὐτόν, him,καὶ andἐδεσμεύετο he was being boundἁλύσεσιν to chainsκαὶ andπέδαις fettersφυλασσόμενος, being guarded,καὶ andδιαρήσσων breaking throughτὰ theδεσμὰ bondsἠλαύνετο he was being drivenἀπὸ fromτοῦ theδαιμονίου demonεἰς intoτὰς theἐρήμους. lonely [places]. 30  ἐπηρώτησεν Inquired uponδὲ butαὐτὸν himtheἸησοῦς JesusΤί Whatσοὶ to youὄνομά nameἐστιν; is?The (one)δὲ butεἶπεν saidΛεγιών, Legion,ὅτι becauseεἰσῆλθεν enteredδαιμόνια demonsπολλὰ manyεἰς intoαὐτόν. him. 31  καὶ Andπαρεκάλουν they were entreatingαὐτὸν himἵνα in order thatμὴ notἐπιτάξῃ he should give ordersαὐτοῖς to themεἰς intoτὴν theἄβυσσον abyssἀπελθεῖν. to go off. 32  ῏Ην Wasδὲ butἐκεῖ thereἀγέλη herdχοίρων of pigsἱκανῶν sufficientβοσκομένη feeding itselfἐν inτῷ theὄρει· mountain;καὶ andπαρεκάλεσαν they entreatedαὐτὸν himἵνα in order thatἐπιτρέψῃ he should give permissionαὐτοῖς to themεἰς intoἐκείνους those (ones)εἰσελθεῖν· to enter;καὶ andἐπέτρεψεν he gave permissionαὐτοῖς. to them. 33  ἐξελθόντα Having gone outδὲ butτὰ theδαιμόνια demonsἀπὸ fromτοῦ theἀνθρώπου manεἰσῆλθον enteredεἰς intoτοὺς theχοίρους, pigs,καὶ andὥρμησεν rushedtheἀγέλη herdκατὰ downτοῦ theκρημνοῦ precipiceεἰς intoτὴν theλίμνην lakeκαὶ andἀπεπνίγη. was drowned. 34  Ἰδόντες Having seenδὲ butοἱ theβόσκοντες (ones) feedingτὸ the (thing)γεγονὸς having happenedἔφυγον fledκαὶ andἀπήγγειλαν reported backεἰς intoτὴν theπόλιν cityκαὶ andεἰς intoτοὺς theἀγρούς. fields. 35  ἐξῆλθον They came outδὲ butἰδεῖν to seeτὸ the (thing)γεγονὸς having happenedκαὶ andἦλθαν they cameπρὸς towardτὸν theἸησοῦν, Jesus,καὶ andεὗραν foundκαθήμενον sittingτὸν theἄνθρωπον manἀφ’ fromοὗ whomτὰ theδαιμόνια demonsἐξῆλθεν came outἱματισμένον having been clothedκαὶ andσωφρονοῦντα being of sound mindπαρὰ besideτοὺς theπόδας feetτοῦ of theἸησοῦ, Jesus,καὶ andἐφοβήθησαν. they were made fearful. 36  ἀπήγγειλαν Reported backδὲ butαὐτοῖς to themοἱ the (ones)ἰδόντες having seenπῶς howἐσώθη was savedthe (one)δαιμονισθείς. demon-possessed. 37  καὶ Andἠρώτησεν requestedαὐτὸν himἅπαν allτὸ theπλῆθος multitudeτῆς of theπεριχώρου surrounding countryτῶν of theΓερασηνῶν Gerasenesἀπελθεῖν to get awayἀπ’ fromαὐτῶν, them,ὅτι becauseφόβῳ to fearμεγάλῳ greatσυνείχοντο· they were being held together;αὐτὸς heδὲ butἐμβὰς having stepped inεἰς intoπλοῖον boatὑπέστρεψεν. returned. 38  ἐδεῖτο Was beggingδὲ butαὐτοῦ of himtheἀνὴρ male personἀφ’ fromοὗ whomἐξεληλύθει had gone outτὰ theδαιμόνια demonsεἶναι to beσὺν together withαὐτῷ· him;ἀπέλυσεν he let loose offδὲ butαὐτὸν himλέγων saying 39  Ὑπόστρεφε Be returningεἰς intoτὸν theοἶκόν homeσου, of you,καὶ andδιηγοῦ be relatingὅσα as many (things) asσοι to youἐποίησεν didtheθεός. God.καὶ Andἀπῆλθεν he went offκαθ’ down throughὅλην wholeτὴν theπόλιν cityκηρύσσων preachingὅσα as many (things) asἐποίησεν didαὐτῷ to himtheἸησοῦς. Jesus. 40  ᾿Εν Inδὲ butτῷ theὑποστρέφειν to be returningτὸν theἸησοῦν Jesusἀπεδέξατο received offαὐτὸν himtheὄχλος, crowd,ἦσαν wereγὰρ forπάντες allπροσδοκῶντες expectingαὐτόν. him. 41  Καὶ Andἰδοὺ look!ἦλθεν cameἀνὴρ male personto whomὄνομα nameἸάειρος, Jairus,καὶ andοὗτος this [man]ἄρχων rulerτῆς of theσυναγωγῆς synagogueὑπῆρχεν, was existing,καὶ andπεσὼν having fallenπαρὰ besideτοὺς theπόδας feetἸησοῦ of Jesusπαρεκάλει he was entreatingαὐτὸν himεἰσελθεῖν to enterεἰς intoτὸν theοἶκον houseαὐτοῦ, of him, 42  ὅτι becauseθυγάτηρ daughterμονογενὴς only-begottenἦν wasαὐτῷ to himὡς asἐτῶν of yearsδώδεκα twelveκαὶ andαὐτὴ sheἀπέθνησκεν. was dying. ᾿Εν Inδὲ butτῷ theὑπάγειν to be going underαὐτὸν himοἱ theὄχλοι crowdsσυνέπνιγον were choking togetherαὐτόν. him. 43  καὶ Andγυνὴ womanοὖσα beingἐν inῥύσει flowαἵματος of bloodἀπὸ fromἐτῶν yearsδώδεκα, twelve,ἥτις whoοὐκ notἴσχυσεν was strong enoughἀπ’ fromοὐδενὸς no oneθεραπευθῆναι, to be cured, 44  προσελθοῦσα having come towardὄπισθεν from behindἥψατο touchedτοῦ theκρασπέδου fringeτοῦ of theἱματίου outer garmentαὐτοῦ, of him,καὶ andπαραχρῆμα instantlyἔστη stoodtheῥύσις flowτοῦ of theαἵματος bloodαὐτῆς. of her. 45  καὶ Andεἶπεν saidtheἸησοῦς JesusΤίς Whothe (one)ἁψάμενός having touchedμου; me?ἀρνουμένων Denyingδὲ butπάντων of allεἶπεν saidtheΠέτρος Peter᾿Επιστάτα, Instructor,οἱ theὄχλοι crowdsσυνέχουσίν are holding togetherσε youκαὶ andἀποθλίβουσιν. are closely pressing. 46  Theδὲ butἸησοῦς Jesusεἶπεν saidἭψατό Touchedμού meτις, someone,ἐγὼ Iγὰρ forἔγνων knewδύναμιν powerἐξεληλυθυῖαν having gone outἀπ’ fromἐμοῦ. me. 47  ἰδοῦσα Having seenδὲ buttheγυνὴ womanὅτι thatοὐκ notἔλαθεν she escaped noticeτρέμουσα tremblingἦλθεν cameκαὶ andπροσπεσοῦσα having fallen down towardαὐτῷ himδι’ throughἣν whatαἰτίαν causeἥψατο she touchedαὐτοῦ himἀπήγγειλεν reported backἐνώπιον in sightπαντὸς of allτοῦ theλαοῦ peopleκαὶ andὡς asἰάθη she was healedπαραχρῆμα. instantly. 48  The (one)δὲ butεἶπεν saidαὐτῇ to herΘυγάτηρ, Daughter,theπίστις faithσου of youσέσωκέν has savedσε· you;πορεύου be going your wayεἰς intoεἰρήνην. peace. 49  Ἔτι Yetαὐτοῦ of himλαλοῦντος speakingἔρχεταί is comingτις someoneπαρὰ besideτοῦ theἀρχισυναγώγου synagogue rulerλέγων sayingὅτι thatΤέθνηκεν Has diedtheθυγάτηρ daughterσου, of you,μηκέτι not yetσκύλλε be botheringτὸν theδιδάσκαλον. teacher. 50  Theδὲ butἸησοῦς Jesusἀκούσας having heardἀπεκρίθη answeredαὐτῷ to himΜὴ Notφοβοῦ, be fearing,μόνον onlyπίστευσον, exercise faith,καὶ andσωθήσεται. she will be saved. 51  ἐλθὼν Having comeδὲ butεἰς intoτὴν theοἰκίαν houseοὐκ notἀφῆκεν let go offεἰσελθεῖν to enterτινὰ anyoneσὺν together withαὐτῷ himεἰ ifμὴ notΠέτρον Peterκαὶ andἸωάνην Johnκαὶ andἸάκωβον Jamesκαὶ andτὸν theπατέρα fatherτῆς of theπαιδὸς girlκαὶ andτὴν theμητέρα. mother. 52  ἔκλαιον Were weepingδὲ butπάντες all (they)καὶ andἐκόπτοντο were beating themselves forαὐτήν. her.The (one)δὲ butεἶπεν saidΜὴ Notκλαίετε, be YOU weeping,οὐ notγὰρ forἀπέθανεν she diedἀλλὰ butκαθεύδει. she is sleeping. 53  καὶ Andκατεγέλων they were laughing downαὐτοῦ, of him,εἰδότες having knownὅτι thatἀπέθανεν. she died. 54  αὐτὸς Heδὲ butκρατήσας having taken holdτῆς of theχειρὸς handαὐτῆς of herἐφώνησεν sounded toλέγων sayingTheπαῖς, girl,ἔγειρε. be getting up. 55  καὶ Andἐπέστρεψεν turned uponτὸ theπνεῦμα spiritαὐτῆς, of her,καὶ andἀνέστη she stood upπαραχρῆμα, instantly,καὶ andδιέταξεν he orderedαὐτῇ to herδοθῆναι to be givenφαγεῖν. to eat. 56  καὶ Andἐξέστησαν placed themselves outsideοἱ theγονεῖς parentsαὐτῆς· of her;the (one)δὲ butπαρήγγειλεν gave instructionsαὐτοῖς to themμηδενὶ to no oneεἰπεῖν to sayτὸ the (thing)γεγονός. having happened.
