Mark 15:1-47

15  Καὶ Andεὐθὺς at onceπρωὶ early in the morningσυμβούλιον consultationποιήσαντες having madeοἱ theἀρχιερεῖς chief priestsμετὰ withτῶν theπρεσβυτέρων older menκαὶ andγραμματέων scribesκαὶ andὅλον wholeτὸ theσυνέδριον Sanhedrinδήσαντες having boundτὸν theἸησοῦν Jesusἀπήνεγκαν brought offκαὶ andπαρέδωκαν gave overΠειλάτῳ. to Pilate. 2  καὶ Andἐπηρώτησεν inquired uponαὐτὸν himtheΠειλᾶτος PilateΣὺ Youεἶ aretheβασιλεὺς kingτῶν of theἸουδαίων; Jews?The (one)δὲ butἀποκριθεὶς having answeredαὐτῷ to himλέγει is sayingΣὺ Youλέγεις. you are saying. 3  καὶ Andκατηγόρουν were accusingαὐτοῦ of himοἱ theἀρχιερεῖς chief priestsπολλά. many (things). 4  Theδὲ butΠειλᾶτος Pilateπάλιν againἐπηρώτα was inquiring uponαὐτὸν himλέγων sayingΟὐκ Notἀποκρίνῃ are you answeringοὐδέν; nothing?ἴδε Seeπόσα how many (things)σου of youκατηγοροῦσιν. they are accusing. 5  Theδὲ butἸησοῦς Jesusοὐκέτι not yetοὐδὲν nothingἀπεκρίθη, answered,ὥστε as-andθαυμάζειν to be wonderingτὸν theΠειλᾶτον. Pilate. 6  Κατὰ According toδὲ butἑορτὴν festivalἀπέλυεν he was loosing offαὐτοῖς to themἕνα oneδέσμιον bound oneὃν whomπαρῃτοῦντο. they were petitioning for. 7  ἦν Wasδὲ butthe (one)λεγόμενος being saidΒαραββᾶς Barabbasμετὰ withτῶν theστασιαστῶν seditionistsδεδεμένος having been boundοἵτινες whoἐν inτῇ theστάσει seditionφόνον murderπεποιήκεισαν. they had done. 8  καὶ Andἀναβὰς having come uptheὄχλος crowdἤρξατο startedαἰτεῖσθαι to be petitioningκαθὼς according asἐποίει he was doingαὐτοῖς. to them. 9  Theδὲ butΠειλᾶτος Pilateἀπεκρίθη answeredαὐτοῖς to themλέγων sayingΘέλετε Are you willingἀπολύσω I should loose offὑμῖν to YOUτὸν theβασιλέα kingτῶν of theἸουδαίων; Jews? 10  ἐγίνωσκεν He was knowingγὰρ forὅτι thatδιὰ throughφθόνον envyπαραδεδώκεισαν had given overαὐτὸν himοἱ theἀρχιερεῖς. chief priests. 11  οἱ Theδὲ butἀρχιερεῖς chief priestsἀνέσεισαν stirred upτὸν theὄχλον crowdἵνα in order thatμᾶλλον ratherτὸν theΒαραββᾶν Barabbasἀπολύσῃ he should loose offαὐτοῖς. to them. 12  Theδὲ butΠειλᾶτος Pilateπάλιν againἀποκριθεὶς having answeredἔλεγεν was sayingαὐτοῖς to themΤί Whatοὖν thereforeποιήσω should I do [with]ὃν whomλέγετε YOU are sayingτὸν theβασιλέα kingτῶν of theἸουδαίων; Jews? 13  οἱ The (ones)δὲ butπάλιν againἔκραξαν cried outΣταύρωσον Put on the stakeαὐτόν. him. 14  Theδὲ butΠειλᾶτος Pilateἔλεγεν was sayingαὐτοῖς to themΤί What (thing)γὰρ forἐποίησεν did he doκακόν; bad?οἱ The (ones)δὲ butπερισσῶς abundantlyἔκραξαν cried outΣταύρωσον Put on the stakeαὐτόν. him. 15  Theδὲ butΠειλᾶτος Pilateβουλόμενος wishingτῷ to theὄχλῳ crowdτὸ the (thing)ἱκανὸν sufficientποιῆσαι to doἀπέλυσεν loosed offαὐτοῖς to themτὸν theΒαραββᾶν, Barabbas,καὶ andπαρέδωκεν gave overτὸν theἸησοῦν Jesusφραγελλώσας having whippedἵνα in order thatσταυρωθῇ. he might be put on the stake. 16  Οἱ Theδὲ butστρατιῶται soldiersἀπήγαγον led offαὐτὸν himἔσω insideτῆς theαὐλῆς, courtyard,whichἐστιν isπραιτώριον, Praetorium,καὶ andσυνκαλοῦσιν they call togetherὅλην wholeτὴν theσπεῖραν. body of troops. 17  καὶ Andἐνδιδύσκουσιν they deckαὐτὸν himπορφύραν purpleκαὶ andπεριτιθέασιν place aroundαὐτῷ himπλέξαντες having braidedἀκάνθινον thornyστέφανον· crown; 18  καὶ andἤρξαντο they startedἀσπάζεσθαι to be greetingαὐτόν himΧαῖρε, Be rejoicing,βασιλεῦ Kingτῶν of theἸουδαίων· Jews; 19  καὶ andἔτυπτον they were smitingαὐτοῦ of himτὴν theκεφαλὴν headκαλάμῳ to reedκαὶ andἐνέπτυον were spitting onαὐτῷ, him,καὶ andτιθέντες placingτὰ theγόνατα kneesπροσεκύνουν they were doing obeisanceαὐτῷ. to him. 20  καὶ Andὅτε whenἐνέπαιξαν they made fun ofαὐτῷ, him,ἐξέδυσαν they strippedαὐτὸν himτὴν theπορφύραν purpleκαὶ andἐνέδυσαν they clothedαὐτὸν himτὰ theἱμάτια outer garmentsαὐτοῦ. of him.Καὶ Andἐξάγουσιν they lead outαὐτὸν himἵνα in order thatσταυρώσωσιν they might put on the stakeαὐτόν· him; 21  καὶ andἀγγαρεύουσιν they impress into serviceπαράγοντά going besideτινα anyΣίμωνα SimonΚυρηναῖον Cyrenianἐρχόμενον comingἀπ’ fromἀγροῦ, field,τὸν theπατέρα father᾿Αλεξάνδρου of Alexanderκαὶ andῬούφου, of Rufus,ἵνα in order thatἄρῃ he should lift upτὸν theσταυρὸν stakeαὐτοῦ. of him. 22  καὶ Andφέρουσιν they are bearingαὐτὸν himἐπὶ uponτὸν theΓολγοθὰν Golgothaτόπον, place,whichἐστιν isμεθερμηνευόμενος being translatedΚρανίου of SkullΤόπος. Place. 23  καὶ Andἐδίδουν they were givingαὐτῷ to himἐσμυρνισμένον having been drugged with myrrhοἶνον, wine,ὃς whoδὲ butοὐκ notἔλαβεν. he took. 24  καὶ Andσταυροῦσιν they are putting on the stakeαὐτὸν himκαὶ andδιαμερίζονται are distributingτὰ theἱμάτια outer garmentsαὐτοῦ, of him,βάλλοντες castingκλῆρον lotἐπ’ uponαὐτὰ themτίς whoτί whatἄρῃ. might lift up. 25  ἦν Wasδὲ butὥρα hourτρίτη thirdκαὶ andἐσταύρωσαν they put on the stakeαὐτόν. him. 26  καὶ Andἦν wastheἐπιγραφὴ inscriptionτῆς of theαἰτίας chargeαὐτοῦ of himἐπιγεγραμμένη having been written uponTheΒασιλεὺς Kingτῶν of theἸουδαίων. Jews. 27  Καὶ Andσὺν together withαὐτῷ himσταυροῦσιν they are putting on stakesδύο twoλῃστάς, robbers,ἕνα oneἐκ out ofδεξιῶν right-hand [parts]καὶ andἕνα oneἐξ out ofεὐωνύμων left-hand [parts]αὐτοῦ. of him. 28  —— —— 29  Καὶ Andοἱ the (ones)παραπορευόμενοι going their way byἐβλασφήμουν were blasphemingαὐτὸν himκινοῦντες movingτὰς theκεφαλὰς headsαὐτῶν of themκαὶ andλέγοντες sayingΟὐὰ Wa!The (one)καταλύων loosing downτὸν theναὸν divine habitationκαὶ andοἰκοδομῶν buildingἐν inτρισὶν threeἡμέραις, days, 30  σῶσον saveσεαυτὸν yourselfκαταβὰς having come downἀπὸ fromτοῦ theσταυροῦ. stake. 31  ὁμοίως Likewiseκαὶ alsoοἱ theἀρχιερεῖς chief priestsἐμπαίζοντες making funπρὸς towardἀλλήλους one anotherμετὰ withτῶν theγραμματέων scribesἔλεγον were sayingἌλλους Othersἔσωσεν, he saved,ἑαυτὸν himselfοὐ notδύναται he is ableσῶσαι· to save; 32  theχριστὸς Christtheβασιλεὺς KingἸσραὴλ of Israelκαταβάτω let him come downνῦν nowἀπὸ fromτοῦ theσταυροῦ, stake,ἵνα in order thatἴδωμεν we might seeκαὶ andπιστεύσωμεν. might believe.καὶ Andοἱ the (ones)συνεσταυρωμένοι having been put on stakes togetherσὺν withαὐτῷ himὠνείδιζον were reproachingαὐτόν. him. 33  Καὶ Andγενομένης having come to beὥρας of hourἕκτης sixthσκότος darknessἐγένετο came to beἐφ’ uponὅλην wholeτὴν theγῆν earthἕως untilὥρας hourἐνάτης. ninth. 34  καὶ Andτῇ to theἐνάτῃ ninthὥρᾳ hourἐβόησεν called outtheἸησοῦς Jesusφωνῇ to voiceμεγάλῃ great᾿Ελωί Eloiἐλωί Eloiλαμὰ lamaσαβαχθανεί; sabakhthani?whichἐστιν isμεθερμηνευόμενον being translatedTheθεός Godμου of metheθεός Godμου, of me,εἰς intoτί whatἐγκατέλιπές left you down inμε; me? 35  καί Andτινες someτῶν of the (ones)παρεστηκότων having stood alongsideἀκούσαντες having heardἔλεγον were sayingἼδε See!Ἠλείαν Elijahφωνεῖ. he is sounding to. 36  δραμὼν Having runδέ butτις someoneγεμίσας having filledσπόγγον spongeὄξους of sour wineπεριθεὶς having put aroundκαλάμῳ reedἐπότιζεν was causing to drinkαὐτόν, him,λέγων sayingἌφετε Let YOU go offἴδωμεν let us seeεἰ ifἔρχεται is comingἨλείας Elijahκαθελεῖν to take downαὐτόν. him. 37  Theδὲ butἸησοῦς Jesusἀφεὶς having let go offφωνὴν voiceμεγάλην greatἐξέπνευσεν. expired. 38  Καὶ Andτὸ theκαταπέτασμα curtainτοῦ of theναοῦ divine habitationἐσχίσθη was splitεἰς intoδύο twoἀπ’ fromἄνωθεν aboveἕως untilκάτω. below. 39  Ἰδὼν Having seenδὲ buttheκεντυρίων centurionthe (one)παρεστηκὼς having stood alongsideἐξ out ofἐναντίας oppositeαὐτοῦ of himὅτι thatοὕτως thusἐξέπνευσεν he expiredεἶπεν said᾿Αληθῶς Truthfullyοὗτος thistheἄνθρωπος manυἱὸς Sonθεοῦ of Godἦν. was. 40  ῏Ησαν Wereδὲ butκαὶ alsoγυναῖκες womenἀπὸ fromμακρόθεν afarθεωροῦσαι, viewing,ἐν inαἷς which onesκαὶ alsoΜαριὰμ MarytheΜαγδαληνὴ Magdaleneκαὶ andΜαρία MarytheἸακώβου of Jamesτοῦ theμικροῦ little (one)καὶ andἸωσῆτος of Josesμήτηρ motherκαὶ andΣαλώμη, Salome, 41  αἳ whoὅτε whenἦν he wasἐν inτῇ theΓαλιλαίᾳ Galileeἠκολούθουν were followingαὐτῷ to himκαὶ andδιηκόνουν were servingαὐτῷ, to him,καὶ andἄλλαι othersπολλαὶ manyαἱ the [women]συναναβᾶσαι having gone up withαὐτῷ himεἰς intoἸεροσόλυμα. Jerusalem. 42  Καὶ Andἤδη alreadyὀψίας of eveningγενομένης, having come to be,ἐπεὶ sinceἦν it wasπαρασκευή, Preparation,whichἐστιν isπροσάββατον, (one) before the sabbath, 43  ἐλθὼν having comeἸωσὴφ Josephἀπὸ fromἉριμαθαίας Arimatheaεὐσχήμων reputableβουλευτής, counselor,ὃς whoκαὶ alsoαὐτὸς veryἦν wasπροσδεχόμενος (one) waiting forτὴν theβασιλείαν kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ, God,τολμήσας having daredεἰσῆλθεν he went inπρὸς towardτὸν theΠειλᾶτον Pilateκαὶ andᾐτήσατο asked forτὸ theσῶμα bodyτοῦ of theἸησοῦ. Jesus. 44  Theδὲ butΠειλᾶτος Pilateἐθαύμασεν wonderedεἰ ifἤδη alreadyτέθνηκεν, he has died,καὶ andπροσκαλεσάμενος having called toward himselfτὸν theκεντυρίωνα centurionἐπηρώτησεν he inquired uponαὐτὸν himεἰ ifἤδη alreadyἀπέθανεν· he died; 45  καὶ andγνοὺς having knownἀπὸ fromτοῦ theκεντυρίωνος centurionἐδωρήσατο he grantedτὸ theπτῶμα corpseτῷ to theἸωσήφ. Joseph. 46  καὶ Andἀγοράσας having boughtσινδόνα fine linenκαθελὼν having taken downαὐτὸν himἐνείλησεν he wrapped inτῇ theσινδόνι fine linen clothκαὶ andἔθηκεν putαὐτὸν himἐν inμνήματι memorial (tomb)whichἦν wasλελατομημένον having been quarriedἐκ out ofπέτρας, rock-mass,καὶ andπροσεκύλισεν he rolled towardλίθον stoneἐπὶ uponτὴν theθύραν doorτοῦ of theμνημείου. memorial tomb. 47  Theδὲ butΜαρία MarytheΜαγδαληνὴ Magdaleneκαὶ andΜαρία Marythe [mother]Ἰωσῆτος of Josesἐθεώρουν were viewingποῦ whereτέθειται. he has been put.
