Romans 5:1-21

5  Δικαιωθέντες Having been justifiedοὖν thereforeἐκ out ofπίστεως faithεἰρήνην peaceἔχωμεν may we be havingπρὸς towardτὸν theθεὸν Godδιὰ throughτοῦ theκυρίου Lordἡμῶν of usἸησοῦ JesusΧριστοῦ, Christ, 2  δι’ throughοὗ whomκαὶ alsoτὴν theπροσαγωγὴν going towardἐσχήκαμεν we have hadτῇ to theπίστει faithεἰς intoτὴν theχάριν undeserved kindnessταύτην thisἐν inwhichἑστήκαμεν, we have been standing,καὶ andκαυχώμεθα may we boastἐπ’ uponἐλπίδι hopeτῆς of theδόξης gloryτοῦ of theθεοῦ· God; 3  οὐ notμόνον onlyδέ, but,ἀλλὰ butκαὶ alsoκαυχώμεθα may we boastἐν inταῖς theθλίψεσιν, tribulations,εἰδότες having knownὅτι thattheθλίψις tribulationὑπομονὴν enduranceκατεργάζεται, is working down, 4  theδὲ butὑπομονὴ enduranceδοκιμήν, testedness,theδὲ butδοκιμὴ testednessἐλπίδα, hope, 5  theδὲ butἐλπὶς hopeοὐ notκαταισχύνει. is putting to shame.ὅτι Becausetheἀγάπη loveτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godἐκκέχυται has been poured outἐν inταῖς theκαρδίαις heartsἡμῶν of usδιὰ throughπνεύματος spiritἁγίου holyτοῦ the (thing)δοθέντος having been givenἡμῖν· to us; 6  εἴ ifγε in factΧριστὸς Christὄντων beingἡμῶν of usἀσθενῶν weakἔτι yetκατὰ according toκαιρὸν appointed timeὑπὲρ overἀσεβῶν irreverential (ones)ἀπέθανεν. he died. 7  μόλις With difficultyγὰρ forὑπὲρ overδικαίου of righteous (one)τις anyoneἀποθανεῖται· will die;ὑπὲρ overγὰρ forτοῦ theἀγαθοῦ good (one)τάχα swiftlyτις anyoneκαὶ alsoτολμᾶ is daringἀποθανεῖν· to die; 8  συνίστησιν is putting togetherδὲ butτὴν theἑαυτοῦ of himselfἀγάπην loveεἰς intoἡμᾶς ustheθεὸς Godὅτι becauseἔτι yetἁμαρτωλῶν of sinnersὄντων beingἡμῶν of usΧριστὸς Christὑπὲρ overἡμῶν usἀπέθανεν. died. 9  πολλῷ To muchοὖν thereforeμᾶλλον ratherδικαιωθέντες having been justifiedνῦν nowἐν inτῷ theαἵματι bloodαὐτοῦ of himσωθησόμεθα we will be savedδι’ throughαὐτοῦ himἀπὸ fromτῆς theὀργῆς. wrath. 10  εἰ Ifγὰρ forἐχθροὶ enemiesὄντες beingκατηλλάγημεν we were reconciledτῷ to theθεῷ Godδιὰ throughτοῦ theθανάτου deathτοῦ of theυἱοῦ Sonαὐτοῦ, of him,πολλῷ to muchμᾶλλον ratherκαταλλαγέντες having been reconciledσωθησόμεθα we shall be savedἐν inτῇ theζωῇ lifeαὐτοῦ· of him; 11  οὐ notμόνον onlyδέ, but,ἀλλὰ butκαὶ alsoκαυχώμενοι (ones) boastingἐν inτῷ theθεῷ Godδιὰ throughτοῦ theκυρίου Lordἡμῶν of usἸησοῦ JesusΧριστοῦ, Christ,δι’ throughοὗ whomνῦν nowτὴν theκαταλλαγὴν reconciliationἐλάβομεν. we received. 12  Διὰ Throughτοῦτο thisὥσπερ as-evenδι’ throughἑνὸς oneἀνθρώπου mantheἁμαρτία sinεἰς intoτὸν theκόσμον worldεἰσῆλθεν enteredκαὶ andδιὰ throughτῆς theἁμαρτίας sintheθάνατος, death,καὶ andοὕτως thusεἰς intoπάντας allἀνθρώπους mentheθάνατος deathδιῆλθεν went throughἐφ’ uponwhichπάντες allἥμαρτον—. they sinned—. 13  ἄχρι Untilγὰρ forνόμου lawἁμαρτία sinἦν wasἐν inκόσμῳ, world,ἁμαρτία sinδὲ butοὐκ notἐλλογᾶται is being put in accountμὴ notὄντος beingνόμου, of law, 14  ἀλλὰ butἐβασίλευσεν reignedtheθάνατος deathἀπὸ from᾿Αδὰμ Adamμέχρι as far asΜωυσέως Mosesκαὶ alsoἐπὶ uponτοὺς the (ones)μὴ notἁμαρτήσαντας having sinnedἐπὶ uponτῷ theὁμοιώματι likenessτῆς of theπαραβάσεως transgression᾿Αδάμ, of Adam,ὅς whoἐστιν isτύπος typeτοῦ of the (one)μέλλοντος. being about to. 15  ᾿Αλλ’ Butοὐχ notὡς asτὸ theπαράπτωμα, trespass,οὕτως soκαὶ alsoτὸ theχάρισμα· gracious gift;εἰ ifγὰρ forτῷ to theτοῦ of theἑνὸς oneπαραπτώματι to trespassοἱ theπολλοὶ manyἀπέθανον, died,πολλῷ to muchμᾶλλον rathertheχάρις undeserved kindnessτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godκαὶ andtheδωρεὰ free giftἐν inχάριτι undeserved kindnessτῇ to theτοῦ of theἑνὸς oneἀνθρώπου manἸησοῦ JesusΧριστοῦ Christεἰς intoτοὺς theπολλοὺς manyἐπερίσσευσεν. it abounded. 16  καὶ Andοὐχ notὡς asδι’ throughἑνὸς oneἁμαρτήσαντος having sinnedτὸ theδώρημα· present;τὸ theμὲν indeedγὰρ forκρίμα judgmentἐξ out ofἑνὸς oneεἰς intoκατάκριμα, condemnation,τὸ theδὲ butχάρισμα gracious giftἐκ out ofπολλῶν manyπαραπτωμάτων trespassesεἰς intoδικαίωμα. declaring righteous. 17  εἰ Ifγὰρ forτῷ to theτοῦ of theἑνὸς oneπαραπτώματι to trespasstheθάνατος deathἐβασίλευσεν reignedδιὰ throughτοῦ theἑνός, one,πολλῷ to muchμᾶλλον ratherοἱ the (ones)τὴν theπερισσείαν abundanceτῆς of theχάριτος undeserved kindnessκαὶ andτῆς of theδωρεᾶς free giftτῆς of theδικαιοσύνης righteousnessλαμβάνοντες (ones) receivingἐν inζωῇ lifeβασιλεύσουσιν will reignδιὰ throughτοῦ theἑνὸς oneἸησοῦ JesusΧριστοῦ. Christ. 18  Ἄρα Reallyοὖν thereforeὡς asδι’ throughἑνὸς oneπαραπτώματος trespassεἰς intoπάντας allἀνθρώπους menεἰς intoκατάκριμα, condemnation,οὕτως thusκαὶ alsoδι’ throughἑνὸς oneδικαιώματος righteous actεἰς intoπάντας allἀνθρώπους menεἰς intoδικαίωσιν justificationζωῆς· of life; 19  ὥσπερ as-evenγὰρ forδιὰ throughτῆς theπαρακοῆς hearing besideτοῦ of theἑνὸς oneἀνθρώπου manἁμαρτωλοὶ sinnersκατεστάθησαν were constitutedοἱ theπολλοί, many,οὕτως thusκαὶ alsoδιὰ throughτῆς theὑπακοῆς hearing underτοῦ of theἑνὸς oneδίκαιοι righteous (ones)κατασταθήσονται will be constitutedοἱ theπολλοί. many. 20  νόμος Lawδὲ butπαρεισῆλθεν entered besideἵνα in order thatπλεονάσῃ might become moreτὸ theπαράπτωμα· trespass;οὗ whereδὲ butἐπλεόνασεν became moretheἁμαρτία, sin,ὑπερεπερίσσευσεν overaboundedtheχάρις, undeserved kindness, 21  ἵνα in order thatὥσπερ as-evenἐβασίλευσεν reignedtheἁμαρτία sinἐν inτῷ theθανάτῳ, death,οὕτως thusκαὶ alsotheχάρις undeserved kindnessβασιλεύσῃ might reignδιὰ throughδικαιοσύνης righteousnessεἰς intoζωὴν lifeαἰώνιον everlastingδιὰ throughἸησοῦ JesusΧριστοῦ Christτοῦ theκυρίου Lordἡμῶν. of us.
