Mark 9:1-50

9  καὶ Andἔλεγεν he was sayingαὐτοῖς to them᾿Αμὴν Amenλέγω I am sayingὑμῖν to YOUὅτι thatεἰσίν areτινες someὧδε hereτῶν of the (ones)ἑστηκότων having stoodοἵτινες whoοὐ notμὴ notγεύσωνται should tasteθανάτου of deathἕως untilἂν likelyἴδωσιν they might seeτὴν theβασιλείαν kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godἐληλυθυῖαν having comeἐν inδυνάμει. power. 2  Καὶ Andμετὰ afterἡμέρας daysἓξ sixπαραλαμβάνει is taking alongtheἸησοῦς Jesusτὸν theΠέτρον Peterκαὶ andτὸν theἸάκωβον Jamesκαὶ andἸωάνην, John,καὶ andἀναφέρει is bearing upαὐτοὺς themεἰς intoὄρος mountainὑψηλὸν loftyκατ’ according toἰδίαν private [spot]μόνους. only (ones).καὶ Andμετεμορφώθη he was transfiguredἔμπροσθεν in frontαὐτῶν, of them, 3  καὶ andτὰ theἱμάτια outer garmentsαὐτοῦ of himἐγένετο becameστίλβοντα glisteningλευκὰ whiteλίαν exceedinglyοἷα such asγναφεὺς clothes cleanerἐπὶ uponτῆς theγῆς earthοὐ notδύναται is ableοὕτως thusλευκᾶναι. to whiten. 4  καὶ Andὤφθη was seenαὐτοῖς to themἨλείας Elijahσὺν together withΜωυσεῖ, Moses,καὶ andἦσαν they wereσυνλαλοῦντες speaking together withτῷ theἸησοῦ. Jesus. 5  καὶ Andἀποκριθεὶς having answeredtheΠέτρος Peterλέγει is sayingτῷ to theἸησοῦ JesusῬαββεί, Rabbi,καλόν fineἐστιν it isἡμᾶς usὧδε hereεἶναι, to be,καὶ andποιήσωμεν let us makeτρεῖς threeσκηνάς, tents,σοὶ to youμίαν oneκαὶ andΜωυσεῖ to Mosesμίαν oneκαὶ andἨλείᾳ to Elijahμίαν. one. 6  οὐ Notγὰρ forᾔδει he knewτί whatἀποκριθῇ, he should answer,ἔκφοβοι quite fearfulγὰρ forἐγένοντο. they became. 7  καὶ Andἐγένετο came to beνεφέλη cloudἐπισκιάζουσα overshadowingαὐτοῖς, them,καὶ andἐγένετο came to beφωνὴ voiceἐκ out ofτῆς theνεφέλης cloudΟὗτός Thisἐστιν istheυἱός Sonμου of metheἀγαπητός, beloved,ἀκούετε be YOU hearingαὐτοῦ. him. 8  καὶ Andἐξάπινα suddenlyπεριβλεψάμενοι having looked aroundοὐκέτι not yetοὐδένα no oneεἶδον they sawμεθ’ withἑαυτῶν themselvesεἰ ifμὴ notτὸν theἸησοῦν Jesusμόνον. alone. 9  Καὶ Andκαταβαινόντων going downαὐτῶν of themἐκ out ofτοῦ theὄρους mountainδιεστείλατο he gave ordersαὐτοῖς to themἵνα in order thatμηδενὶ to no onewhat (things)εἶδον they sawδιηγήσωνται, they should relate,εἰ ifμὴ notὅταν whenevertheυἱὸς Sonτοῦ of theἀνθρώπου manἐκ out ofνεκρῶν dead (ones)ἀναστῇ. should stand up. 10  καὶ Andτὸν theλόγον wordἐκράτησαν they laid hold ofπρὸς towardἑαυτοὺς themselvesσυνζητοῦντες seeking togetherτί whatἐστιν isτὸ theἐκ out ofνεκρῶν dead (ones)ἀναστῆναι. to stand up. 11  καὶ Andἐπηρώτων they were inquiring uponαὐτὸν himλέγοντες sayingὍτι Thatλέγουσιν are sayingοἱ theγραμματεῖς scribesὅτι thatἨλείαν Elijahδεῖ it is necessaryἐλθεῖν to comeπρῶτον; first? 12  The (one)δὲ butἔφη saidαὐτοῖς to themἨλείας Elijahμὲν indeedἐλθὼν having comeπρῶτον firstἀποκατιστάνει is restoringπάντα, all (things),καὶ andπῶς howγέγραπται it has been writtenἐπὶ uponτὸν theυἱὸν Sonτοῦ of theἀνθρώπου manἵνα in order thatπολλὰ many (things)πάθῃ he should sufferκαὶ andἐξουδενηθῇ; should be treated as of no account? 13  ἀλλὰ Butλέγω I am sayingὑμῖν to YOUὅτι thatκαὶ alsoἨλείας Elijahἐλήλυθεν, has come,καὶ andἐποίησαν they didαὐτῷ to himὅσα as many (things) asἤθελον, they were willing,καθὼς according asγέγραπται it has been writtenἐπ’ uponαὐτόν. him. 14  Καὶ Andἐλθόντες having comeπρὸς towardτοὺς theμαθητὰς disciplesεἶδαν they sawὄχλον crowdπολὺν muchπερὶ aroundαὐτοὺς themκαὶ andγραμματεῖς scribesσυνζητοῦντας seeking togetherπρὸς towardαὐτούς. them. 15  καὶ Andεὐθὺς at onceπᾶς alltheὄχλος crowdἰδόντες having seenαὐτὸν himἐξεθαμβήθησαν, were stunned,καὶ andπροστρέχοντες running towardἠσπάζοντο they were greetingαὐτόν. him. 16  καὶ Andἐπηρώτησεν he inquired uponαὐτούς themΤί Whatσυνζητεῖτε are YOU seeking togetherπρὸς towardαὐτούς; them? 17  καὶ Andἀπεκρίθη answeredαὐτῷ to himεἷς oneἐκ out ofτοῦ theὄχλου crowdΔιδάσκαλε, Teacher,ἤνεγκα I broughtτὸν theυἱόν sonμου of meπρὸς towardσέ, you,ἔχοντα havingπνεῦμα spiritἄλαλον· speechless; 18  καὶ andὅπου whereἐὰν if everαὐτὸν himκαταλάβῃ it might seizeῥήσσει it dashesαὐτόν, him,καὶ andἀφρίζει he foamsκαὶ andτρίζει grindsτοὺς theὀδόντας teethκαὶ andξηραίνεται· he dried up;καὶ andεἶπα I saidτοῖς to theμαθηταῖς disciplesσου of youἵνα in order thatαὐτὸ itἐκβάλωσιν, they might throw out,καὶ andοὐκ notἴσχυσαν. they were strong enough. 19  The (One)δὲ butἀποκριθεὶς having answeredαὐτοῖς to themλέγει is saying῏Ω Oγενεὰ generationἄπιστος, faithless,ἕως untilπότε whenπρὸς towardὑμᾶς YOUἔσομαι; shall I be?ἕως Untilπότε whenἀνέξομαι shall I put up withὑμῶν; YOU?φέρετε Be YOU bearingαὐτὸν himπρὸς towardμε. me. 20  καὶ Andἤνεγκαν they broughtαὐτὸν himπρὸς towardαὐτόν. him.καὶ Andἰδὼν having seenαὐτὸν himτὸ theπνεῦμα spiritεὐθὺς at onceσυνεσπάραξεν threw into convulsionsαὐτόν, him,καὶ andπεσὼν having fallenἐπὶ uponτῆς theγῆς earthἐκυλίετο he was rollingἀφρίζων. foaming. 21  καὶ Andἐπηρώτησεν he inquired uponτὸν theπατέρα fatherαὐτοῦ of himΠόσος How muchχρόνος timeἐστὶν is itὡς asτοῦτο thisγέγονεν has happenedαὐτῷ; to him?The (one)δὲ butεἶπεν said᾿Εκ Out ofπαιδιόθεν· from little child; 22  καὶ andπολλάκις many timesκαὶ andεἰς intoπῦρ fireαὐτὸν himἔβαλεν it threwκαὶ andεἰς intoὕδατα watersἵνα in order thatἀπολέσῃ it might destroyαὐτόν· him;ἀλλ’ butεἴ ifτι anythingδύνῃ, you may be able,βοήθησον give helpἡμῖν to usσπλαγχνισθεὶς having had pityἐφ’ uponἡμᾶς. us. 23  Theδὲ butἸησοῦς Jesusεἶπεν saidαὐτῷ to himΤό TheΕἰ Ifδύνῃ, you may be able,πάντα all (things)δυνατὰ possibleτῷ to the (one)πιστεύοντι. having faith. 24  εὐθὺς At onceκράξας having cried outtheπατὴρ fatherτοῦ of theπαιδίου little boyἔλεγεν was sayingΠιστεύω I have faith;βοήθει be helpingμου of meτῇ to theἀπιστίᾳ. lack of faith. 25  ἰδὼν Having seenδὲ buttheἸησοῦς Jesusὅτι thatἐπισυντρέχει is running together uponὄχλος crowdἐπετίμησεν gave rebukeτῷ to theπνεύματι spiritτῷ theἀκαθάρτῳ uncleanλέγων sayingαὐτῷ to itΤὸ Theἄλαλον speechlessκαὶ andκωφὸν deafπνεῦμα, spirit,ἐγὼ Iἐπιτάσσω am giving ordersσοι, to you,ἔξελθε come forthἐξ out ofαὐτοῦ himκαὶ andμηκέτι not yetεἰσέλθῃς should you enterεἰς intoαὐτόν. him. 26  καὶ Andκράξας having cried outκαὶ andπολλὰ very muchσπαράξας having convulsedἐξῆλθεν· it came out;καὶ andἐγένετο he becameὡσεὶ as ifνεκρὸς deadὥστε as-andτοὺς theπολλοὺς manyλέγειν to be sayingὅτι thatἀπέθανεν. he died. 27  Theδὲ butἸησοῦς Jesusκρατήσας having laid hold ofτῆς theχειρὸς handαὐτοῦ of himἤγειρεν he raised upαὐτόν, him,καὶ andἀνέστη. he stood up. 28  καὶ Andεἰσελθόντος having enteredαὐτοῦ of himεἰς intoοἶκον houseοἱ theμαθηταὶ disciplesαὐτοῦ of himκατ’ according toἰδίαν private [spot]ἐπηρώτων were inquiring uponαὐτόν himὍτι The whyἡμεῖς weοὐκ notἠδυνήθημεν were ableἐκβαλεῖν to throw outαὐτό; it? 29  καὶ Andεἶπεν he saidαὐτοῖς to themΤοῦτο Thisτὸ theγένος kindἐν inοὐδενὶ nothingδύναται is ableἐξελθεῖν to come outεἰ ifμὴ notἐν inπροσευχῇ. prayer. 30  Κἀκεῖθεν And from thereἐξελθόντες having gone outἐπορεύοντο they were going their wayδιὰ throughτῆς theΓαλιλαίας, Galilee,καὶ andοὐκ notἤθελεν he was willingἵνα in order thatτις anyoneγνοῖ· should know; 31  ἐδίδασκεν he was teachingγὰρ forτοὺς theμαθητὰς disciplesαὐτοῦ of himκαὶ andἔλεγεν was sayingαὐτοῖς to themὅτι thatTheυἱὸς Sonτοῦ of theἀνθρώπου manπαραδίδοται is being given overεἰς intoχεῖρας handsἀνθρώπων, of men,καὶ andἀποκτενοῦσιν they will killαὐτόν, him,καὶ andἀποκτανθεὶς having been killedμετὰ afterτρεῖς threeἡμέρας daysἀναστήσεται. he will stand up. 32  οἱ The (ones)δὲ butἠγνόουν were not knowingτὸ theῥῆμα, saying,καὶ andἐφοβοῦντο they were fearingαὐτὸν himἐπερωτῆσαι. to inquire upon. 33  Καὶ Andἦλθον they cameεἰς intoΚαφαρναούμ. Capernaum.Καὶ Andἐν inτῇ theοἰκίᾳ houseγενόμενος having come to beἐπηρώτα he was inquiring uponαὐτούς themΤί Whatἐν inτῇ theὁδῷ wayδιελογίζεσθε; were YOU reasoning through? 34  οἱ The (ones)δὲ butἐσιώπων, were silent,πρὸς towardἀλλήλους one anotherγὰρ forδιελέχθησαν they expressed themselves throughἐν inτῇ theὁδῷ wayτίς whoμείζων. greater. 35  καὶ Andκαθίσας having sat downἐφώνησεν he soundedτοὺς theδώδεκα twelveκαὶ andλέγει is sayingαὐτοῖς to themΕἴ Ifτις anyoneθέλει is willingπρῶτος firstεἶναι to beἔσται he will beπάντων of all (ones)ἔσχατος lastκαὶ andπάντων of all (ones)διάκονος. servant. 36  καὶ Andλαβὼν having takenπαιδίον little boyἔστησεν he stoodαὐτὸ itἐν inμέσῳ midstαὐτῶν of themκαὶ andἐναγκαλισάμενος having taken into his armsαὐτὸ itεἶπεν he saidαὐτοῖς to them 37  Ὃς Whoἂν likelyἓν oneτῶν of theτοιούτων suchπαιδίων little boysδέξηται might receiveἐπὶ uponτῷ theὀνόματί nameμου, of me,ἐμὲ meδέχεται· he is receiving;καὶ andὃς whoἂν likelyἐμὲ meδέχηται, may be receiving,οὐκ notἐμὲ meδέχεται he is receivingἀλλὰ butτὸν the (one)ἀποστείλαντά having sent offμε. me. 38  Ἔφη Saidαὐτῷ to himtheἸωάνης JohnΔιδάσκαλε, Teacher,εἴδαμέν we sawτινα someoneἐν inτῷ theὀνόματί nameσου of youἐκβάλλοντα throwing outδαιμόνια, demons,καὶ andἐκωλύομεν we were preventingαὐτόν, him,ὅτι becauseοὐκ notἠκολούθει he was followingἡμῖν. us. 39  Theδὲ butἸησοῦς Jesusεἶπεν saidΜὴ Notκωλύετε be YOU preventingαὐτόν, him,οὐδεὶς no oneγὰρ forἔστιν isὃς whoποιήσει will doδύναμιν powerful workἐπὶ uponτῷ theὀνόματί nameμου of meκαὶ andδυνήσεται he will be ableταχὺ quicklyκακολογῆσαί to speak badly ofμε· me; 40  ὃς whoγὰρ forοὐκ notἔστιν isκαθ’ down onἡμῶν, us,ὑπὲρ overἡμῶν usἐστίν. is. 41  Ὃς Whoγὰρ forἂν likelyποτίσῃ might cause to drinkὑμᾶς YOUποτήριον cupὕδατος of waterἐν inὀνόματι nameὅτι becauseΧριστοῦ of Christἐστέ, YOU are,ἀμὴν amenλέγω I am sayingὑμῖν to YOUὅτι thatοὐ notμὴ notἀπολέσῃ he should loseτὸν theμισθὸν rewardαὐτοῦ. of him. 42  Καὶ Andὃς whoἄν likelyσκανδαλίσῃ might stumbleἕνα oneτῶν of theμικρῶν little (ones)τούτων theseτῶν the (ones)πιστευόντων, believing,καλόν fineἐστιν it isαὐτῷ to himμᾶλλον ratherεἰ ifπερίκειται is lying aroundμύλος millstoneὀνικὸς belonging to the assπερὶ aboutτὸν theτράχηλον neckαὐτοῦ of himκαὶ andβέβληται he has been thrownεἰς intoτὴν theθάλασσαν. sea. 43  Καὶ Andἐὰν if everσκανδαλίσῃ might stumbleσε youtheχείρ handσου, of you,ἀπόκοψον cut offαὐτήν· it;καλόν fineἐστίν it isσε youκυλλὸν maimedεἰσελθεῖν to enterεἰς intoτὴν theζωὴν lifethanτὰς theδύο twoχεῖρας handsἔχοντα havingἀπελθεῖν to go offεἰς intoτὴν theγέενναν, Gehenna,εἰς intoτὸ theπῦρ fireτὸ theἄσβεστον. inextinguishable. 44  —— —— 45  καὶ Andἐὰν if evertheπούς footσου of youσκανδαλίζῃ may be stumblingσε, you,ἀπόκοψον cut offαὐτόν· it;καλόν fineἐστίν it isσε youεἰσελθεῖν to enterεἰς intoτὴν theζωὴν lifeχωλὸν lamethanτοὺς theδύο twoπόδας feetἔχοντα havingβληθῆναι to be thrownεἰς intoτὴν theγέενναν. Gehenna. 46  —— —— 47  καὶ Andἐὰν if evertheὀφθαλμός eyeσου of youσκανδαλίζῃ may be stumblingσε, you,ἔκβαλε throw outαὐτόν· it;καλόν fineσέ youἐστιν it isμονόφθαλμον one-eyedεἰσελθεῖν to enterεἰς intoτὴν theβασιλείαν kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godthanδύο twoὀφθαλμοὺς eyesἔχοντα havingβληθῆναι to be thrownεἰς intoγέενναν, Gehenna, 48  ὅπου wheretheσκώληξ maggotαὐτῶν of themοὐ notτελευτᾷ endsκαὶ andτὸ theπῦρ fireοὐ notσβέννυται. is being extinguished. 49  πᾶς Everyoneγὰρ forπυρὶ to fireἁλισθήσεται. will be salted. 50  Καλὸν Fineτὸ theἅλας· salt;ἐὰν if everδὲ butτὸ theἅλας saltἄναλον saltlessγένηται, might become,ἐν inτίνι whatαὐτὸ itἀρτύσετε; will you season?ἔχετε Be havingἐν inἑαυτοῖς selvesἅλα, salt,καὶ andεἰρηνεύετε be keeping peaceἐν inἀλλήλοις. one another.
