Mark 13:1-37

13  Καὶ Andἐκπορευομένου going his way outαὐτοῦ of himἐκ out ofτοῦ theἱεροῦ templeλέγει is sayingαὐτῷ to himεἷς oneτῶν of theμαθητῶν disciplesαὐτοῦ of himΔιδάσκαλε, Teacher,ἴδε seeποταποὶ what kind ofλίθοι stonesκαὶ andποταπαὶ what kind ofοἰκοδομαί. buildings. 2  καὶ AndtheἸησοῦς Jesusεἶπεν saidαὐτῷ to himβλέπεις Are you looking atταύτας theseτὰς theμεγάλας greatοἰκοδομάς; buildings?οὐ Notμὴ notἀφεθῇ should be let go offὧδε hereλίθος stoneἐπὶ uponλίθον stoneὃς whichοὐ notμὴ notκαταλυθῇ. should be loosed down. 3  Καὶ Andκαθημένου sittingαὐτοῦ of himεἰς intoτὸ theὌρος Mountainτῶν of the᾿Ελαιῶν Olivesκατέναντι oppositeτοῦ theἱεροῦ templeἐπηρώτα was inquiring uponαὐτὸν himκατ’ according toἰδίαν private [spot]Πέτρος Peterκαὶ andἸάκωβος Jamesκαὶ andἸωάνης Johnκαὶ and᾿Ανδρέας Andrew 4  Εἰπὸν Sayἡμῖν to usπότε whenταῦτα these (things)ἔσται, will be,καὶ andτί whatτὸ theσημεῖον signὅταν wheneverμέλλῃ may be aboutταῦτα these (things)συντελεῖσθαι to be concludedπάντα. all. 5  Theδὲ butἸησοῦς Jesusἤρξατο startedλέγειν to be sayingαὐτοῖς to themΒλέπετε Be YOU looking atμή notτις anyoneὑμᾶς YOUπλανήσῃ· might make to err; 6  πολλοὶ manyἐλεύσονται will comeἐπὶ uponτῷ theὀνόματί nameμου of meλέγοντες sayingὅτι that᾿Εγώ Iεἰμι, am,καὶ andπολλοὺς manyπλανήσουσιν. they will make to err. 7  ὅταν Wheneverδὲ butἀκούσητε YOU might hearπολέμους warsκαὶ andἀκοὰς hearingsπολέμων, of wars,μὴ notθροεῖσθε· be YOU terrified;δεῖ it is necessaryγενέσθαι, to take place,ἀλλ’ butοὔπω not yetτὸ theτέλος. end. 8  ᾿Εγερθήσεται Will rise upγὰρ forἔθνος nationἐπ’ uponἔθνος nationκαὶ andβασιλεία kingdomἐπὶ uponβασιλείαν, kingdom,ἔσονται will beσεισμοὶ [earth] quakesκατὰ according toτόπους, places,ἔσονται will beλιμοί· famines;ἀρχὴ beginningὠδίνων of birth pangsταῦτα. these (things). 9  βλέπετε Be looking atδὲ butὑμεῖς YOUἑαυτούς· yourselves;παραδώσουσιν they will give overὑμᾶς YOUεἰς intoσυνέδρια Sanhedrinsκαὶ andεἰς intoσυναγωγὰς synagoguesδαρήσεσθε YOU will be flayedκαὶ andἐπὶ uponἡγεμόνων governorsκαὶ andβασιλέων kingsσταθήσεσθε YOU will be caused to standἕνεκεν on account ofἐμοῦ meεἰς intoμαρτύριον witnessαὐτοῖς. to them. 10  καὶ Andεἰς intoπάντα allτὰ theἔθνη nationsπρῶτον firstδεῖ it is necessaryκηρυχθῆναι to be preachedτὸ theεὐαγγέλιον. good news. 11  καὶ Andὅταν wheneverἄγωσιν they may leadὑμᾶς YOUπαραδιδόντες, giving over,μὴ notπρομεριμνᾶτε be YOU worrying beforeτί whatλαλήσητε, YOU should speak,ἀλλ’ butwhichἐὰν if everδοθῇ should be givenὑμῖν to YOUἐν inἐκείνῃ thatτῇ theὥρᾳ hourτοῦτο thisλαλεῖτε, be YOU speaking,οὐ notγάρ forἐστε areὑμεῖς YOUοἱ the (ones)λαλοῦντες speakingἀλλὰ butτὸ theπνεῦμα spiritτὸ theἅγιον. holy. 12  καὶ Andπαραδώσει will give overἀδελφὸς brotherἀδελφὸν brotherεἰς intoθάνατον deathκαὶ andπατὴρ fatherτέκνον, child,καὶ andἐπαναστήσονται will stand up againstτέκνα childrenἐπὶ uponγονεῖς parentsκαὶ andθανατώσουσιν will put to deathαὐτούς· them; 13  καὶ andἔσεσθε YOU will beμισούμενοι (ones) being hatedὑπὸ byπάντων all (them)διὰ throughτὸ theὄνομά nameμου. of me.The (one)δὲ butὑπομείνας having enduredεἰς intoτέλος endοὗτος this (one)σωθήσεται. will be saved. 14  Ὅταν Wheneverδὲ butἴδητε YOU should seeτὸ theβδέλυγμα disgusting thingτῆς of theἐρημώσεως desolationἑστηκότα having stoodὅπου whereοὐ notδεῖ, it is necessary,the (one)ἀναγινώσκων readingνοείτω, let him be minding,τότε thenοἱ the (ones)ἐν inτῇ theἸουδαίᾳ Judeaφευγέτωσαν let them be fleeingεἰς intoτὰ theὄρη, mountains, 15  the (one)ἐπὶ uponτοῦ theδώματος housetopμὴ notκαταβάτω let him come downμηδὲ norεἰσελθάτω let him enterτι anythingἆραι to lift upἐκ out ofτῆς theοἰκίας houseαὐτοῦ, of him, 16  καὶ andthe (one)εἰς intoτὸν theἀγρὸν fieldμὴ notἐπιστρεψάτω let him returnεἰς intoτὰ the (things)ὀπίσω behindἆραι to lift upτὸ theἱμάτιον garmentαὐτοῦ. of him. 17  οὐαὶ Woeδὲ butταῖς to the (ones)ἐν inγαστρὶ bellyἐχούσαις havingκαὶ andταῖς to the (ones)θηλαζούσαις giving suckἐν inἐκείναις thoseταῖς theἡμέραις. days. 18  προσεύχεσθε Be YOU prayingδὲ butἵνα in order thatμὴ notγένηται it might occurχειμῶνος· of winter; 19  ἔσονται will beγὰρ forαἱ theἡμέραι daysἐκεῖναι thoseθλίψις tribulationοἵα of which sortοὐ notγέγονεν has occurredτοιαύτη suchἀπ’ fromἀρχῆς beginningκτίσεως of creationἣν whichἔκτισεν createdtheθεὸς Godἕως untilτοῦ theνῦν nowκαὶ andοὐ notμὴ notγένηται. should occur. 20  καὶ Andεἰ ifμὴ notἐκολόβωσεν shortenedΚύριος Lordτὰς theἡμέρας, days,οὐκ notἂν likelyἐσώθη was savedπᾶσα allσάρξ. flesh.ἀλλὰ Butδιὰ throughτοὺς theἐκλεκτοὺς chosen (ones)οὓς whomἐξελέξατο he choseἐκολόβωσεν he shortenedτὰς theἡμέρας. days. 21  Καὶ Andτότε thenἐάν if everτις anyoneὑμῖν to YOUεἴπῃ should sayἼδε Seeὧδε heretheχριστός ChristἼδε Seeἐκεῖ, there,μὴ notπιστεύετε· be YOU believing; 22  ἐγερθήσονται will rise upγὰρ forψευδόχριστοι false christsκαὶ andψευδοπροφῆται false prophetsκαὶ andδώσουσιν will giveσημεῖα signsκαὶ andτέρατα portentsπρὸς towardτὸ theἀποπλανᾷν to be leading astrayεἰ ifδυνατὸν possibleτοὺς theἐκλεκτούς· chosen (ones); 23  ὑμεῖς YOUδὲ butβλέπετε· be YOU looking at;προείρηκα I have foretoldὑμῖν to YOUπάντα. all (things). 24  ᾿Αλλὰ Butἐν inἐκείναις thoseταῖς theἡμέραις daysμετὰ afterτὴν theθλίψιν tribulationἐκείνην thattheἥλιος sunσκοτισθήσεται, will be darkened,καὶ andtheσελήνη moonοὐ notδώσει will giveτὸ theφέγγος shiningαὐτῆς, of it, 25  καὶ andοἱ theἀστέρες starsἔσονται will beἐκ out ofτοῦ theοὐρανοῦ heavensπίπτοντες, falling,καὶ andαἱ theδυνάμεις powersαἱ the (ones)ἐν inτοῖς theοὐρανοῖς heavensσαλευθήσονται. will be shaken. 26  καὶ Andτότε thenὄψονται they will seeτὸν theυἱὸν Sonτοῦ of theἀνθρώπου manἐρχόμενον comingἐν inνεφέλαις cloudsμετὰ withδυνάμεως powerπολλῆς muchκαὶ andδόξης· glory; 27  καὶ andτότε thenἀποστελεῖ he will send offτοὺς theἀγγέλους angelsκαὶ andἐπισυνάξει will lead togetherτοὺς theἐκλεκτοὺς chosen (ones)αὐτοῦ of himἐκ out ofτῶν theτεσσάρων fourἀνέμων windsἀπ’ fromἄκρου extremityγῆς of earthἕως untilἄκρου extremityοὐρανοῦ. of heaven. 28  ᾿Απὸ Fromδὲ butτῆς theσυκῆς fig treeμάθετε learn YOUτὴν theπαραβολήν· parable;ὅταν wheneverἤδη alreadytheκλάδος branchαὐτῆς of itἁπαλὸς tenderγένηται should becomeκαὶ andἐκφύῃ should produce outτὰ theφύλλα, leaves,γινώσκετε YOU are knowingὅτι thatἐγγὺς nearτὸ theθέρος summerἐστίν· is; 29  οὕτως thusκαὶ alsoὑμεῖς, YOU,ὅταν wheneverἴδητε YOU should seeταῦτα these (things)γινόμενα, happening,γινώσκετε YOU are knowingὅτι thatἐγγύς nearἐστιν he isἐπὶ uponθύραις. doors. 30  ἀμὴν Amenλέγω I am sayingὑμῖν to YOUὅτι thatοὐ notμὴ notπαρέλθῃ should pass awaytheγενεὰ generationsαὕτη thisμέχρις untilοὗ which [time]ταῦτα these (things)πάντα allγένηται. should happen. 31  Theοὐρανὸς heavenκαὶ andtheγῆ earthπαρελεύσονται, will pass away,οἱ theδὲ butλόγοι wordsμου of meοὐ notπαρελεύσονται. will pass away. 32  Περὶ Aboutδὲ butτῆς theἡμέρας dayἐκείνης thatorτῆς theὥρας hourοὐδεὶς no oneοἶδεν, has known,οὐδὲ neitherοἱ theἄγγελοι angelsἐν inοὐρανῷ heavenοὐδὲ northeυἱός, Son,εἰ ifμὴ nottheπατήρ. Father. 33  βλέπετε Be YOU looking atἀγρυπνεῖτε, be YOU abstaining from sleep,οὐκ notοἴδατε YOU have knownγὰρ forπότε whentheκαιρός appointed timeἐστιν· is; 34  ὡς asἄνθρωπος manἀπόδημος away from his peopleἀφεὶς having let go offτὴν theοἰκίαν houseαὐτοῦ of himκαὶ andδοὺς having givenτοῖς to theδούλοις slavesαὐτοῦ of himτὴν theἐξουσίαν, authority,ἑκάστῳ to each oneτὸ theἔργον workαὐτοῦ, of him,καὶ andτῷ to theθυρωρῷ doorkeeperἐνετείλατο he commandedἵνα in order thatγρηγορῇ. he should be staying awake. 35  γρηγορεῖτε Be YOU staying awakeοὖν, therefore,οὐκ notοἴδατε YOU have knownγὰρ forπότε whentheκύριος lordτῆς of theοἰκίας houseἔρχεται, is coming,whetherὀψὲ lateorμεσονύκτιον midnightorἀλεκτοροφωνίας of cockcrowingorπρωί, early in the morning, 36  μὴ notἐλθὼν having comeἐξέφνης suddenlyεὕρῃ he might findὑμᾶς YOUκαθεύδοντας· sleeping; 37  whichδὲ butὑμῖν to YOUλέγω I am sayingπᾶσιν to allλέγω, I am saying,γρηγορεῖτε. Be YOU staying awake.
